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Task estimation
  • Hofstadter's Law: It always takes longer than you think, even when you take into account Hofstadter's Law.

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    Can somebody solve this puzzle?
  • I used to use a system that was perfectly happy to let you use a semicolon when setting the password, but then login would fail if you did.

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  • It wouldn't even change the difficulty, really. You'd just wind up multiplying or dividing by 9/10 instead of 9/5.

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    Translation rule
  • As Norwegian race driver Petter Solberg once said, "it's not the fart that kills you, it's the smell".

    "Smell", of course, being Norwegian for crash.

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    How dare you use a text editor because it's easy to use
  • A similar argument is what finally caused the value of the vi family of editors to click in my brain:

    They are designed to be fully functional over even the shittiest possible* remote connection. You can't always count on ctrl, alt, or even the arrow keys being transmitted in a way that is understood by the remote machine.

    *Well, I guess the worst possible terminal would be something like an actual teletype, and in that case you'd probably want to fall back to ed or its descendants. To save paper, if nothing else.

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    Best way to play the original Prince of Persia Trilogy?
  • Gah, you're right. I had it that way at first, but then glanced down a list to check my count and they listed 2002's Harem Adventures as a separate game even though it's just the Java phone port of the original.

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    My favorite holiday
  • In fact Diyonisius Exiguus made some errors when counting back to establish the anno Domini date system and as such Jesus would likely have been born between 4 and 8 BC.

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    Best way to play the original Prince of Persia Trilogy?
  • I'd just like to point out, for the record, that that isn't the original trilogy. Sands of Time is the fifth Prince of Persia game.

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    Sid Meier was apparently baffled by the decision to launch Civilization 5 without Genghis Khan: 'Sid said, What?'
  • There's a board game called History of the World that does something like this, where score is tracked per player, but you play as a new civilization every turn. (And, depending on the draw, may wind up fighting against your previous civ.)

    It's a good game, but, yeah, it's hard to imagine that working in something like Civilization.

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    little hopper
  • Hell, there were still mammoths around when the pyramids at Giza were built.

    Pygmy mammoths, on an island in northern Siberia, but still.

  • Revealed spoiler text appears at first to be blank. Highlighting reveals that it's there, just the same color as the background.

    Edit: this is in 120
