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Sketch of energy weapons
  • Just a thought on realism - if you're going that way.

    Make each end of the mag clear and obvious. Reloading in the dark, under fire or when panicked will make mistakes and it pays to make the front and back obvious.

    Or just put a disclaimer that putting the clip in backwards will make the weapon shoot the wrong way. Why? Because its funny.

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    China's EVs are fueling a big oil demand slowdown
  • If we go down that path you're also forgetting the energy costs of manufacturing, distribution, installation and maintenance of the renewable producers. Definitely haven't forgotten the need for a snarky comment though.

    You can say "this is better, forget everything else" or you can look at the wider systematic concerns and solutions and actually succeed.

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    China's EVs are fueling a big oil demand slowdown
  • To start with I fully agree with your last paragraph- no arguement here.

    You're right on recyclability, the problem is that they aren't because the infrastructure isn't in place or profitable. There is also the fact the earth doesn't actually contain enough of the rare earth minerals to give everyone an EV (This is off memory, cant place the source).

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    China's EVs are fueling a big oil demand slowdown
  • That's a very weird comment - first part is really hard to read and you've accused me of not arguing in good faith without anything to suggest as much. If im reading this correctly

    • Evs are comparable in manufacturing carbon. I don't have the numbers but believe Evs are much higher due to rare earth mining, and that is before considering the environmental damage due to mining, social costs involved and considering the lack of standards where they are mined. Make no mistake, fossil fuel mining isn't much better in this regard but it is a well known beast.

    You then have the whole argument on how that power is actually generated. Mass power generation is much more efficient than small ICE, but it does still add up if its not using renewable sources.

    Regarding battery efficiency- yes I agree they will get better the same way ICE did.

    The other point is that the EV swap delays other advances - walkable cities, car centric infrastructure, mass transportation. If we cut carbon by 50% but it delays 0% by decades did we actually achieve anything?

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    China's EVs are fueling a big oil demand slowdown
  • Yes, if you are only considering the individual's carbon cost and power is generated via 100% renewable means.

    Something like 80% of China power is fossil fuels. Admittedly large scale power generation is more fuel efficient, and I don't have the full numbers of carbon cost of manufacturing, but its important to keep in mind that carbon costs didn't just disappear overnight.

    Another consideration is that Evs still drove car centric culture. If each EV saved 50% of a vehicles lifetime carbon, but it doubled the time for mass transport to be more widely adopted, lengthened the time for cities to prioritize other means of transport and city design, and means we as a society made 50% more vehicles did we actually save anything?

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    China's EVs are fueling a big oil demand slowdown
  • I wouldn't take it too strongly yet.

    Actually fueling a car is only something like 60 - 80% of the total carbon cost. Rest is manufacturing and disposal. Evs hold considerable costs (carbon, waste, human suffering) in terms of manufacturing and disposal, and only really pay off if their power is created in sustainable ways - otherwise you're just pushing the problems out of sight.

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    China's EVs are fueling a big oil demand slowdown
  • One commits it, one supplies arms to a third being investigated for it (we at confirmed yet?). Its murder vs manslaughter or association to murder.

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  • You forgot "Simone de bouvour".

    And "psychology has determined that we determine three things when looking at a face - age, sex, race".

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    Nestlé Carnation hot chocolate: 400g (was 500)
  • First of all, yes fuck Nestlé.

    Things like this aren't meant to be received filled - they naturally compact. Not to be confused by things like chips, which are meant to have air as a buffer.

    That 400g v 500g however - 100% shrinkflation

  • Look, we need the money and fuel is bloody expensive, but I believe we are adding another problem to the next generation and regressing further.

    The tax sucks, but the benefits were worth it.


    Don't know the best way to put this but ill try.

    As much as I love this country, we have fallen soo far behind. I don't want to get to political, but I think Labour tried to fix it in one way, now Nat will try the other. Neither will work in the time they have.

    We always prided ourselves on our past accomplishments- women vote, Hillary, Rutherford, Nuclear Free, Maori Batallion - and what we are as a country - massive dairy producers, amazing tourist destination, friendly people. But we have dwelled on it too long and got complacent. Our desire to repeat our past success has made us miss opportunities that require years of investment, and meant we are now in a cultural and economic hole that will be increasingly difficult, expensive and time consuming to get ourselves out from.

    We have a tiny population and limited housing in an empty country where people have limited desire and finances for kids. Massive farms that produce income for a few overseas investors or historic families. Massively increasing inflation and cost of living due to our long supply chains and small industry base, especially compared to overseas. Falling education at a time we needs teachers, medical persons, engineers and tradies... unis are slashing courses, councils are running out of money, and overseas investors will funnel more out of the country.

    I just want others thoughts around this - I have multiple ideas and theories, but I want to hear from you all.


    Everytime i comment the text int showing up - just the underline. Works in this post for some reason though.


    Hi all,

    Reddit refugee here. I've been following hfy for a number of years and am invested quite heavily in a number of stories. I usually read on mobile on my lunch break, but with rif going and the shocking app it's replaced with I can no longer do so - just log in via computer every week or so to catch up.

    What I am interested in is seeing if any coders here are able to make a bot that pulls ongoing stories from r/hfy when they are updated (first contact, TFTR.etc) and ask the authors if they are ok with it being automatically posted to lemmy as well?
