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  • The parents not caring is bullshit. Once my Dad came over and explained, we were doing it wrong and demonstrated for the kids a better, faster, more dangerous method before then ignoring us and heading back to the other adults.

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  • Genuine question: Can I ask why?

    I've had several components and even had a complete msi PC build in the past and never had an issue with them. I'm not a msi fanboy, nor am I saying buy their products, I'm just curious as to what's the reasoning behind why you tell people not to?

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    How can I get a screw like this out?
  • I've tried it a dozen or so times, maybe worked 2-3 of them. I keep it in my arsenal of tricks because it's quick and easy to try with no negative repercussions if it doesn't work.

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    How can I get a screw like this out?
  • Old life hack that occasionally works for this is to use a rubber band. Grab a rubber band wide enough to cover the screw head, push the screwdriver into the screw through the rubber band, and pray it has enough grip to twist the screw loose. Good luck with whatever method you use.

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    Gearbox founder says Epic Games Store hopes were “misplaced or overly optimistic”
  • This is my current dilemma with the new Star Wars outlaws game. Epic has exclusivity on release (or can buy direct on ubisoft), but I have 29 other Star Wars games all on Steam. Do I really want one odd game on a different platform, or do I just accept that I won't be playing it at release and wait the months for it to come to Steam?

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  • Neither are coyotes, at least not by nature. They may live in a pack, but they typically travel and hunt solo or in pairs.

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    Jeff's magic money machine
  • If you're buying vacant land and paying cash, you can close really quickly as there's nothing in need of inspection, and loan processing times aren't a factor... I have a buddy who just purchased 100+ acres of vacant land from a logging company. He paid cash and was able to close in just a few weeks.

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    Trump, 78, just called himself a 'fine and brilliant young man'
  • You might want to check that again. She'll be 60 in October.

    Edit: Yup. That one sailed so far over head, I didn't even hear the woosh as it went past.

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    Queen of the Nile
  • Didn't Julius Cesar refer to Cleopatra as the woman with the golden mouth? Sounds to me like she might have been the original hawk tuah girl.

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    I didn't get diagnosed until my late 20s....this is why.
  • I didn't get diagnosed until just last year, and I'm in my early 40s. While this new knowledge has certainly had a significant impact on my life, I can't help but wonder how different my life would have been had I been diagnosed in the 3rd grade when I came home and point blank asked my Mom if I had ADHD... spoiler: she told me no.
