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Cursing is when you use edgy filler words instead of saying something meaningful.
  • And at the time of writing my previous two posts, I was a little drunk so I hope I made my point lol.

    But yes, I understand where you are coming from. There is always an alternative, more "polite" way of getting a message across, even if that message itself is not polite. Using curses is a crutch for people that do not have the wit and vocabulary to say what they want to say. Did I get that right?

    I feel like we agree to some extent. However, where we differ is in our attitudes towards the use of curses. You seem to look down on people who curse at all whereas I look down on people who curse profusely. By profusely, I mean in situations where cursing is not warranted (inappropriate setting) or just general overuse.

    I think people can do and say whatever they want so long as they don't hurt anybody, cursing included. I don't see how the use of curses actually hurts anyone except maybe the recipient of a pointed "fuck you". Anyone else around to hear the curse word only gets offended because society told them to.

    I draw the line at racial slurs. That's just not cool.

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    Cursing is when you use edgy filler words instead of saying something meaningful.
  • It's entirely possible to get your feelings across without ever using curse words. I commend people for having the emotional maturity and the vocabulary to do so. However, I feel it is emotionally disingenuous to censor yourself with "polite" versions of curse words, for example saying "shoot" instead of "shit" or "fudge" instead of "fuck".

    I can understand if your surroundings aren't conducive to curses, like being around children or in polite company such as a work or religious environment, but if you're in a position where it is socially acceptable to curse but instead choose to censor yourself, I find you to be emotionally disingenuous or at least emotionally immature. If you choose to never ever curse, that's cool too. Again, I think it's commendable to never have to resort to curses. But if you have to use a curse word to get your point across, just use it if the environment is appropriate. Doubly so if it's in a written medium.

    I know what you're trying to say when you type "f**k". You've done nothing but demonstrate to me that you would like to seem "proper" while still resorting to using offensive language. Emotionally disingenuous, or at best emotionally immature. If you feel like you must censor yourself, then just don't curse at all.

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    When was the last time I changed the oil in my mower?
  • I thought two-stroke engines mix the oil and fuel together? Every time you refuel, you should also be topping up the oil. Am I wrong?

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    Cursing is when you use edgy filler words instead of saying something meaningful.
  • I agree to an extent. If overused, cursing can be "edgy" and offputting. However, sometimes you just need to emphasize the emotion of a given statement that mere "polite" words cannot express.

    Quite frankly, I do not trust people that do not curse. I feel that they are not emotionally genuine. Conversely, I feel that people that curse too much are emotionally immature and do not know how to express themselves properly. Cursing is an art. It's a linguistic balancing act where one must take the audience and message into consideration.

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    Blueprint compatibility with 1.0?

    Keep in mind that if you start doing this now, this method may not work in 1.0 once it goes live for the reasons explained in the video. Regardless, I don't see why this method shouldn't work in 1.0.

    There is a creative mode for satisfactory. It involves going into the menu and selecting something. I can't seem to find the video that explains it, but if you select it and a warning pops up that says something along lines of "this change cannot be undone", it's that.

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    *Permanently Deleted*
  • From what I understand, some servers prefer tips because they make more money that way, and since it's cash they don't report it to the IRS so it's untaxed income. I don't know how much of the server population prefers it this way.

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    What's the weirdest compliment you've ever received?
  • "Courage means being scared but doing it anyway" seems like a pretty succinct way of putting it I think.

    My wierd compliment (if it can be called that) was when I was in high school English class. My teacher noticed how competent I was and how I was the only one to consistently raise my hand when he asked a question. He gave us a research paper to do and I got an F on it, exclusively because I fucked up the citations. He said the content was good, but he had to mark me way down due to improper citing. He said "I know you can do better than this."

    Is that a complement? Either way, I think about that interaction and scenario a lot even though I haven't been in high school for well over a decade.

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    RIP, will have a succulent Chinese meal in his honour
  • I'm talking out of my ass, but it could mean that the natural conclusion of democracy is mob rule, where nothing matters besides the sentiment of "the mob", a large group of like-minded people. Here he was falsely accused of theft but because enough people believed the lie, he was taken to jail based solely on sentiment.

    Or not. This is my take on his "democracy manifest" comment.

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    The Darkness
  • Bob the Builder encourages confidence in one's abilities. He says "can we fix it?" And then immediately responds with "yes we can!" and expects you to respond the same with him. The meme is saying their decline in their self confidence and even world view started when they didn't respond "yes we can" but instead "no we cant"

  • https:// /gallery/9MVak4p

    I bought this off Ebay but I am not sure if it is authentic or not. Can anyone here tell me or point me towards a resource I can use?


    Middle schools brutal

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