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  • Yeah it’s the social life that really suffers. When my wife and I were dating I was doing night shifts 10pm-7am then classes starting at 8am.

    We’d hangout after classes but I’d pass out trying to stay awake to watch a movie which would cause my body to jolt awake and scare the shit out of her

  • I was curious how much those blue barrels you see bodies buried in cost

    If you’re feeling fancy and hate microplastics you can upgrade to steel barrels for only $50 more!

    Risk of Rain creators Hopoo Games join Valve
  • Sadly it’s pretty easy to get an invite. I got one from a few friends and they told me they just sat in a weird discord asking for invites.

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    Risk of Rain creators Hopoo Games join Valve
  • That’s just new competitive games in general though. The best time to play a pvp game is the first month when there isn’t a clear meta yet and everyone’s having a good time.

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    Game of Thrones Author George R.R. Martin to Talk About 'Everything That’s Gone Wrong With House of the Dragon' - IGN
  • I actually really liked season 1 which made season 2 a bigger disappointment. At some point my wife and I were able to joke and predict when “sad funeral” scene was about to happen for some character you didn’t give a shit about because they were a background blip.

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    What was the hardest part of schooling for you?
  • I don’t think my adhd ever came out as restlessness.

    I always tried really hard to keep track of what was going on but the dumbest thing would cause me to zone out . When I was done zoning out I was so lost that I would just give up and continue daydreaming.

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    What makes a great burger for you? On the contrary, what can ruin it?
  • Whenever I get back from a camping trip I always grab a smash burger from the shittiest looking mom and pop joint I can find.

    Tbf after camping trips anything covered in salt will be god tier. My wife and I did a weekend backpacking trip but didn’t bring any great food. On the way home the only place to stop was a Shoneys and we still joke that it was the best meal we’ve ever had.

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    What hobby was easier to get into than you thought?
  • You can buy like $50 kits or go on Craigslist and look for someone selling their impulse bought gear.

    Add in a license fee and even then it’s not too bad for time killing hobby.

    I think when I first got into it I was put off thinking I’d need like the finest $3k in orvis gear and I’d need to buy $10 flies at my local shops.

    Like there’s a weird bougie-classist feeling I think a lot of people have which turns them off of trying to get into the sport.

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  • It survived and lived for a good bit longer.

    I wish I knew what species it was. If anyone knows what type of live eels they sold in Asian markets in central Illinois like thirty years ago lmk lol

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  • Nah it survived and lived for a good bit longer. I think it pushed the cheap lid/light combo off of its tank.

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    What hobby was easier to get into than you thought?
  • Fly fishing

    Got yelled at as a kid for playing with your pole too much? Then it’s the hobby for you. Can practice in your backyard and it’s fun just to whip shit around

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  • When I was a kid I bought an eel from the local Chinese grocery store. We went away one weekend and came back to it dried up and covered in hair on the floor. I thought it was dead because it was so dried out but the thing was still kicking when I went to bag it.

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    How do you not get so exhausted while programming?
  • I don’t really program anymore but I do manage a group that includes programmers. In college, my professor said the gig is 99% pulling out your hair but living for that 1% when you solve it.

    I find myself bored and paranoid when things are going smooth so I don’t think I ever felt bored when debugging.

    There are times when I’ve focused on something for too long and go without eating or drinking so I had to pull myself away.

    The only advice I can give is just the general good life advice of eat well, sleep well, and stay active.

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    Gearbox founder says Epic Games Store hopes were “misplaced or overly optimistic”
  • Not only that but it’s a worse user experience all around.

    I fucking hate the EGS and Xbox stores for browsing new games. Most of the time you’ll get an animated video that’s not game footage and two screenshots that don’t tell you shit.

    Not to mention that the formatting is so bad that the client requires you to basically be in fullscreen but you’ve still gotta scroll a mile down to get any info.

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    Spotted in the wild on Oahu two years ago
  • On Reddit I always assumed shirt subs were created by dropshippers because there’d be some “helpful” dude in the comments with the most spam looking link possible.

    So I’m surprised to see these kinds of subs here

  • 3

    Sorry for the short clip but I’m not sure where you can find the uncut versions these days.

    I went through and binged season 1 a few months ago. The way they handle animals and interact with animals is so foreign that it’s hilarious.

    Also apparently in the 1960s they didn’t cut shit. If they filmed it then it probably made its way onto tv. There’s so many bizarre scenes where you ask yourself why tf was this kept in.

    Check them out if you can! I remember another scene where they lasso bears from canoes


    Leonard Nimoy: The Ballad of Bilbo Baggins [2:19]

    Might not be super obscure but as a lifelong LoTR fan and new Trek fan this was my first watch!

    0 Piped

    An alternative privacy-friendly YouTube frontend which is efficient by design.


    Hey, sorry for the meta post! Please please delete this post if this doesn’t fit here.

    I love this sub but there’s been a few movies where I love the cover and the movie isn’t very popular (these day?) but I don’t post it because it’s a once popular film.

    Some examples are like

    They Live (carpenter)

    Mars Attacks

    In the Mouth of Madness

    I love all of those but fear they’re too well known or had too big of a budget to be B movies.

    Like I love the activity on this sub but don’t want to accidentally co opt it into just being movies I love haha


    I feel like this movie got/gets a lot of hate but as someone who was never a big fan of slashers it’s my absolute favorite Halloween franchise film!


    So we’ve played a little MTGA online so we’re a little comfortable with the game but have no idea how to get into physical cards.

    We’re interested in having mainly only LoTR ones but weren’t sure what to buy at the store.

    Online it looks like there’s starters and boosters but what would be the best way to get like a lot of LoTR mainly cards?

