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Google Search App Stopped Working For A Few Hours Last Night.
  • Google search is still pretty good although definitely not what it was in its ad-free heyday. That you would go to the trouble of complaining about it is incomprehensible, given the plethora of credible alternatives.

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    OpenAI is reportedly going all-in as a for-profit company
  • Step 1. Make an AI that hoovers up content.

    Step 2. When owners of content complain about privacy violations and copyright infringement, allay their fears. This AI is for the Good of Humanity.

    Step 3. ???

    Step 4. Profit.

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    Big Penny!
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    What is a low technology you really love ?
  • Hand tools are spiritual in a way that machine tools will never be. I love the texture and heft of planes. The simplicity and quiet operation. Working with timber and steel is one of the greatest pleasures in life.

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    TIL over 500'000 German prisoners of war died in forced labour camps, after the German surrender, while detained in the Soviet Union. With the latest survivors only being released a decade later.
  • Wehrmacht was not a Nazi organisation. Members were free to join the party but they were not under any obligation. The SS was an explicitly Nazi army but completely separate from the Wehrmacht.

    German people were compelled to 'support the troops' in the same way that Americans are compelled to support their many illegal invasions of sovereign territory. The British continue to build and operate colonial era warships. The main difference is they were on the winning side, lmao, etc.

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    Older Diagnosed Peeps, what made you pursue your diagnosis?
  • I was diagnosed with ADHD at 47 and I'm probably autistic but it's not worth pursuing it formally. The difference has been massive and it took a year just coming to terms with the realisation. I went through a lot as a kid and I'm trying to untangle the web of masking behaviour. In general it's been great but there were depressive periods where I felt like I was losing my identity. I have devoted a lifetime pretending to be someone else. I don't have to do that any more but old habits die hard. I feel happy, life is easier when we accept who we are.

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    How much do y'all spend on coffee a month?
  • Around 1kg per month. I buy Lavazza red, it tastes good and strong for £10. 40mg lisdexamfetamine washed down with a quad espresso is a good way to start the day.

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    Job application hell
  • The nice thing about developing a skill is that it really puts the inter in an interview. The employer has to be polite and answer questions. They feel bad about wasting your time because you will walk away if they do that too much.

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    Who Stops a "Bad Guy With a Gun"?
  • The 133 real heros are the attackers that stop the attack by leaving the scene of the crime promptly to avoid incarceration.

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    How do you start a car and move it with manual shift "the right way"?
  • Wind the window down, stomp the A-pedal and clutch pedal into the floor, turn the key until the engine roars, dump the clutch like it's last season's fashion. Savour the heady mixture of tyre smoke and unburnt fuel as you peal out into traffic.

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    i will never understand scientific fraud
  • From the outside it's not obvious how many variables influence scientific research that have absolutely nothing to do with science or the pursuit of knowledge and truth.

    Being scientifically literate is insufficient. We must also be highly sceptical and apply critical thinking to the work of other scientists, particularly when large sums of money are involved and the inevitable conflicts of interest that entails.

    People with money are able to fund research but they will never be scientists because they are only interested in what is true to the extent it will make money.

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    A bit fucked up, isn't it?
  • I struggled with this most of my life without knowing why, always feeling like I never measured up. Since being diagnosed and treated at 47 it made a huge difference. I set reasonable boundaries at work and I'm blessed with a sympathetic manager. He gives me tasks that allow me to play to my strengths and make a positive difference in the workplace.

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    This country needs some fuckin' reform.
  • This is the home of car culture and it's the reason the climate change movement has seen such little traction. 80% of this problem could be solved by a decent intercity rail network combined with light rail and cycle paths in the densely populated areas. Sometimes a car is the only solution but everything looks like a nail when your only tool is a hammer.
