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This country needs some fuckin' reform.
  • It has a bad reputation cause it isn't well funded, I do agree buses aren't perfect but in my city they come often enough and there is actually plenty of space to rest so it is not a traumatic experience

    Besides the fact that underground trains take care of most transportation

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    TIL Only about 9% of plastic ever produced has been recycled.
  • Well we can move cars with electricity so i guess it could do some good as some point

    That said I'm in the train of let's actually accelerate climate change it's not like no one is going to move a finger till it gets really bad so why should we extend the suffering

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  • Worse part is that food is designed to make the most profit and there a lot of tasty and cheap things you shouldn't eat that much.

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    Autism rule
  • I'm not about to read all of that but I agree I actually saw this in a teacher I had he refused to explain again, explain differently his mind couldn't wrap around the fact that some persons couldn't understand

  • I was thinking about doing an ice trap of hollowness for league start but I wonder if sunblast will be too expensive to buy early

    Tips to calculate DMG? What nodes are important for traps?


    Not like for dating, I think I'm pretty far from that more like friends

    I was thinking in activities like hiking to meet persons
