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Russians' faith in their country's safety 'broken' by Ukraine's deep strikes, Budanov says
  • As a result the populace is not psychologically prepared for things to go wrong

    Oddly also the group that loves to say a civil war is around the corner, yet was dying to go hang out during covid.

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    One big happy family.
  • I've always felt good about using Ubuntu and derivatives. I get their opinions and they have some good points, but I'm not sure why I'd let that change my flow.

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    Seriously, what the f*** is keeping Donald Trump in this presidential race?
  • it can't be defeated with logic and reasoning

    YouTube channel Knowing Better made a video about the Seventh Day Adventist. Basically the same conclusion.

  • Are you being exploited by AI-powered surveillance pricing?

    The extent to which businesses use surveillance pricing is unknown, the FTC said.

    Just one more reason why we should be keeping companies from collecting our data and looking like anyone else to them. Typically it is argued that data is subsidizing something, but here it is directly increasing your costs.


    Wer is kun?


    Hey Lemmy!

    I bought a new 2015 street 750 and I have ridden it all these years. Recently I have been thinking that I want to switch it up and get something else. I mostly use my street 750 to commute to university, but now work; with an occasional day trip to visit family on the other side of Texas. I am thinking of getting a Yamaha MT-03. I know it is an entry level bike but it seems to have good reviews. It has a passenger seat for dates and a sixth gear for the occasional road trip. Since I am mostly commuting I don't see why 300cc will be too small, so I should save some money with it. I mostly want to ask if there is a reason I should consider the 600cc version or something I also really like the XSR700 but feel it might be hard to find around me.

    Any other advice?


    Just a small way to help people get their FOSS. What are some other projects that have torrents that would be good to seed?


    How does Linux it self or some other software on Linux address what Crowd Strike is doing for Windows?

    E: thanks for the answers :)


    I'm thinking I want to dock the deck to my TV and game some FPS that way. What remote would be good?


    Does anyone here use LXD/Incus? What do you do if you want to find the IP address of an instance, but incus list does not give you one? I am not sure what would be stopping one from being issued since that is how I have found that information before.

    I am just a student trying to learn about them and do stuff. I often just find the IP of the container and then ssh in as that feels natural, but perhaps I am cutting against the grain here.


    What headphone with microphone hardware do you have? I am looking to buy some soon and was wondering what the community uses.

    Do you prefer wired? I feel that it is kind of rare to find wired stuff these days, but Bluetooth has really matured in battery and reliability.


    So I tested my mic inside Discord and it does show that the mic is being picked up. Has anyone had the issue where that does not translate over to online games?


    Nothing fancy, just the raw essential on a rushed morning.


    I have recently been trying to play Halo Wars and Helldivers 2 online. Naturally I wanted to be able to talk with my teammates, but the microphone does not seem to work. I have gone into the settings and switched between the available options, but I cannot chat with others. What can I do to debug?


    The video is not real, but very cool editing.


    The video is not real, but very cool editing.


    So I was thinking about some othere thread talking about climate change here. Reminded me that when I was a kid the RGV was a pretty big river. I don't see it often as I don't cross the border often, but it seems like its been dry or very weak for several years now. Has there been any discussion about this anywhere?


    Hey all!

    (I did post this in c/flatpak, but this community is more active. I am not sure where would be more appropriate)

    Something that I have been wanting to get working is having my browser and password manager both in flatpak. I really like being sandbox and having faster updates if the distro is on the slower side perhaps.

    I have a set up with Firefox as a deb and keepassxc as a flat and that works find as one would expect. I did want to install Vivaldi as a flatpak and was not able to get it to talk with keepass.

    In my reading I found this: installing KeePassXC natively, which you’d actually want for security reasons.

    > installing KeePassXC natively, which you’d actually want for security reasons

    What is mean by that line of reasoning?
