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'Utopia Must Fall' Is A Stylish Vector-Based Shooter Inspired By Missile Command
  • Pretty fun game but after a couple of plays it gets a bit repetitive in the early game, something the dev has said will be fixed in the future. Totally worth the price.

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    Blizzard Reveals How Much Money Players Spent on Microtransactions in Diablo 4. Sales Revenue Has Already Exceeded $1 Billion
  • Who knows... I think all the ones you can buy are ugly while the free ones from seasons are pretty cool. Would never buy anyway if they changed that but I am happy as it is now.

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    Satisfactory 1.0
  • Played shapes2 and it is really fun but for me it feels heavier. When i play some Factorio mods there are times when it gets overwhelming and shapes have the same problem for me. Takes a couple of days or weeks to recover.

    Also the rebuild everything thing in shapes 2 is not really true. When you get a few hours into the game the stuff you deliver is stuff you want to deliver forever to gain operator levels. The secondary stuff that isn't forever stuff is what makes me give up. Fatigue of rebuild or something... Good thing we are all different :)

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    Factorio Friday Facts #427 - Combat Balancing & Space Age LAN
  • Don't know if it is as bad as everyone is crying. I think most people forgot about quality stuff (which I know isn't mandatory to play with, sure). You should also have more space for more lasers with the new power generator.

    And while roaming the area with lasers is fun, how engaging is that in the long run? I like the change.

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    Remember when games had manuals too?
  • A week... My family took 4 week vacations every summer. Of course I had to buy a game the first week. Those manuals and gaming magazines during summer got a lot of attention.

    Sweet memories.

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    Games that stuck with you
  • Super Metroid - the atmosphere in the beginning of the game was something else when I started it the first time. The rain, the music... As a kid I was just mesmerized.

    Gradius - being too fast is not always the best.

    Factorio - planning goes a long way. Even if you think you planned for enough space for your construction it will never be enough as you probably need to make it larger later on.

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    I like to spread knowledge
  • Not only do you have a butthole on this model but you also get to build all the intestines, heart etc. It was kind of weird to build this model. Can recommend!
