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GOP senator tells Arab American witness at hate crimes hearing to 'hide your head in a bag'
  • The problem with the 2nd amendment isn't that it wasn't updated, it's that it was.

    The 14th amendment incorporated the other amendments such that they did not only restrict the power of the federal government upon the states and citizens, as the founders intended, but also restricted the states (so you couldn't have southern states being evil to their citizens).

    But the 2nd amendment was incorporated radically under Heller, when it should have been incorporated in a more moderate way, such that regulations were possible, within reason, not the wild-west that Heller imposed.

    The 13th should have been reinterpreted by the courts such that many of our current forms of incarcerated service were considered beyond the line and became de facto slavery, particularly when imposed by southern states as they were.

    Honestly the fundamental problem with post-bellum American jurisprudence was giving southern states any benefit of the doubt of being remotely human when they repeatedly violated every such standard.

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    GOP senator tells Arab American witness at hate crimes hearing to 'hide your head in a bag'
  • Again, great.

    First, they have to start following the amendment as written, and we can pass an amendment to outlaw involuntary servitude as punishment for crimes.

    But that's 1 clause from a ton of amendments they refuse to follow, in fact Mississippi STILL REFUSES to retify the 24th amendment, and has voted to reject it outright.

    Until they sort their shit out, no representative for the fuckers.

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    Snap out of it
  • God that's painfully me.

    Except I moved to lxc and zfs with homebrew scripts for most now, pass containers around the network like candy, including an arch lutris one.

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    Snap out of it
  • Make a script to extract it to /opt/local and make a symlink.

    You'll end up using it so much and it's an easier upgrade on your terms.

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    Snap out of it
  • Try debian, they improved so much over the past decade, they're a better Ubuntu than Ubuntu now without any bullshit.

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    Snap out of it
  • They are windows, but the linux version of dll-hell across distros and distro versions makes windows dll hell look quaint.

    If someone had addressed that better it would be one thing, but binary interoperability is infinitely broken, so app image is actually an improvement.

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    Donald Trump is openly running a Great Replacement Theory campaign
  • I love lower-class people everywhere else.

    Just not the racist filth in the south.

    We ended reconstruction early.

    Their cruelty towards those poorer than them (just because they had a different skin color) is even worse.

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    The real culprit behind all fascist movements
  • The modern trend of people from the former East Germany supporting AfD probably has more to do with the interceding decades of liberal rule,

    Which West Germany didn't face?

    combined with the region’s historic relative poverty (which preceded even the Nazis).

    Western Germany was more industrialized, because of 2 reasons: 1: access to coal and metal in the Ruhr, 2: Access to trade with Europe.

    The former is just natural, the latter is more of that "librul witchcraft" of globalization.

    The only difference between the two otherwise is that the Soviets brutalized the East, and that left a legacy of uneducated poverty.

    Basically the Soviets took an impoverished land and squeezed as hard as they could.

    Oh, and you're right there were no camps in East Germany, those camps were in the USSR:

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    Donald Trump is openly running a Great Replacement Theory campaign
  • GRT is one of the strongest ideological narratives of current racists.

    It really should be.

    If I was illiterate racist redneck trash in the south, I'd be terrified when decent people who actually believe in work and are far better Christians than I always scream I am show up.

    Trash is embarrassed when they're compared next to not-trash.

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    John Roberts’ secret Trump memo revealed in huge SCOTUS leak
  • That’s what they said last time.

    Last time it was to force a vote they wanted to go right, which it did.

    This one is actually embarrassing to the court.

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    The real culprit behind all fascist movements
  • It really is, except for East Germany, which got rid of their Nazi trash and replaced them with Soviet trash, which, just like Russia has, swerved them hard nazi again.

  • I mean, sure, at this point why not?

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