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Oh man the self burn is incredible
  • No it wont lol, I'm a tankie and I wrote it. The word Liberal and Conservative do not have a special meaning to tankies, they just realize that Democrats and Republicans are both Neoliberal at heart and exist to protect the horde's of wealth accumulated by the owning class. The Democrats are just less sociopathic about it.

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    Oh man the self burn is incredible
  • For those out of the loop, the parties largely switched when LBJ a Democrat signed the Civil Rights Act into law. All of the Jim Crow south, which had been run by the Democrats that caused the Civil War, Switched to the Republican Party, because of their racist beliefs.

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    Bat diets
  • Thought it said Bad Diets at first glance, and i was like, yeah that diet sounds pretty bad... oh wait BAT diets lol

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    How do you craft pick axes?
  • Ok thanks i found it!

  • Couldn't find anything on the wiki so thought i would ask here.

    Trump-Harris debate mood board
  • She looked really good, Im all kindsa libbed up.

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    Woman who was denied a liver transplant, after review highlighted alcohol use, has died
  • And how prevalent and socially acceptable Alcoholism has become.

  • Was talking about this with my partner while on a hike, they think they couldn't take ni more than 8 While I said I thought i could take at least 30. No weapons, just you and the squirrels.

    This community has given me bean brain.
  • Soy bean

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    Commanders VP suspended after being caught on secret recording calling Commanders fans 'mouth breathers,' 'high school educated alcoholics'
  • Its literally one of the few franchises you can afford to be a fan of lol. Dude just hates the middle class.

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    What instances do you block and/or contain the most trolls?
  • Says user Delightfully Divisive

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    America's Smartest Man Finds Something Interesting
  • It largely depends on what lense you parse your logic through, if its the lense of accumulating wealth and power you will almost always reach the same conclusion, the same if you use dialectical Materialism you will almost always reach yhe same conclusion. In the first instance you wont be able to understand how others can't see the truths that are burning into your retinas, while in the latter truth you will understand exactly why they avoid the rubric of logic which brings makes their lifestyle unable to accept they are everythig wrong with the world and dragging us int a greenhouse heat death in the pursuit of profit.

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    How do you get flax?
  • Thanks!! Will have to head over there after I'm done fishing!

  • Working on levelng my crafting, and cant figure out where to get flax to make rope...

    Civic Engagement
  • I protest more than I vote, but I always vote.

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    What hobby was easier to get into than you thought?
  • Its so much fun! I buy used SLR cameras and equipment from estate sales on the cheap (always below $30) and develop my film at home instead of paying $10 a roll to have it processed in a lab (chemicals cost $24 for 24 rolls of developing ) about to start bulk rolling my film for the cost of $6 a roll as opposed to spending $10-$16 per roll from the photography shop near me. Brining the cost down to shoot and develop the film from $26 per roll to $7 per roll.

  • We need a walkscape community!

    Just got approved for their beta and I feel like a community here would be really valuable!


    Taken on my Canon Pellix QL on 35mm Portra 400


    Organize, Vote, Resist


    Slide to the left.


    If you haven't heard of stumy, he was a cherry tree from the tidal basin in Washington dc that refused to die. He was a hollow withered husk of a tree, but still refused to stop blooming every spring. Since he is now mulch and didnt get to finished blooming I thought that it was fitting as an artistic decision to leave my painting of him in an unfinished state.
