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Chill, folks
  • So fkn dumb. Just have markers on the floor outside, where everyone needs to stand respective to their seat and have them go in in 3 or 6 waves, one for outer, middle and inner seat each. So much less headache for everyone and so much faster.

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    Just a reminder. Needed lately, it seems.
  • The portion of muslims with the most harmful and intolerant ideas are the sunnis (who accept the hadiths as legitimate scripture), who also make up the majority of muslims.

    In a british questionaire a couple years back, 0% of muslims participating said homosexuality should be accepted.

    If tolerance is a social contract, then for what reason do we accept it to be one-sided with the radically religious? At what portion of muslims acting/voting to bring sharia to western countries would people agree that it is necessary to act? 10%? 20%? 50%? Never?

    No one ever claimed that one label accurately describes the sum of a people. But if it's the only label that captures anywhere close to 100% of the problematic people, then that's the one you use.

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    ‘Nobody’s hands are clean’: Obama urges reflection amid Israel-Hamas conflict
  • I think hospital bombings on both sides must always be taken with a grain of salt... because if you are in a war and are highly unethical; where is the best place to operate a military base from, if you want to protect it from bombings?

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  • Nicer UI. Not exactly sure how the whole thing works, I think you are somehow able to enable/disable certain add-ons and from what I can gather extendes has a few more. Tl;dr: It's better, consider giving it a try.

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    Add-on: same password, same identity.
  • Then repeat this process every few months the device decides it needs to ask the password of you again. Not playing this game

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  • I always thought the reason they don't take any action, is exactly because adblockers would then work as the guy above described.

    Companies posting ads would eventually become aware, that a not insignificant portion of viewers don't even see the ads they are paying for. I don't see how this won't cause a backlash... i guess youtube calculated that in and thinks it'll be worth it any way.
