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11 day old moderator of c/vegan overstepping their position
  • I'm also neither a mod nor member. I have never posted nor commented in c/vegan. I do not habitually downvote posts from c/vegan. I am banned from c/vegan, as of about a week ago.

    If that isn't overreach, I dunno what is.

    If they don't want non-members to be able to vote or comment on their stuff, that's fine, take the community private.

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    YouTube on TVs is cramming ads down your throat even when pausing videos
  • I think the big reasons for most people boil down to one or both of two things:

    A) People having 0 trust in Google. I.E. people do not believe that paying for their services will exempt them from being exploited, so what's the point?

    B) YouTube's treatment of its content creators. Which are what people actually come to YouTube for. Advertisers and copyright holders (and copyright trolls) get first-class treatment, while the majority of content creators get little to no support for anything.

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    How do you set up wake up alarm and not miss it ?
  • Practice getting up in response to your alarm.


    Once or twice a day, in the middle of the day, go lay down in bed, like you're going to sleep, and set your alarm for maybe 5-10 minutes. The moment it goes off, shut it off and stand up. Teach your body the habit of standing up, immediately, in response to the alarm. So long as you're getting enough sleep, you'll start doing it in the morning, on reflex.

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    Darth Vader Didn't Come Alive Until James Earl Jones Gave Him a Voice.
  • “I used ‘Darth’ as my handle on the CB radio,” he told the New York Times magazine’s Dave Itzkoff in 2014. “The truck drivers would really freak out—for them, it was Darth Vader. I had to stop doing that.”

    "I have altered the speed limit. Pray I do not alter it any further. Over."

    My god, can you imagine just chatting on the radio and that voice suddenly coming out of your dashboard?

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    Slapping Chicken
  • Let's assume the chicken has to reach a temperature of 205C (400F) for us to consider it cooked.

    Remind me never to let this guy cook for me.

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    Bug: had to rename the executable
  • Yeah, they hotfixed that like 5 minutes after launch, and it took a little while for Steam to catch up for everyone.

    FactoryGameSteam.exe is definitely correct, probably because they now maintain FactoryGameEpic.exe and maybe a couple others, for the console releases they"re working on. But they seem tobhave neglected to instruct Steam that the exe name had change, so Steam was still looking for FactoryGame.exe. Renaming the file was an effective workaround for the first hour or so.

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    IT'S LIVE! 1.0!
  • It's not an Epic exclusive anymore, it's available on Steam. Also doesn't use exclusively Epic Online anymore.

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    Judge rules Missouri ballot measure to protect abortion rights is invalid
  • What the actual fuck is this? A constitution neither defines nor repeals laws, it defines rights and powers, of the citizenry, and the government. Is there just more to the story that the article isn't covering?

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    Nintendo’s new Zelda timeline includes Breath of Wild and Tears of Kingdom as standalone
  • Because Nintendo made one. They published the "official" timeline like a decade ago, and then made a TON of references to it in Breath of the Wild. Not our fault they then decided to shit on it with Tears of the Kingdom.

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    Which anime do you enjoy with a mostly adult cast of characters?
  • a mostly adult cast of characters.

    Prominent adult chatacters, off the top of my head:

    Mustang Hawkeye Havok Braida Ross Major Armstrong Hughes Bradley Kimbley Lust Greed Envy Hoenheim Father General Armstrong Izumi Sig Granny Scar Marcoh Buccaneer Yoki

    Prominent teen/child characters:

    Ed Al Ling Mei

    How does that not fit the definition of "mostly adult"?

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    question, When were programmers supposed to be obsolete?
  • Even better quote, I love using this one.

    "So, with AI writing code for us, all we need is an unambiguous way to define, what all our business requirements are for the software, what all the edge cases are, and how it should handle them."

    "We in the industry call that 'code.'"

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    Which protocol or open standard do you like or wish was more popular?
  • I mean, REST-ful JSON APIs can be perfectly type-safe, if their developers actually take care to make them that way. And the self-descriptive nature of JSON is arguably a benefit in really large public-facing APIs. But yeah, gRPC forces a certain amount of type-safety and version control, and gRPC with protobuf is SUCH a pleasure to work with.

    Give it time, though, it's definitely gaining traction.

  • So, I thought Hexbear defederated from us a little while back, and we, in turn, defederated from them. Why do I keep seeing occasional (new) Hexbear posts in the "All" feed, lately? Did the defederation get reversed? Is it somehow a bug?

    8 Company forgets why they exist after 11-week migration to Kubernetes

    Xenobroom Inc., a young startup fresh out of Silicon Valley started a lengthy process of upgrading their server infrastructure back in May 2020. According to the remaining fragments of CEO's daily journal and CTO's engineering notes, the company enjoyed a sharp rise in daily use in the midst of the ...

    The site name's a play on "The Onion" so it's gotta be satire, right? I couldn't find an about page to confirm.


    Dishwasher Recommendations

    So the "fails to complete a cycle without erroring out" rate finally seems to have reached 100%, on the Samsung dishwasher that came with the house.

    What do I need to know when picking a new one, and/or what models do y'all recommend?

    I'll take recommendations about how to fix the current one too, I guess, but I already got advice from an appliance repair man, who basically said "it would need a new control board, I.E. ditch it." The error code it's giving is supposedly about insufficient water or water flow, but the water feed is completely fine, as far as I can tell.


    I.E. the list of my own posts in my profile is always empty, by definition, unless I go manually change the setting before viewing it, and then change it back when I'm done.

    Would this be a Jerboa issue, or a general Lemmy issue?


    Felt like I had to share this after catching it on Twitch last week.

    And no, this is not my YouTube channel.

    0 to shreds you say

    An image tagged to shreds you say

    Side note: apparently I can't change or get rid of the alt text inside the image?


    My son asked me how to castle on the other day, and I found that I couldn't do it the way I normally do. Picking up the king and trying to move it to c1 just caused it to move to d1 instead, every time. I tried walking backwards and redoing a few different moves before this, and that all worked, but it just refused to let me castle by moving the king. Neither the king nor the rook had moved yet, and there was no potential or existing check involved, so what gives? Is there some other rule I'm just not aware of?

    Sorry I didn't get a shot of the board as well, I thought I had but I can't find it on my phone now.

    Edit: Missed the bishop. Option 2 it is, then.

    7 Twitch

    Twitch is the world's leading video platform and community for gamers.

    I dunno if this is QUITE the content y'all are looking for, but if nothing else, I'm kinda astounded it worked.

    Yes, she did eventually get there.
