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Seriously, what the f*** is keeping Donald Trump in this presidential race?
  • Many good points on here. I'd also suggest watching "Get Me Roger Stone". In it, Stone basically details his secrets to getting the 'silent majority' to pay attention. He says that fear is a bigger motivator than love. He says that the uneducated can't tell the difference between entertainment and politics. There's so many lines in that documentary that will make your ears perk up and be like, damnt, this was exactly how they did it.

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    Wow, they really attacked gamers. Conservatives speedrunning how to be hated by everybody.
  • Lol, never said I was important. It can be a great source of information and news and I enjoy staying up-to-date on stories big and small. That's the hard part to walk away from. Take 'er down a notch.

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    Wow, they really attacked gamers. Conservatives speedrunning how to be hated by everybody.
  • Not at all, I've been feeling that it's time to move on for a while now. It's hard to leave because I do care about staying active and up-to-date on political discourse, but this truly doesn't feel like that's what it is any more. It's yelling into a void. I fear for the sake of many less in tune with what political discourse should be that this is the only diet they're being fed anymore. It's a scary path we're headed down. All the love to you as well, stay groovy 🤙

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    Wow, they really attacked gamers. Conservatives speedrunning how to be hated by everybody.
  • I'm sure like many, my 'X' feed has felt injected with right wing posts since Elon took over. Just maybe two or three days ago, I noticed a new trend of posts it was serving to me. This whole weird new trough of posts has been super alpha male vibes and 'hot' women shaming men for playing video games. I legit wonder if this story has anything to do with why that's being targeted at me, a very casual gamer, now.

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    What's your favourite harmless prank you've seen IRL?
  • You wouldn't believe how harmful it really was. She's still in the hospital to this day with her own 24/7 support staff and therapist, a decade later, over the amount of harm this caused. It's insane.

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    What's your favourite harmless prank you've seen IRL?
  • I had a wireless plug with remote that you could plug any electric device into and toggle the power on and off. One day, I took it into work and plugged my boss' monitor into it. Every so often, I'd turn her monitor off for just a second or two and then turn it back on. Maybe once or twice a day to start, but then I'd do it a little more.

    This went on for weeks to when she finally reached out to IT to get a new monitor. Well, I was ready for that and had the IT guys already in on it. They told her they were out of working monitors and that the ones the company wanted them to use were backlogged. By now, most of the floor was aware of what was happening. She'd slap the monitor, curse, it was hard to keep a straight face.

    After a couple weeks of this, I had my friends in the mail room make up a dummy package from one of her clients and deliver it to her desk. Inside was just the remote. She opened it all confused, pressed the button and her monitor went off and we all lost it. She was so red in the face but took it really well and couldn't believe she never thought to look under her desk lol.

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    Alex Jones says Infowars could be shut down within hours
  • I was watching the freak outs on Twitter last night and being like, if the 'feds' were really coming to shut you down, you'd be off the air already or we'd see it go down. He probably got a letter or something saying it's a possibility and everything else was over exaggerated and in his head.

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    Difficult decisions
  • Joshua Weissman over here. Dude just became repetitive childish annoying memes. Papa needs to shut the fuck up and just cook.

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    3 bodies in Mexican well identified as Australian and American surfers killed for truck's tires
  • I live in San Diego and go to Mexico often, and this story has made me so sad to see. I was just in Ensenada last month, and it's such a beautiful city and we enjoyed our trip exploring great food and taking in music. Unfortunately, stories like this from a couple bad actors will dissuade thousands from experiencing a great place. It's a damn shame and it's hard to swallow that this could've been me and my friends who were the unlucky ones. I feel for their families so hard in all of this.

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    Am I going fucking crazy? (Regarding explicit songs being censored on various music streaming services.)
  • My guess is it's probably not extremists per se, but rather corporations that are scared of offending anyone and being the focus of the internet's bad or uproar of the day. I will say though, at my last company, the younger generation was pushing all this stuff super hard. While I agree with plenty of the general purpose stuff, I'm like, can't we just do our jobs and not sit in meetings all day about what our job is supposed to be?

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    Please, for the love of God, VOTE!
  • I'm progressive leaning, living in a large California city that will absolutely go blue as well as the state. I see no point in voting for Biden other than to add to the exclamation point of the popular vote which doesn't actually matter for anything. I will vote local and state level, but I don't see the point in voting for Biden as he's not really a candidate I can get behind and my vote is irrelevant thanks to the antiquated electoral college. Change my mind?

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    Tipping culture npcs
  • Went to my normally favorite bar today and they updated their tipping button recommendations to "20%", "69%", and "100%". The 69% was the default option which while I know they're memeing, seemed really uncool as I nearly clicked approve without noticing.
