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Buddy baka
  • You don't want to know.

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    Landkreise fordern nationales Roaming für Mobilfunknetz
  • Ich bin sehr ahnungslos und denke ins Unreine: könnten die Bedenken der Telekom beseitigt werden, indem bei Nutzung des Netzes eines anderen Anbieters ein Teil der anfallenden Gebühren an den anderen Anbieter geht? Ist wahrscheinlich n Haufen Verwaltungsaufwand. Und wie sich das berechnet bei einer Flatrate müsste man auch besprechen. Hm.

    Läuft wohl wieder darauf hinaus, dass grundlegende Infrastruktur vom Staat bereitgestellt werden sollte.

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    Cannibalism rule
  • Is there enough substance to turn it into burgers, plural? An average human heart is, what, fist-sized I think? Seems to me like you'd get one, maybe one and a half patties out of that, no? And you probably can't even use all of it, I'd assume.

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    Posture is important
  • Ugh, redditors. Figures.

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    Why though???????
  • Because you can't even come up with your own talking points and need to import everything from the other side of the Atlantic. Bit sad.

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    Why though???????
  • Maybe elaborate, just to humour me? It's Christmas, you know!

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    Why though???????
  • I don't get it.

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  • Cold, barren FalseAdvertisingLand with depressingly shrunken glaciers or the warm, tropical island with direct access to Caribbean waters all around? Hmmmm.

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    Framed #1019, Tuesday 24.12.2024 🎅🏽
  • Obvious frame is obvious. I haven't even seen the thing and I got it in one. Bit disappointed, actually.

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    Now that it's Christmas Eve, what are you all planning to do for either Christmas or Christmas Eve?
  • The usual, really. Get a nice buzz going on coke and rum, draw, build whatever's behind door 24 in the Bluebrixx Star Trek advent calendar, make the husband watch Richard II and Hamlet (maybe even Much Ado About Nothing) with me, rewatch Severance season 1, watch a bunch of bad movies. Mostly watch stuff, basically.

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    Expertinnen raten zu intuitivem Essverhalten
  • „Stellen Sie den Timer auf zwei Minuten und riechen Sie bewusst zum Beispiel an dem Keks, an Schokoloade oder auch an einem Sackerl mit Gummibären drinnen. Oft genügt das, um den Drang zu überwinden.“

    Ich mit Schnupfen: 乁⁠༼⁠☯⁠‿⁠☯⁠✿⁠༽⁠ㄏ

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    What's the modern version of science fiction anthology?
  • Okay but how would that hurt science fiction anthologies specifically?

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    What's the modern version of science fiction anthology?
  • Why would streaming be the culprit?

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    Happy New Year
  • cartoon - a group of people is hiding behind a corner. One of them is using a long broom stick to carefully open a door labelled 2021.

    same cartoon but it's 2022.

    same cartoon but it's 2023.

    same cartoon but it's 2024.

    I don't know anymore.

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    It's a seamless plan according to Trump.
  • Ah, so the issue is that NATO, in order to be effective, is very much dependent on the US being in it. Bother.

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    It's a seamless plan according to Trump.
  • The US annexing Greenland is all it would take? How so? I'm asking because I'm woefully undereducated in these matters. Couldn't we form our own NATO, without the US but with blackjack and universal health care?

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    Proposed type of cat
  • Goddammit I didn't even click and it's stuck in my head, AGAIN.

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    What is the point of sharing something on social media?
  • "Look at this cool thing I found!" It can just be nice to share stuff with other people. There doesn't need to be a deeper reason, it's a function of humans being social animals.

    This includes motivations such as wanting to discuss the thing with other people, to compare your own view with theirs, or simply to satisfy the need to yell at someone.

    Edit: typo

  • Jump Exodus verschlafen
  • Ich hab vor nem Monat mitgekriegt, dass existiert, und bin zu dem Schluss gekommen, dass die Daten von nicht mehr verfügbar sind. (Lasse mich aber gerne eines Besseren belehren.)

    (Und jetzt muss ich mich als Neubiene beschimpfen lassen, welch Schmach)

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    Those evil socialists are hiding their homeless in homes
  • I assume what you're implying is that you can't put a tent there. Okay, why not fucking say that then? Homeless people around here rarely use tents, for reasons that I do not know because I am privileged enough to not be homeless, and they could probably just arrange their stuff around those shapes, put their mattress between them and go to sleep - which is why "tent" isn't the first thing that popped into my head.

    Thank you for making me jump through hoops to understand a thing.
