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I kinda really like the Jerboa UI changes
  • My best guess would be something like changing the saturation of that section, but I'm not sure how that would work out either

  • That's it that's all I have to say.

    Trump is 78 and barely coherent. Where's everyone who questioned Biden's age and fitness?
  • I mean, I'm not the one saying there was such a thread. The guy above is.

    Just saying that if there is evidence of such, why wouldn't it be okay to point it out?

    I also notice you seem to have trouble understanding what I'm typing from time to time. Just calm down and reread the conversation.

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    I'd like to thank my supporters...
  • Side note, but ever since I removed those app notifications, my experience with going through my home screen felt much better.

  • I'm really excited! I hope I can make friends this week


    Made with YM3812 sound chip


    Edit: I was as to negotiate with the ones organizing the meeting to schedule for another day. I may have been panicked because I stopped Prozac for a while. I'm really sorry for lashing out like that, and thank you for your understanding.

    I'm trying to get my diagnosis. Due to my parents not accepting me receiving mental healthcare, I had to do everything in secret.

    It made my life so much easier when I finally got Prozac. I could finally sleep. Little to no obsessions or intrusive thoughts. I also stopped having pica.

    But I can't get a diagnosis in most places without involving my parents. Until I found someone who could give me one.

    Thing is, if I miss tomorrow's appointment, I can no longer have another chance at it. The health system is clogged and all.

    I had everything planned out. Told them I was going out and all. But now, I can't, because our basement got flooded and I have to stay in order to help them.

    I know this is what I get for wanting the best of two worlds: my parents' support and getting behind their backs. But I just didn't want to keep suffering anymore. I just want it all to stop.


    I know there's no shortage on political posts on Lemmy, especially in other communities, but I don't really know where else I could post this.

    I've always had the philosophy that anyone (referring to the working class here) could spend their money on whatever they want without feeling any shame. Especially when it concerns donations. Donate to the cause that speaks to you more, etc. etc.

    But I honestly haven't considered political donations into my already bare-bones philosophy. And I think that quite shook me when I saw the MastodonForHarris movement.

    I understand that people want to support their favorite candidate and make sure they win so that they feel safer. But doesn't giving 500k to someone who's already rich, receives millions and, let's be honest, still works for the interests of the rich feel a little off to anyone?

    What hit me the most was seeing a post from someone in Gaza that needed 60k. That made me realize that 60k for someone could be life changing, while 500k for Harris could just mean nothing to her. (here's the GoFund me for those who are interested:

    I'm still very new to leftism, so I may be wrong. But nothing feels leftist about any of this. I know not everyone is a leftist on the Fediverse, but I felt like most of us here had anti-corporate and anti-billionaire views. And even if she is a leftist from a US politics point of view, I still can't help but feel like those donations are misplaced due to her donation pool and policies.

    I do not mind if you disagree, but please at least explain why.


    For context, I am using the bevy engine.

    I know that you aren't supposed to store stuff that might contain a lot of information, such as dialogue, NPCs and skills.

    I already found a library that helps me store dialogue (bevy_yarnspinner), but I've yet to find such a library for other ressources.

    So I was wondering, usually in RPGs, where and how are stats, skills, NPCs (including enemies) and maps are stored? And how does leveling up work?


    For context, I am using the libraries bevy and print_typewriter.

    I noticed that before the program even starts, I am able to type in characters. This is bad, since when I ask for the user's input, the previous characters are included inside of it.

    How do I make sure that only the user's input after the program starts, and after I print a question gets in?


    So according to Merriam Webster bread is: a usually baked and leavened food made of a mixture whose basic constituent is flour or meal

    And cake is: A: a breadlike food made from a dough or batter that is usually fried or baked in small flat shapes and is often unleavened B: a sweet baked food made from a dough or thick batter usually containing flour and sugar and often shortening, eggs, and a raising agent (such as baking powder)

    And yet some people don't think that cake is bread.

    What's your opinion?


    In order to update hyprland-git, I need to install hyprwayland-scanner-git. But when I try to install it, pacman says that it failed to commit a transaction.

    I followed the arch wiki, but unfortunately, the file in question is owned by hyprwayland-scanner, so I'm not sure how to proceed.


    I'm trying to make minesweeper using rust and bevy, but it feels that my code is bloated (a lot of for loops, segments that seem to be repeating themselves, etc.)

    When I look at other people's code, they are using functions that I don't really understand (map, zip, etc.) that seem to make their code faster and cleaner.

    I know that I should look up the functions that I don't understand, but I was wondering where you would learn stuff like that in the first place. I want to learn how to find functions that would be useful for optimizing my code.


    I don't know if it's the best place to ask this, but I've been having issues with trying to make minesweeper with bevy.

    I tried making a function that would give the number of mines around the tile that was clicked if it wasn't a mine. Then, I wanted to make it so that when the number of mines around the clicked tiles is 0, it reveals the surrounding tiles. Finally, I tried making the function recursive by rerunning it on the empty surrounding tiles.

    The issue is that it seems that certain tiles with no mines surrounding them don't reveal the surrounding tiles.

    Here's the portion of the code I am talking about (I know it's pretty bad):

    ``` fn find_surrounding_mines( mut set: ParamSet<( EventReader<TileEntity>, EventWriter<TileEntity>, )>, mut surrounding_mines: EventWriter<SurroundingMines>, mut query_board: Query<&mut Board>, mut change_tile_image: EventWriter<ChangeTileImage>, mut query_mine: Query<(&Mine, &mut Tile)>) { let dy: [i8; 8] = [-1, -1, -1, 0, 0, 1, 1, 1]; let dx: [i8; 8] = [-1, 0, 1, -1, 1, -1, 0, 1];

    let board = query_board.single_mut(); let mut num_mine: u8 = 0; let mut y: u8 = 0; let mut copy_x: usize = 0; let mut tile_read:bool = false; let mut copy_num_mine:u8 = 0; for tile in set.p0().read(){ for (row_index, vector) in board.tiles.iter().enumerate(){ if let Some(x) = vector.iter().position(|&x|x == tile.0) { copy_x = x; y = row_index as u8; for i in 0..8{ if x as i8 + dx[i] >= 0 && x as i8 + dx[i] < board.width as i8 && y as i8 + dy[i] >= 0 && y as i8 +dy[i] < board.height as i8{ if let Ok((_mine,mut tile)) = query_mine.get_mut(board.tiles[(y as i8 + dy[i]) as usize][(x as i8+ dx[i]) as usize]){ num_mine += 1; tile.hidden = false; } } } break; } }

    surrounding_mines.send(SurroundingMines(num_mine)); change_tile_image.send(ChangeTileImage{tile: tile.0, asset: "Minesweeper_LAZARUS_21x21_".to_string() + &num_mine.to_string() + ".png"}); copy_num_mine = num_mine; num_mine = 0; tile_read = true; }

    if copy_num_mine == 0 && tile_read{ tile_read = false; for i in 0..8{ if copy_x as i8 + dx[i] >= 0 && copy_x as i8 + dx[i] < board.width as i8 && y as i8 + dy[i] >= 0 && y as i8 +dy[i] < board.height as i8{ if let Ok((_mine, mut tile)) = query_mine.get(board.tiles[(y as i8 + dy[i]) as usize][(copy_x as i8 + dx[i]) as usize]){ continue; }else{ println!("{:?}", (y as i8 + dy[i], copy_x as i8 + dx[i])); set.p1().send(TileEntity(board.tiles[(y as i8 + dy[i]) as usize][(copy_x as i8 + dx[i]) as usize])); } } } } } ```


    J'ai tellement hâte de programmer dans un contexte académique! Mais j'ai aussi une question.

    Est-ce que les classes à l'Université ont le même taux de difficulté que ceux au cégep?

    Aussi, ce serait cool d'avoir des étudiants de polymtl ici ☺️


    For context, I heard the term "Web 3.0" be used for the first time for everything being put on the blockchain. Then, it reminded me of a post on Mastodon saying that the fediverse is Web 3.0. After that I looked it up on the internet, and the definition included A.I. with crypto.

    So I'm wondering, what is actually Web 3.0? What does it mean to you? Or maybe is Web 3.0 just another attempt at making investors pay up?


    This question is rather specific, so I know it's not going to get many answers, but any answer is appreciated.

    I'm thinking about living alone, but I'm worried about getting certain issues. I've already talked about it to my doctor, but I also wanted to get answers from people who have went through it.
