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Vie et mort de la gare routière de Paris-Bercy
  • Les cars de longue distance sont dans quelques pays même plus environnementale que les TGV, n'ont pas besoin d'infrastructure specifique, et sont le mode de transport le plus economique, permettant chacun de faire des voyages en Europe.

    Mais parce qu'ils n'ont pas le niveau de comfort que Mr. Gregoire aimerait, il ose de les appeler "pas dignés".

    Je ne suis pas francais, donc excusez moi pour la langue. "Qu'ils mangent de la brioche". Il y a pas l'espace dans les trains, c'est la realite economique.

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    Jet Fuel
  • Thank you for answering.

    I am not sure where to start, but let's take the easy way: At the moment of writing, the wikipedia page "Persecution of Uyghurs in China" has 585 references.

    They're probably all written by seemingly independent institutions, journalists and scientists who somehow have a McCarthyist-like fear of communism that they'd risk their credibility just to add a bit of damage to communist China's moral standing?

    Or are they all factually incorrect through some other mechanism?

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    Jet Fuel
  • The communism preference, yes. As for the CCP: They literally denied Uyghur persecution. Not even genocide, which is a claim that, due to its severity, is always going to be hard to prove, and thus debatable, I get that.

    But even just the fact that the ethnic-religious group of Uyghurs are being persecuted on a large scale, had to be denied. That's pretty extreme.

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    Jet Fuel
  • I understand your desire to defend communism.

    But really, how far does an authoritarian regime have to go, while calling itself communist, before you judge them?

    What evidence would change your mind about the CCP?

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    Vectors Part 2
  • Check CompassRed's comment above.

    The definition part of the wikipedia article has a table with these "nice relationships for addition and scaling". You will see that they also hold for many kinds of functions, such as polynomials and other more abstract things than points and directions in 2D or 3D. N-dimensional vectors for example, or using complex numbers, or both.

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    Is there an immutable distro based on Hyprland?
  • Ah yeah that looks perfect, just get WayBlue Hyprland then! That sounds like exactly what you need.

    No need to mess about with user services in systemd and display manager config.

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    Is there an immutable distro based on Hyprland?
  • NixOS

    Alternatively (speculating here), you might be able to use Nix to install Hyprland onto an existing immutable distro like Silverblue.

    Nix people please chime in!

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    We all have a “Jared” at our company #softwaredeveloper - YouTube
  • Good point. I guess you're right, there are no flattering roles. But each of those options you list would have been less on top of existing prejudices.

    Making her the (non-technical) project manager whose only contribution is "how many story points is that?", who's then silenced because "this is important!", confirms the typical prejudices about women in tech:

    • no technical expertise
    • is not in charge
    • does not have anything to say that is worth listening to in times of crisis

    Especially being talked over. This matches many women's experiences in men-dominated environments to a T.

    I'd much rather the technically competent, important but socially weird engineer (Jared) be the woman, or the incompetent boss, who's in charge and calls the shots. Even having no women in the skit would be better than this Cindy role.

    Or, weird idea I know, multiple people with different roles being women. 🙄

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    I am tired of all my friends viewing me as a child.
  • I understand your frustrations and I hope you can find people who (100% honest) are more mature than that, and have a happier and more positive attitude.

    This whole "I am so mature" alleged superiority vibe stinks of teenage insecurity. You can do better than that.

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    Elderly Romanian woman used amber nugget worth over $1 million as a doorstop for decades
  • It's a cool story, but the article is a bit messy.

    Took me a while to understand what happened around 1990 and what happened recently.

    I was also surprised to learn that El País employs time travellers:

    In addition, the protected area contains the old Stramba amber mine, known as one of the most productive during the first half of the 21st century, but which was closed down by the communist regime as it was considered unprofitable.

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    Calling All Athiests
  • The most mind-blowing moment I've ever had was the course Relativistic Electrodynamics.

    If you assume static electricity (charges attract or repel), then apply special relativity to see what the situation looks like to an observer travelling by, you get magnetism!

    Turns out half of Maxwell's laws is a direct consequence of the other half once you know about special relativity.

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    LinkedIn Migrates Their Servers From CentOS To Azure Linux
  • Yeah that's the whole Enterprise LTS issue. RHEL is the same, as is Ubuntu after a literal decade of LTS support.

    I am so happy that we have podman in RHEL 8. Rootless podman containers with distrobox are a godsend in these software geography dig sites that have to pass for a workshop.

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    Is WattOS open source?
  • I have never heard of WattOS but that sounds terrible.

    It seems like antiX is a systemd-free Debian flavor.

    If you want systemd, why not just use Debian? Or, if you are looking for a nice preconfigured DE/WM, any of a number of Debian/Ubuntu derivatives.

    Mint for best out of the box setup, Pop!_OS for tiling, Zorin OS if you're looking for a funky styling, any of the Ubuntu derivatives for the major DEs: Kubuntu, Xubuntu, etc.

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    Microsoft hand original mono project off to WineHQ
  • Makes sense. Mono was necessary in the "old .NET" world, where runtimes were tied to Windows versions and the framework was a pure Windows framework. Mono made it possible to run old dotNET framework versions (up to 4.8) on other OSes.

    Since dotNET Core and then dotNET 5 and higher, the framework itself is cross-platform so Mono is not necessary anymore, except for backwards compatibility for apps that use a now unsupported framework.

    So it makes sense that Microsoft, after dropping the old dotNET Framework versions, also wants to stop supporting the cross-platform library that was only needed for those old versions.

  • Context: in the UK, climate activists got 4-5 years in jail for planning a non-violent protest. The law that made this possible was literally written by the oil lobby:


    Thanks to the in ! for the inspiration!


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    > Small 1:72 F4U Corsair model built in a weekend > > Full album can be found at:

    6 Sign the Petition

    Urge Microsoft to Make Windows Mixed Reality VR Platform Open Source

    cross-posted from:

    > Petition: make WMR open source > > Microsoft has stopped supporting WMR. > > Please sign this petition to?open-source the software, so others can maintain it and prevent the perfectly good VR headsets becoming e-waste!

    20 Sign the Petition

    Urge Microsoft to Make Windows Mixed Reality VR Platform Open Source

    cross-posted from:

    > Petition: make WMR open source > > Microsoft has stopped supporting WMR. > > Please sign this petition to?open-source the software, so others can maintain it and prevent the perfectly good VR headsets becoming e-waste!

    6 Sign the Petition

    Urge Microsoft to Make Windows Mixed Reality VR Platform Open Source

    Microsoft has stopped supporting WMR.

    Please sign this petition to?open-source the software, so others can maintain it and prevent the perfectly good VR headsets becoming e-waste!


    So I recently started to recognize a lot of the behaviors associated with ADHD. I was and still am in doubt whether I have ADHD or not, but some specific events caused me to ask my doctor to refer me for a diagnosis. I was actually doing quite OK-ish this year, after having struggled with self-worth, short depressive episodes and mild trauma in the recent past. But I noticed that I started to have trouble focusing again as the newness wore off after my career change. And I got called out by my friends for "acting ADHD". Which did not sound unusual at all.

    So I got the referral, went through the intake with shrink 1, did an adult ADHD diagnosis with shrink 2. The diagnosis involved me and my mom answering questions about the presence of ADHD symptoms now and in my early childhood (5-12 yo). Basically, now I do have almost all of the characteristics, though they often are erratic (no problems studying, huge difficulties with household tasks, work productivity varies orders of magnitude day to day) and often not noticed by others (my average productivity in a month is great, though many days I feel shit due to not being able to do what I am supposed to).

    In childhood, no symptoms were found. Zero. Partly because everyone in my family is forgetful and mom picks up stuff after everyone all the time, I was constantly reminded/pushed/supported and did not really have the opportunity to forget things (though I still did) and partly because like now, many of these things happen in my head and are not noticeable in the averages that others see. Except when I'm talking too much and interrupting people but I guess thats acceptable when children do it.

    Maybe I don't have ADHD. Maybe it's something else. Maybe the shrink misunderstood me.

    But I feel shit right now. The title is what I had pre-planned to say to people about the outcome and if they say again "don't act so ADHD". I can say it with a laugh and everyone thinks I'm funny and quirky.

    But the truth is, I feel misunderstood. I feel like a failure for having fallen into an ADHD phenotype even though I am hugely privileged and have none of the baggage so many people here do. No childhood trauma, no school/grades problems, no poverty.

    I can't help but feel that my behavior is my fault, as is wasting health professionals time, who could have helped someone who actually needed it. Shrink 1 is on "long-term sick leave" now. She got stressed by me clicking things constantly during the (remote) interviews. Another thing to feel guilty about.

    Best case now is that they diagnose me with some sort of anxiety disorder now. I have been reading a book on autism that I found and it somewhat satisfies my yearning for closure and community in what the author finds, but it also makes it extra painful that I don't have that.

    I don't have ADHD, I just am super annoying. And I need to deal with that and it's not actually all that funny.

    I'm sorry for the wall of text. Thanks for sharing your stories and memes and goodbye!

    • Pop!_OS 22.04
    • on a 500GB SATA SSD
    • separate partitions with ext4 fs for the root and /home partitions.

    I have Googled a lot, resized the home partition and filesystem a few times (from a liveboot USB) and run various analyzers but the problem persists.

    Some output:

    ``` pop-os@pop-os:/media/pop-os$ sudo resize2fs /dev/sda3 resize2fs 1.46.5 (30-Dec-2021) Please run 'e2fsck -f /dev/sda3' first.

    pop-os@pop-os:/media/pop-os$ cd a358cafe-a2a3-46a4-ba33-0a82e88fb157/ && sudo ncdu || cd ../ pop-os@pop-os:/media/pop-os$ sudo lsblk /dev/sda3 -o size SIZE 271G pop-os@pop-os:/media/pop-os$ sudo e2fsck /dev/sda3 e2fsck 1.46.5 (30-Dec-2021) /dev/sda3: clean, 264256/17768448 files, 8195768/71048094 blocks pop-os@pop-os:/media/pop-os$ df -h --out=size a358cafe-a2a3-46a4-ba33-0a82e88fb157/ Size 266G ```

    ncdu, du show 62 GB and Steam says similarly that there is no space to install games.

    When I resize the partition and filesystem, it does show less remaining size. Resizing back to 290 GB, the max is still ~62 GB total apparent space.

    Any ideas before I nuke the partition and move my data into a fresh one?


    I am not looking to onboard thousands of users or host large communities, just my own and some family and close friends' accounts. I don't currently have a scalable homeserver setup (just a local Home Assistant instance on a Pi) and don't have the space to put an old desktop running Proxmox on a cable.

    I was browsing single-board computers and the Pine64 (2GB RAM) looks like a good deal. It seems more powerful than similarly priced Raspberry Pis (3B 1GB). Is it good for running a small Lemmy instance on?

    EDIT: Thanks for the advice all, just bought an 8th gen i3 NUC (4 vCPU, 8GB RAM) to play around with Proxmox and VMs. Going to start off with migrating Home Assistant and then set up a Lemmy instance, and perhaps a static website too.


    Any combat flight simmers out here?

    Is there a federated r/hoggit-like place already? What should a federated hoggit be called? Foggit? Or just

    As for me personally, I mostly fly helicopters and mid-late cold war jets (guess my favorite) in DCS though I sometimes do MSFS and have previously flown X-Plane (7,8,11).

    I use a VR headset, HP Reverb G2, with Virpil HOTAS and MFG pedals. Ryzen 5800X3D with an RTX3080.
