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Dandelions are blooming and attracting some butts around here

Exploits of a Mom
  • There is a professional ski athlete, Canadian I think, called Nullmeyer, I always think of "little bobby tables" when I see her, but seems like ski tv and databases were made by people that sanitize the inputs

  • A fresh -Wformat-security issue under r-devel · Issue #1287 · RcppCore/Rcpp

    Update 2023-11-28: If you came here because of a similar message in your package please read on and see particularly this comment below for the fairly simple fix. While working on an update for RQu...

    If you, like me, maintain any package in CRAN with Rcpp dependency, be aware checks in R-devel are failing. The fix is simple (is in the bug report linked), but, at least in my case, must be done before 12/12 or the packages will be removed from CRAN.

    Why aren’t motherboards mostly USB-C by now?
  • Two extra monitor setups. My slim book has 3 usb a, 1 USB c and 1 HDMI. With the USB c and the HDMI I have two monitors in my office setup and is super nice. I understand that for common devices is preferable USB a but for video, it saves a lot of physical space compared to VGA or HDMI in a small laptop

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    Which language you wish would really grow and reach mainstream adoption?
  • R

    I know is not considered a "proper" programming language by some, but I've been working with it for years for scientific data analysis and I love it

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    Autumn morning coffee [OC]
  • Art.e shop in Sofia, Bulgaria. I bought it like a year ago on a trip I made there. They don't seem to have web but they have a Facebook page.

  • The separation between the western and central massif in Picos de Europa (Spain)


    Parrots are overrated, I rather prefer a good Mantis
