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In Authoritarian America...
  • I live in NYC, and I read this story yesterday, and they didn't shoot the guy for hopping the turnstile / not paying the $2.90, they chased him and tried to give him a $100-150 fine; but the guy lunged at them with a knife.

    The cops panicked and began firing because they don't have H2H training, and their aim is obviously shit. It's so shit, that I think they missed their taser shot as well before hitting random people in the crowd with their sidearms.

    Not defending the police but the meme's a gross oversimplification. Those guys need more training and probably a suspension until they finish a full course of training, or a dismissal (or perhaps even up to and including manslaughter charges) depending on if the bystanders live or not.

    I wish shit like this wasn't as common as it is. So many innocent people and dogs die each month due to police incompetence.

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    If AI is so rampent and used for evil purposes. Can we not use it for good purposes like creating a personalized JARVIS like in Iron Man? Would that not be better than using it for fake images?
  • It's obvious that this question was written by a child or someone learning the English language, given your spelling mistakes, grammar use and references, however:


    The answer is yes, we can have "good AI" like JARVIS, but AI is still early and doesn't make money for companies.

    Companies make money selling a product, and AI isn't a product because it isn't something that belongs to them. So they sell people's information that they get when people talk to the AI.

    But that doesn't make enough money to pay the bills for AI, so they charge subscriptions. People who pay the subscriptions want to use the AI "for evil", as you put it.

    So in the end it's about "making money" with the AI, and JARVIS does not make them money.

    If you learn a lot about computers, you'll have your own JARVIS. I have one. It takes dedication, like anything else in life. Good luck with your school project.


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    I wish there's always fresh and delicious food I want to eat in my fridge at all times
  • Haha this is funny because I'm actually a part time wish-granter:

    To subvert this particular wish, your phrasing is the key:

    You said:

    I wish there's always fresh and delicious food I want to eat in my fridge at all times

    So the first part of your wish is:

    There is always fresh and delicious food in the fridge

    But the second part, begins with a capitalization, a subclause to the first clause, or dependent statement:

    I want to eat in my fridge at all times

    Your fridge is now full of good food that disappears if you try to remove it outside the confines of your fridge, and now anything you eat, MUST be eaten while inside of your refrigerator (i.e: Your entire body has to inside of the refrigerator), and refrigerator implies a standard size kitchen fridge, not an industrial fridge or freezer.

    I hope you like eating nutella snack cakes huddled inside your fridge for survival now 😎

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    If you could "Eternal Sunshine" a piece of media so that you could listen to it for the first time again, what would it be?
  • Damn. Really? I guess I'm lucky. I specifically avoided watching Deep Space 9 as a kid because TNG was on.

    I'll live your dream for your buddy; I heard the show's about a non-moving ship, which still has a captain for some reason, Benjamin Sisko or something

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    AI-Generated Code is Causing Outages and Security Issues in Businesses
  • I've been laughing at this quote for 5 minutes straight

    It's so good

    He knows he's right

    Also: I code sometimes, and all of my code is of masterpiece quality. I cannot debug my own code, I ask for outside help and we have to dismantle the NT kernel to find out what's gone wrong

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    Trump’s team was stunned by how badly he did in debate
  • They're eating your cats! They're eating your dogs!

    They're eating your babi aborting your babies!

    Me, making sure I'm not watching The Onion News

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    Robert Crumbs Visions of the Future
  • This is correct. You understand the 4th dimension 🙏

    All three of those futures exist simultaneously in different parts of the world

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    Jill Stein is a plant to nobody's surprise.
  • I voted for Jill once, and then she came out against vaccinations during the height of the Covid-19 pandemic and I realized she was an idiot.

    She's as much green as she is dressed in green - just empty platitudes for people obsessed with the "sanctity of their body".

    I'm still formally registered with both parties, but I get invited to vote in the Dem Primaries way more often

    We need actually competent third parties, just being on the fringe doesn't make you competitive

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    Sometimes it isnt an option. But sometimes it's a lifesaver.
  • K-12 education and other obligations have reinforced the social norm of enduring and sitting through uncomfortable circumstances due to fear of punishment or reprisal.

    Is it so shocking that the behavior drilled into people continues to pervade their norms?

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    Valve is so back
  • Damn. Reading this comment is humbling.

    If you had to make a sequel to DOTA/DOTA2, what would it be?

    Deadlock seeks to be that sequel, but I personally don't really see it just yet
