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Remember back when Ubuntu put ads in the dash? I do (~2014)
  • Debian is a machine designed for going back in time 150 years.

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    Oh the humanity!
  • I use Hannah Montana Linux BTW.

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    Linux is Popular
  • You

    I feel personally attacked.

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    After seeing the reactions of the Qazimoto, thought I'd share my daily driver
  • I would be very disappointed otherwise

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    One big happy family.
  • I have been using both distros in the last 5 years and Manjaro was way more problematic to me than Arch, TBH. The Linux Experiment created a video with some of the big issues of Manjaro BTW. That said, this is no war, everyone can enjoy their favourite distro. Whatever works best for each of us.

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    One big happy family.
  • Of course! There is nothing like Hannah Montana Linux! 😌

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    What's in the case?
  • Better Kuestion:


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  • Please moar of this!!!!

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  • You can imagine my face reading the response of 15 lol I thought it was going to be a specific program hahaha I had a lot of fun with it and there were just a few I missed so I would love to see more like these in the future :)

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    [Swayfx] Waybar, Waypaper, foot, waterfox.
  • Looking great! ✊

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    Jeff's magic money machine
  • Dave, you don't have such money in the first place.

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    Tough choice
  • Let's just say I am the one who knocks, and I use Linux. Arch, BTW.

  • Sometimes I like to use nvim for PKM stuff (sometimes in parallel with Logseq because I think that the vim plugin does what it can, but there's a lot of features that I just do quicker on nvim. So, I created this alias to open in the terminal the latest .md file in my PKM folder (both pages and journals) pkmu.

    I also have another ones like pkm, that opens in nvim today's journal. and pkmj and pkmp open the directory for PKM journals and pages, if I want to do anything there (maybe a fzf, rename, bat, rm…).

    bash alias pkm='nvim "$HOME/Documentos/PKM/logseq/journals/$(date +%Y_%m_%d).md"' alias pkmj='cd $HOME/Documentos/PKM/logseq/journals/' alias pkmp='cd $HOME/Documentos/PKM/logseq/pages/' alias pkmu='nvim "$(find $HOME/Documentos/PKM/logseq/ -type f -name '\''*.md'\'' -printf '\''%T@ %p\n'\'' | sort -n | tail -1 | cut -d'\'' '\'' -f2-)"'

    I just wanted to share this with you, just in case it helps, or gives you any cool idea.

    how the tables transitioned
  • For some reason he's obsessed with XFCE.

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  • What's Vigor?

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    Touch grass
  • I already have a file named grass, why would I create another one??

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    [Cinnamon] Monochrome with tiny splashes of color here and there
  • Cool! :) feel free to share an update whenever you want!

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    *Permanently Deleted*
  • Is it possible to have auto tiling in Hyperland like in i3?

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    [Cinnamon] Monochrome with tiny splashes of color here and there
  • This is absolutely preference based, but I think I would add a bit of blue for the wallpaper, maybe something like this

  • What wm exist that allow us to set a specific workspace for some programs?

    One of the reasons why I use i3 is because I can dedicate a workspace for specific programs and a specific layout. What other wm allow this kind of configuration?

    Windows updating just before thesis defense
  • Oh, so you know OP's thesis name too!

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    [SwayNC] Colorful gruvbox matching my Niri rice
  • You have convinced me to move to Wayland

  • looking for some polybar/rofi module to manage notifications

    Do you use or know of any cool module for polybar that allows to manage notifications, especially if they include a no-disturb mode or even let us see previous notifications too like some kind of rofi menu?


    Context: I need to have installed a a program called Smowl, which is a closed-source app that records EVERYTHING to make sure you don't do weird stuff while doing an online exam. To avoid installing such monstrosity on my laptop, and since virtualbox is probably banned, I wanted to use a persistent bootable device to have the program installed and know that everything works well in a few days.

    Tails and booting software: I tried with Tails, but the software doesn't work there because it's too private. I also tried using other tools other than ImageWriter or dd to make other distros persistent, but if I use Unetbootin the distro doesn't get recognized when booting the laptop, and I the other tool that I found to have similar powers is mkusb, but it's no longer maintained and it cannot be installed on Arch (there's a compiling issue).

    MX Linux: I also tried MX Linux, but I don't know how to make it persistent in the first place because I followed all the steps but I don't get it to show me the last session to boot to or the "text menu" option of this guide. I tried this several times, with two pen drives (8GiB both), but I got no luck, even when using MX Linux live USB tool to make the other pen drive bootable. What am I missing?


    I created this script at ~/.config/i3/scripts/ to set QT_QPA_PLATFORMTHEME depending on whether I'm using Plasma or I3wm:

    ``` bash #!/bin/bash CURRENT_DESKTOP=$(echo "$XDG_CURRENT_DESKTOP")

    if [ "$CURRENT_DESKTOP" = "i3" ]; then export QT_QPA_PLATFORMTHEME="qt5ct"

    elif [ "$CURRENT_DESKTOP" = "KDE" ]; then # Si estás usando Plasma (KDE), comentar la línea que exporta la variable unset QT_QPA_PLATFORMTHEME else echo "Gestor de ventanas no es i3 ni kwin: $CURRENT_DESKTOP" fi

    echo $CURRENT_DESKTOP echo $QT_QPA_PLATFORMTHEME ``` I created an autostart program and added this to my i3 config file

    exec ~/.config/i3/scripts/ exec source ~/.config/i3/scripts/

    I don't know what's wrong with it, but if I run it on a terminal, I get this (screenshot):

    ``` ➤ ~/.config/i3/scripts/ i3 qt5ct ➤ echo "$QT_QPA_PLATFORMTHEME"

    ➤ ```

    So this script doesn't really export anything at all.

    I have searched on every file that I thought could be exporting it as a null value (~/.bashrc, ~/.profile, ~/.bash_profile, ~/.xinitrc, ~/.Xresources, /etc/environment, /root/.profile, /root/.bashrc), but everything looks fine (no QT_QPA_PLATFORMTHEME anywhere, or is commented).



    The only thing we'll need in.xprofile is sourcing the script:

    ``` #!/bin/bash CURRENT_DESKTOP=$(echo "$XDG_CURRENT_DESKTOP")

    if [[ "$CURRENT_DESKTOP" = "i3" ]]; then export QT_QPA_PLATFORMTHEME="qt5ct" export QT_SCREEN_SCALE_FACTORS=1.5 # 1.5 export QT_AUTO_SCREEN_SCALE_FACTOR=0 elif [[ "$CURRENT_DESKTOP" = "KDE" ]]; then unset QT_QPA_PLATFORMTHEME export QT_AUTO_SCREEN_SCALE_FACTOR=1

    else echo "Gestor de ventanas no es i3 ni kwin: $CURRENT_DESKTOP" fi



    Complete all in one place ROFI comfigurations?

    I saw some screenshots from people using ROFI with something like tabs to change from the apps selector to the power menu, to the clipboard, to you name it menu. Here is an example. Would you share some more configurations like this one? I really like the idea of having all the menus at the same place with just one key binding. Also, I'd like to know how to configure ROFI better, and I think I can learn a lot from these kinds of configurations.


    I am running in the same Linux distro two environments: Plasma (former KDE) and i3wm.

    I use the same command on both environments: sudo systemctl start mysql.service && sudo mysql -u root -p -h localhost -P 3306, but while on KDE/Plasma I get no error, on i3wm I get a "the name is not activatable" error, and I don't know how to fix it (here's a screenshot).

    Here's an extract from MySQL Workbench:

    04:32:53 [ERR][SQL Editor Form]: SQL editor could not be connected: The name is not activatable 04:32:53 [ERR][SQL Editor Form]: Your connection attempt failed for user 'root' to the MySQL server at The name is not activatable

    Also, I found out firefox doesn't connect to either on i3; on Plasma I get something like ("The connection has been restarted. The connection to the server was reset while the page was loading.").

    I find is interesting too, because syncthing can connects through the localhost on i3wm, but mariadbd can't for some reason:

    sudo lsof -n | grep TCP | grep LISTEN […] syncthing 841 31843 syncthing alberto 14u IPv4 11863 0t0 TCP (LISTEN) mariadbd 2537 mysql 32u IPv4 16382 0t0 TCP *:mysql (LISTEN)


    [Plasma 5] I'll give tiling windows a try. Wish me luck


    I'm interested in hosting something like this, and I'd like to know experiences regarding this topic.

    The main reason to host this for privacy reasons and also to integrate my own PKM data (markdown files, mainly).

    Feel free to recommend me videos, articles, other Lemmy communities, etc.


    Cross-post from:

    > I'd like to sync my markdown notes between devices (laptop and phone), which service is better: Nextcloud or Syncthing? Any other important idea I should know?, like latency times, or maximum number of synced devices, what if I edit the same note from both places without internet and then both get connected to a network... For example, I know Nextcloud let me have a history of the notes.


    I'd like to sync my markdown notes between devices (laptop and phone), which service is better: Nextcloud or Syncthing? Any other important idea I should know?, like latency times, or maximum number of synced devices, what if I edit the same note from both places without internet and then both get connected to a network... For example, I know Nextcloud let me have a history of the notes.


    I have a Raspi 3b+ to play with, and thought about using it as a Google Drive alternative for collaborative docs since there are some cool stuff Google Docs can't do, but LibreOffice do. Any similar experience?


    The issue is that if my script is correctly done, a SVG is supposed to be exported to PNG with a fixed width, the script seems to work fine, but when I check it out again on Inkscape*, it shows me the original SVG size, not the resized PNG exported picture.

    Here's a folder with the script and a random SVG I'm using for testing.

    ------ *To check the size of the picture in Inkscape, we need to change the units in the top bar, and then see the numbers that shows. The screenshot shows a 14,79 cm x 9,85 cm, instead of 10,5 cm x 6,9 cm.


    I want to have a selector in a "case" menu, so I show the options:

    1) option A 2) option B 3) option C

    Then read the choice (let's say it's B), remove the previous menu and show this instead:

    1) option A » 2) option B 3) option C

    How can I do this? I know we can remove the current line with echo -ne "\r", but I have no idea of how to do it with several


    I use arch, with keyboard layout "es", because I'm Spanish. My keyboard doesn't recognize the key "Insert", unless Fn is enabled, and I don't know why. I found its keycode in xmodmap -kpe: keycode 118 = Insert NoSymbol Insert NoSymbol Insert.

    Since Fn takes the 7th place, I thought about changing it to keycode 118 = Insert NoSymbol Insert NoSymbol Insert NoSymbol Insert, but nothing changed.

    It is strange since changing it to keycode 118 = slash NoSymbol Insert NoSymbol Insert, will only work when Fn is enabled as well, meaning that Fn+Insert = /.

    Probably unimportant: There's also a keycode 90 = KP_Insert KP_0 KP_Insert KP_0 KP_Insert KP_0, but I don't know what key is. Using xev and pressing Insert with Fn enabled says it's key 118, so it shouldn't be an issue.


    What if I want to combine Ctrl+Shift+1+0 to obtain "≠", for example? I'm saying this combination, like I could say any other (like a+b), it's just one example.


    Cross-pot from Thunderbird:

    > It seems to me like that this is the most efficient way to read mails: to actually have the mails at the center of the screen in vertical view, not at any side, bottom or top. > > Either option is fine with me: > > 1. Folders | e-mail | Inbox > 2. Inbox | e-mail | Folders


    It seems to me like that this is the most efficient way to read mails: to actually have the mails at the center of the screen in vertical view, not at any side, bottom or top.

    Either option is fine with me:

    1. Folders | e-mail | Inbox
    2. Inbox | e-mail | Folders