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Republicans threaten a government shutdown unless Congress makes it harder to vote
  • Dems need to draw a line in the sand here and do some of the campaigning on this

    "They are so afraid that they would rather shut down government than allow votes"

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    Even desert plants known for their resilience are burning and dying in the heat
  • But clearly this is just a natural thing. Why, desert plants are KNOWN to burn up during natural shifts in climate, ESPECIALLY after an ice age ends!

    @.@ Guess what dumb ass argument I hear a lot for why the summers are getting hotter

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    Zelensky: Diplomacy 'not at the expense of 30% of our territory'
  • Brand new account, basically no comments, the few comments saying, essentially, that Ukraine should roll over?

    Maybe it's coincidence Maybe it's Russian Ops™

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    That's what they think.
  • People have been putting up fake ads to call out Loblaws. So this likely is a real, unaltered photo but a fake ad

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    Kamala Harris takes 7-point lead over Donald Trump in new national poll
  • Remember to still vote. Even if it's accurate, the GoP is trying to prep as many cheats as possible so they can kick it to the supreme court. You need overwhelming numbers - Enough that even just 3 of the Republican Supreme Court members say the results are valid out of fear of retaliation

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    Can THC Turn Back The Clock? Cannabis Reverses Brain Aging, Boosts Mental Capacity, New Study Suggests
  • Dude, a badly written article with stocks at the top connected to the very thing it is talking about is usually going to be trash and highly biased

    It would be very rare for a badly written article about say energy drinks being good for you on a site all about energy drinks with stocks for junk food companies showing to link to an article or paper not paid for by Gatorade or something

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    Can THC Turn Back The Clock? Cannabis Reverses Brain Aging, Boosts Mental Capacity, New Study Suggests
  • The very opening basically repeating the name of the college twice and the stocks at the top had me immediately back out of the article as it came across as effectively trash. I then looked at the comments here and was surprised there was an actual publication linked

  • Pope Francis is gearing up for the first millennial saint, a web developer known as 'God's influencer'

    Carlo Acutis, a teenage website developer, was attributed a second miracle by Pope Francis, advancing his path to becoming the first millennial saint.

    Carlo Acutis, a teenage website developer, was attributed a second miracle by Pope Francis, advancing his path to becoming the first millennial saint.
