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Danish "socialist" party, Enhedslisten chose a new leader, Pelle Dragsted, who commemorated the "Tiananmen Square Massacre" this June. Denmark is so cucked. (Translation in body)
  • There is also this ... The incident is rather cringe, the police removed a Tibet flag from protesters during a China-Denmark state visit, and the police officers themselves were reprimanded for acting on their own accord. But I find this post even more cringe.


    Protest against panda diplomacy. Today, Eva Flyvholm, foreign affairs spokesperson for Enhedslisten, gave a speech at the demonstration organised by the Support Committee for Tibet in front of the Copenhagen Zoo. "We are not against the pandas, but it is clear that Denmark gets the pandas after we toned down our criticism of the Chinese occupation of Tibet," says Eva Flyvholm. "It is important for us to support the right to demonstrate and display the Tibetan flag.

    Ah yes, let's bring back feudal-theocratic slave rule to Tibet???

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    Danish "socialist" party, Enhedslisten chose a new leader, Pelle Dragsted, who commemorated the "Tiananmen Square Massacre" this June. Denmark is so cucked. (Translation in body)
  • Pretty much. They are definitely socialist in their definition, but they believe in the weakest form of socialist revolution: Voting it in ... On paper at least, in practice it's hasn't been looking good imo. The current ordfører bashing the worlds largest socialist project and them supporting NATO until an alternative is presented is worrying.

    Commendably (Quite a while ago now) they did vote no to the removal of the EU forsvarsforbehold. (As the only left-wing party btw, some right-wing parties did vote no, but that's because they want their own fascist militaries lol)

    Direct democracy, socialist economy, community based governance, rewriting grundloven(constitution) etc. all good stuff on paper.

  • The tweet translated:

    >Today is the anniversary of the massacre of students and workers who fought for freedom, rights and democracy in China, but were suppressed with violence and repression. China's repression of dissidents unfortunately continues in high gear.

    This dude is the new leader for "Enhedslisten"(Unity List), the only "socialist"(They have recently been pro NATO until an alternative arises) party with enough mandates to receive government positions, they are fairly popular.

    Denmark is so cucked.

    The tweet:

    News article about him becoming "ordfører" for Enhedslisten: (Danish)

    New book reveals Tiananmen square massacre, others fabricated by US
  • Not true, they do ... And they claim that it's another instance of SeePeePee violence ...

    Let me see if I can find the libbed up reddit thread where I saw it:

    Not as upvoted as I remember, the post is a Midjourney selfie from tank man.


    > The channels featured English-speaking young women, including a girl as young as 11, who claimed to offer an unfiltered look at every day life in North Korea as informal video bloggers, or "vloggers." > > The YouTube spokesperson said in a statement that the decision to remove the channels was taken to comply with "U.S. sanctions and trade compliance laws, including those related to North Korea." > > "After review and consistent with our policies, we terminated the three channels shared with us," the statement said, without elaborating on who brought the channels to YouTube's attention.

    Considering the timing of the article, this is likely the reason, although YuMu is not mentioned.

    As for what YuMi is? Basically (as far as I can tell) everyday life of a Korean person-vlogging "propaganda".


    Some of her videos:

    Here's an archive of a snack-unpackaging video of hers:

    Snack Time Yumi Tour Series

    And here is a video uploaded by another youtuber:

    Olivia Natasha- YuMi Space DPRK daily

    32pines on reddit: >I found a lot more of the videos here of course they’d get banned tho :”)


    My Reddit post about this from 25 days ago

    The Deprograms Freedom of the Press bot:

    #Freedom of the Press

    >“Freedom of the press” in bourgeois society means freedom for the rich systematically, unremittingly, daily, in millions of copies, to deceive, corrupt and fool the exploited and oppressed mass of the people, the poor. > >\- V. I. Lenin. (1917). How to Guarantee the Success of the Constituent Assembly

    Anti-Communists criticize a lack of "freedom of the press" in societies run by Communist governments. They claim that the government suppresses dissenting voices and controls the media in order to maintain its power, and that this leads to a lack of transparency and accountability, as well as the suppression of free speech and the ability of individuals to express their opinions and hold those in power accountable. They also argue that state control of the media leads to censorship which prevents citizens from accessing unbiased information and making informed decisions. This critique is often used to argue against Communism and in favor of Capitalism. In this light, Capitalist societies are believed to offer greater freedom of the press and personal expression.

    These are all important concerns which ought to be taken seriously. The problem is that these concerns are not specific to Communism; Capitalist societies, as a result of the profit-motive and the accumulation of wealth, suffer from all these same issues.

    Media Concentration

    >There can be no such thing as freedom of the press, except for the owners and editors of newspapers, while capitalism lasts. > >\- Arthur Cowell

    Do you own a news station? A newspaper? Then what "freedom of the press" do you really have?

    >A deep analysis of America’s top 100 news sites reveals key shareholders, parent companies, and commonalities. > >About 15 billionaires and six corporations own most of the U.S. media outlets. The biggest media conglomerates in America are AT&T, Comcast, The Walt Disney Company, National Amusements (which includes Viacom Inc. and CBS), News Corp and Fox Corporation (which are both owned in part by the Murdochs), Sony, and Hearst Communications. > >\- Who Owns Your News? The Top 100 Digital News Outlets and Their Ownership

    With this kind of concentration, the select few who actually own these media outlets have an unparalleled ability to set the narrative and promote their own interests. Sinclair Broadcast Group, for example, owns hundreds of local TV news stations. The most infamous example of them using this network to spread an agenda was this unsettling video: Sinclair's Soldiers in Trump's War on Media.

    This issue affects movies and television producers as well: Here’s who owns everything in Big Media today


    >All over the world, wherever there are capitalists, freedom of the press means freedom to buy up newspapers, to buy writers, to bribe, buy and fake “public opinion” for the benefit of the bourgeoisie. > >\- V. I. Lenin. (1921). A Letter To G. Myasnikov

    In Capitalist societies, the concept of "freedom of the press" is a misleading and deceptive notion. While the ruling class promotes the idea of a free press as a fundamental right, the reality is that the press is owned and controlled by a small group of billionaires who use it to advance their own interests.

    Under Capitalism, the media is a profit-driven industry that is dependent on advertising revenue to survive. As a result, the media serves the interests of the capitalist class by promoting their ideology and suppressing dissenting voices. This is evident in the way that news stories are framed and presented, with an emphasis on sensationalism, celebrity gossip, and consumerism, rather than on issues that affect working-class people.

    The Capitalist media is not a neutral observer of society, but an active participant in the class struggle by hyper-focusing on culture war non-issues such as the endless debate about manufactured controversies such as trans women in sports, an issue which does not affect the vast majority of people. This ragebait distracts from real issues that affect the working class. The media is constantly scapegoating some minority group with sensationalized ragebait narratives such as the "Welfare Queen" or "illegal immigrants".

    The owners and editors of media outlets use their power to set the narrative, which shapes public opinion and influences government policy, to serve their own interests. This is why it is essential for the working class to build its own media institutions that are independent of Capitalist influence.

    >The general deal is that Marvel gets to use real military hardware, film on military bases, and hire real soldiers as extras, while the Department of Defense gets to approve the final script of the film. In other words, Marvel gets tons of stuff to make production easier and cheaper, while the military gets to edit out anything that doesn't make them look good. > >Even the movies that don't have a direct marketing connection to the US military have a noticeable bias towards it. Consider Black Panther, a movie about the monarch of an advanced African nation. The one prominent white character in that film is Everett K. Ross, a CIA agent who aids T'Challa in overthrowing Killmonger. The CIA has a long history of overthrowing regimes, but, in this film, an agent of the organization that put Pinochet in charge of Chile aids in a coup for good. This may not be the intention of the film, but the CIA sure appreciated it. The agency promoted the film heavily on social media, allowing it to glom onto a project that was seen as a great leap forward for representation and a masterful blockbuster film. > >\- The Marvel Military Propaganda Criticism, Explained | GameRant (2022)

    The bottom line is that there is nothing "free" about the press in Capitalist society. For those who have the means, being able to control the media is an incredibly powerful tool for shaping public opinion. We need a truly free and democratic press, but that will never be possible under Capitalism.


    The corporate media in the US practices self-censorship by limiting the range of acceptable opinions and perspectives that can be expressed in their reporting. This is done to maintain a narrow range of political debate that is acceptable to the ruling class and to ensure that the interests of the Capitalist class are not threatened.

    During red scare period of the 1950s, the government was cracking down on leftist and progressive organizations, accusing them of being communist sympathizers or agents. Many journalists and media outlets were investigated and harassed for their supposed left-wing leanings by the the House Un-American Activities Committee (HUAC), which led to a climate of fear and self-censorship in the media.

    As a result, many media outlets and journalists began to avoid covering or promoting progressive or leftist ideas in their reporting. This trend has continued to the present day, with mainstream media outlets often avoiding critical coverage of US foreign policy, imperialism, and corporate power, and instead promoting a narrow range of views that are acceptable to the ruling class.

    Similarly, Operation Mockingbird began in the early years of the Cold War to recruit journalists to manipulate domestic American news media organizations for propaganda purposes. The US government also operates a few explicit propaganda networks such as Voice of America, Radio Free Europe / Radio Liberty, Radio Free Asia, and more in order to export America's ideology internationally, particularly in regions where Communism is popular. In particular, RFE/RL was meant to counter the USSR and RFA was meant to counter the PRC.

    How could we do better?

    First, we could ensure that the media is owned and controlled by the working class. This would allow the media to operate in the interests of the people rather than in the interests of profit and of promoting bourgeois ideology. We could also ensure that the media is run democratically, with workers having a say in the editorial and managerial decisions.

    Second, we could establish strict guidelines for media coverage, ensuring that the media covers events and issues of importance to the people. These guidelines would be developed through democratic participation, with workers, intellectuals, and activists contributing to the decision-making process. We could also establish mechanisms for monitoring and evaluating media coverage to ensure that it is accurate, objective, and free from bias.

    Third, we could promote a culture of critical thinking and media literacy among the population. This would help the people to evaluate media coverage critically and to identify when propaganda is being spread. We could also promote independent media outlets and encourage the development of a vibrant and diverse media landscape.

    Additional Resources

    Video Essays:

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    Western Media Covering Ukraine
  • Nazis in Ukraine doesn't justify the war, but it needs to be fucking addressed.

    We are sending billions in weapons to Ukraine without the faintest idea where they end up, and which hands get to store them. Edit: We kind of do know, but close our eyes to that reality.

    Last time we did this, it was Taliban/ISIS/Al-Queda. Shouts out to our Anti-Soviet freedom fighter Osama Bin Laden:

    White ISIS might be just around the corner.

    So what can we do? End the war.

    Peace negotiations and humanitarian help for the people caught in the middle. Fuck Russia, but also fuck America and NATO. We(Western nations) provoked this war, and it has been brewing for at least a decade. We did absolutely nothing to prevent it. On the contrary: We supported fascists and nazis in Ukraine, and expanded militarybases across Russian borders.

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    Telegram sent by Kim il-Sung to the Black Panther Party in 1970
  • Has been corrected in the post :)

    Also I can recommend contrasting black struggles with Korean struggles! Here's a great inforgraphic on the war from:

  • Since I am new to Lemmygrad I decided to give my first post a go with my favourite Black Panthers/DPRK fact! Note that the image quality is terrible, I have tried various AI-enhancers without luck, the text should probably be replaced by hand, by a skilled individual, here's the transcript:

    Transcription that's easier to read:

    "I express my hearty thanks to your party for the revolutionary greetings sent to me on the new year. Last year your party and the progressive black people of America courageously repulsed the ever intensified fascist oppression and persecution by the U.S. imperialists and won great victory in the struggle for freedom, democracy, and the vital rights.

    The Korean people watch with profound sympathy and express militant solidarity with your just struggle to abolish the cursed system of racial discrimination of the U.S. imperialists and win liberty and emancipation.

    Convinced that the militant ties between the Korean people and the progressive black people of America will further strengthen and develop in the new year in the battle against U.S. imperialism, our common enemy. I wish you fresh successes in your struggle."

    Kim Il Sung

    Premier of the Cabinet

    Democratic People's Republic of Korea

    January 7, 1970


    Here are some more photos from The Black Panther newspaper. (Random Twitter user)

    > The Black Panther Party sent delegations to North Korea and regularly reprinted Kim IL Sung’s words in their newspaper. The Panthers adopted the North Korean idealogy called “Juche” which called for self reliance politically, socially, economically, and culturally.


    Want to learn more about DPRK from non-western sources?

