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I'm overworked, I look like this and I miss @ahdok
  • Also, I'm not a medical professional, but I was just wearing scrubs just now... post-processing a 3d resin print after working too much all week.

    Which konsi are you?

  • Socks and Puppets

    4. Doctor Respect to our medical professionals.

    Credits to for guessing my likeness after a few days of sleep deprivation.

    How about you? which Konsi are you at the moment?

    I'm assuming everyone knows Konsi and Ahdok, but if not there's plenty of their work here and on their profile.

    Let's do this. ❤️‍ 😴

    Yeah, this will do nicely
  • Weird, I see >!spoilers!< tag like reddit uses and not the
    ::: title
    format that lemmy uses.
    Are using a browser or an app?

  • Jump
    Yeah, this will do nicely
  • Lemmy spoiler tagging format

    ::: spoiler about something
    Details about something

    about something

    Details about something

  • Jump
    I have a problem
  • The purple Lamy ink is gorgeous.
    For some reason, I can't find my fountain pen (yes, one), so that's probably good enough reason to buy another.

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    The fighter learning a valuable lesson
  • I think Solasta felt more like a D&D campaign than BG3 to me.
    I wouldn't say it's better than BG3, but I liked you played more as a party instead of a protagonist with companions.
    Neither of those are gonna offer as much shenanigans and nonsense than a table can (or vtt).

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    One-Page Megadungeon
  • Looks like a Microfilm reader?
    As for the joke... It's like the dungeon was so huge they had to "shrink" it to microfilm to be able to fit in "1 page".

    I wouldn't say it's a great joke, but that's what I got out of that.

  • Jump
    Spellslot well spent
  • Well I mean, next time your party needs to escape from somewhere, book an escape room that has a theme that's close enough.
    There'd be no tabletop element, obviously no weapon or spells, although your players can still kinda roleplay in there.

    Most escape rooms around here already have their own little backstory and an actor introduces you to their shtick and sometimes interacts with you through the thing.
    If you call them ahead of time, they might agree to slightly alter their existing stuff to accommodate your story.

  • Jump
    Spellslot well spent
  • I was gonna give you advice on trapping them, but then I realized you were talking about their characters and not the actual players.
    Then again, playing the odd session in an actual escape room might be fun.

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    D&amp;D's Biggest Controversies Ranked—6. D&amp;D changes the game's original handling of races and humanoids: DMDavid
  • The drow being black skinned and evil... while I had never associated drow with IRL people, I can see how that might be touchy in a modern context.

    I read something from R.A. Salvatore recently where he mentioned giving the drow more depth without retconning anything.
    Simply put, the classic drow, like those from Menzoberranzan, are indeed evil, but there are other drow societies out there that aren't.
    This implies the classic evil drow comes from their cruel upbringing rather than being inherent to their lineage, which is honestly something I always imagined to be the case.
    Drizzt's story already fits that.

    I thought this is a pretty simple and effective way to modernize the take on drow, without messing with the stories that have already been told.

  • Noob DM running for a single player

    Title. I'm a noob DM, I've played some 20 years ago, never DM'd.

    So far, I've read the books, but more importantly, I've read and watched both Sly Flourish and Matt Colville so I think I got a handle on a few things. I mean, not really, but I'm a bit more confident in knowing that I'll mess things up, but roll with it. But... my first game would have a single PC who never played D&D, which isn't mentioned too often.

    Any tips on running for a single noob PC?

    My main concerns are:

    • a single 1st level PC can easily get wrecked by even a small number of goblins
    • playing a DM PC comes with important caveats
    • fudging dice can work but needs to be subtle enough, and not the only thing keeping the PC alive.

    Action economy means even lowly encounters would have a very thin line between boring/challenging/tpk. DMPC has its pitfalls, I'll need to avoid stealing their thunder and not become a leader/authoritative voice in the party.

    As such, I was thinking on running more of a cowardly follower type rather than some full-fledged customer-support-superhero DMPC. Not that it needs to be bland, but I feel it definitely needs to be following rather than leading. Helpful and engaging, sure, but that NPC's story shouldn't be the focus. I'd probably roleplay it, but have the PC run both in combat.

    I'm very confident they'd enjoy getting something like a pet from a Wondrous Figurine, but I feel like getting/rescuing that from a BBEG SBEG (SmallerBEG) in their first adventure is probably more fun and memorable for them than just getting that in their starting equipment on their character sheet. But I guess having them make a cool background story of how they got that might work too.

    Pros: The wondrous figurine is implicitly not a leader, helps on-demand when they ask for it, rather than when the DM thinks so. Unlike a pet, it never really dies, it just goes to the astral plane to kick their wounds and comes back purring. Having their beloved pet in an actual death situation is probably a red line for them, those will be discussed in session 0, but since I've been living with that player for 15 years, I already got a good picture. Cons: probably a bit much magic at that level, but I'm not too worried about them being more powerful. Needs a realistic intro.

    Not many cons tbh. If they have fun and I don't kill them outright I think that's pretty good. I feel it'd be easier to have them be a bit more powerful and find bigger challenges if needed... than it would be to scale everything 25%.

    So far... my plan is to inspire myself from Phandelver, but keeping it loose and as sandbox as I can manage.

    I was thinking on running a coward, possibly expendable NPC with them at first, at least until they complete the first goblin hideout. I'd change that to somehow have some of the goblins there using the reluctant figurine pet to torture Sildar (not unlike Drizzt' Gwenhwyvar to be honest). The figurine could have been a gift from the Spider to Klarg for capturing Gundren. Even then, I don't wanna plan too much and would rather find an organic way for things to happen. Getting the figurine earlier than Klarg could be helpful, but needs a bit of work story-wise. Maybe there's a goblin teasing it instead of the chained wolves in one of that first room, idk. It'd have to feel natural.

    The more I think about it, the more I think Gwenhwyvar was explicitly invented by Salvatore for Drizzt's first low-lvl single-PC campaign.

    Any input is appreciated. This post is way longer than it should

