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Trying to build viable third parties by voting for them in presidential elections is like trying to build a third door in your house by repeatedly walking into the wall where you want the door to be.
  • The primaries are over. The risk of Trump is too high and people spreading 3rd Party ideas right now many be trying to demotivate progressives from voting for Harris. I mean, I'm not a big fan of Harris, but I'll still be voting for her over Trump.

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    What’s your “I can’t believe other people don’t do this” hack?
  • Where did you live? I always wore a mask around other people, but I also live in a rural area, so I didn't need to wear a mask for that many hours comparatively.

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    Every show with a suicide now has a disclaimer with a suicide hotline at the beginning. Is there any evidence that these warnings make a positive difference?
  • No idea, but I thought this would be a good time to share that teen suicide attempt rates spiked almost 30% in the month following Netflix's 13 Reasons Why. It's a pretty bad show, so of course it got 4 seasons.

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    Blizzard Reveals How Much Money Players Spent on Microtransactions in Diablo 4. Sales Revenue Has Already Exceeded $1 Billion
  • I never really described myself as a Gamer, but I wouldn't deny it if someone called me one. Blizzard fans have made me describe myself as someone who plays games, but is not a Gamer(tm).

    I think the only "AAA" thing I'll consider is the next Doom game, but fuck preordering. Dark Ages actually looks slow compared to what I look for now anyway.

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    After charger, Apple removes USB-C cable from the box
  • It's old tech actually. They use it in pacemakers because it's too difficult to replace or recharge the batteries. I guess you could do wireless charging now, but would you feel much safer with a lithium battery inside of you without a good cooling system? The body's internal temperature is surprisingly warm when you start doing the engineering.

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    What’s your “I can’t believe other people don’t do this” hack?
  • Exposure to one virus rarely leads to a resistance to another one. That's why they have a new flu vaccine every year even though they're all closely related. Cow pox immunizating against small pox was a fluke

    It's more about being exposed to everyday bacteria, pollen, and hot/cold cycling that gives your immune system exercise.

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    Ragrets rule
  • I think it's fake, but it's really not that hard to find people that deranged on the internet. Unless this was some internet celebrity though, it's not really relevant.

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    Buy a Ford, get a spionage vehicle instead.
  • Maybe we should have a nonprofit that patents terrible ideas and sues companies that would implement them. Maybe I should patent The Tournament Nexus...

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    Almost 1 in 4 millennials and Gen Z-ers say they won't have kids due to finances
  • All these conspiracy theories about how the elites want to reduce the world population have always been nonsense. If you look, all the most vocal ones have been promoting population growth and when you look at history, downward population trends have only increased the common person's rights. They want a surplus of people so we fight amongst ourselves.

  • Community college ostensibly for people who don't have a good track record from High School, but is often advertised as the cheap, local option for people who don't want to feel bad about having to go.

    I did in fact try community college and it's really just high school material with smaller text. I even took it in parallel with an edX equivalent and the material wasn't even close to each other. The idea that CC is suppose to replace the first 2 years at a real college is terrifying and reinforces how much of the professional word is theater.

    If you do any number of years at a community college, you should be able to apply as a freshman to a real college if you want.


    Rin Penrose discussing the Brave Group buyout of Idol Corp.


    MSM Talent's talent list from March to today.

    This might be considered drama, but I thought some people might be interested in an update.

    March Wayback Machine listing.

    Current List.

    For those out of the loop, back in May, FalseEyed broke a story about MSM. Right after that, several vtubers shared their own stories about dealing with the CEO and his bad behavior.

    Just afterward, Aethel made two statements. The first one saying that he's talking to HIS laywers. The second announcing his departure.

    Since then, the company has been shedding talents. I assume more are just waiting for their contracts to run out and want to leave quietly.

    According to Krimbo, the MSM CEO is largely responsible for Takahata101's burnout last year. It will be interesting to see who shows back up in the bar now that Taka is back.

    Edit: Another four dropped since I posted this. GhostySaige, Nagzz, RPR and Vexoria.

    Most of the open drama is happening on Twitter, which I don't use, so I can only relay second hand info. MSM's Director of Talent also bailed yesterday with the support of exMSM talents.

    Edit 2: and the talent page is empty. Some back and forth going on on twitter.

    Edit 3: Falseeyed's coverage of the msm fallout.


    ClioAite is doing a lecture on the "Dark Ages" ClioAite - Twitch

    The "Dark Ages" - A VTuber History Lecture !merch !gamersupps

    As of this posting, she's still in the prep/warmup room. She previously went viral for her "The Troubles" lecture on Saint Patrick's Day.


    Figured out where Miyune went.



    Weird that she would abandon a 100k+ identity for a rebrand when her old IP already had a serious redesign. It was bothering me where she went when she disappeared out of the blue. One of her notable collabs was being the first to collab with Neuro-sama.


    Something's happening on Kizuna AI's channel...


    Sayu reveals she's joining a company


    Phase Connect Auditions ARE OPEN!

    Former Tsunderia talent, turned PC manager, turned PC talent, Dizzy also did a stream titled: Why You Should NOT Join Phase Connect where she explained what it means to go from being an indie to a corpo talent. What is expected of you, what groups success means, deadline expectations. I think one of the reasons for PC's success has been setting realistic expectations with their talents. I think part of the reason for this steam is to dissuade the people who previous would have misunderstood what PC can and cannot do you for.




    Either I never belonged in the remedial classes, the GED is a participation trophy, or both are true.

    Bonus, I tested out of community college geometry, but struggle with online high school geometry. I mostly wanted the college class to have classroom support for the online high school classes. They refused to let me take the class because I tested out of it.


    Agency Lied To Their VTubers? Court Records Show Agency Contracts Invalid, Owner Being Sued For Debt


    I had a customer come into my garden center today and ask for "those mini sweet peppers. you know, the ones grocery stores sell". I have no idea what those peppers are. I suggested a sweet pimento, but they wanted the grocery store was selling.

    I linked to what I think the person was talking about.

    https:// /web/20050822194814/

    I was thinking of how people on the old internet would just create and share stuff for the simple sake of doing it, without trying to grind the algorithm. This woman in the mid 00's would bike through Chernoby, taking pictures and checking rad levels along the way.

    Her anglefire page is defunk, but she has a youtube page now.

    And for an added level of interesting, here's the slashdot page where I originally found it.



    I'm creating a BoM for a youth group project. We're planning on building the Electromagnetic Ring Accelerator from Hyperspace Pirate. He's provided the 3d print files, but not the finer details on wire gauge, enamel wire gauge and ball size. I also want to confirm the photoresistor. Are there different photoresistors with with different sensitivities or ranges?

    I've included the wip of the BoM.


    I'm in a catch 22 situation. I want to go to a four year college, but I was previously placed in the remedial track and have a poor academic standing. If I go to a community college, I could improve my grades, but the material they cover is a replacement for high school classes and I'd be precluded from signing up for entry classes at the four year college. This seems like to would put me at a disadvantage when that finally happened and I would only be setting myself up for long term failure.

    I'd consider CC if I could "transfer" in as a freshman to a four year, but the colleges I looked into all have rules against applying as a freshman if you have two years worth of credits. When I tried CC, the material was absolutely high school level just with smaller font in the textbooks.

    27 Holmdel Now Owns Crawford Hill, With Historic Horn Antenna

    Holmdel Committee nods to history, looks ahead to how the landmark Horn antenna site will be preserved for science and future generations.


    I've been seeing a lot of usernames formatted "[lowercase][fourdigits]" or "user-[randomletternumbers]".

    Normally, I'd assume that that just means the name was already taken and the numbers are manually entered to make it unique, but the formatting is too consistent. Is that something google is doing automatically?

    The other one is real weird. Is that something some proxy sites are doing for anonymous posting?
