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Considering buying a yamaha MT-07 as a first bike, thoughts ans recommendation ?
  • Its a solid bike. Decent power to get out of the way, nice power band and power to grow into and have fun with but not so much too much power as to get you into too much trouble (IT still absolutely will) I started on an R3 which was a superb bike but I definitely wished I got an SV650 or MT-07 first. Definitely look at used

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    It was always terrible
  • Aye ive had several fail. Ill admit im a bit rough on them but when I started to use USB-C devices the failures went down dramatically

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    Lemmings, which communities are you blocking?
  • I block the gay, male and trans nsfw communities. Im fully in support for their existence but its simply not the way I swing when I browse /all. that being said I hope those communities thrive and do well cause its really refreshing to see content for all.

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    *Permanently Deleted*
  • If we are talking about my own games it was either sim city 2000 or Hey You Pikachu! On the N64 but prior to that ive played bouts of mario kart on the SNES or the very early Microsoft Flight Simulator at other peoples houses.

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    Average Amazon user intelligence
  • The Joke aside, if this was genuinely your question the air is pulled in from the front and the clean air exits around the edges. I was looking for a wall mountable air purifier myself like a month ago and came across a few of these

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    Hotel to Search Rooms During DEF CON Hacking Conference
  • On that technicality though couldnt anyone just put that notice in the initial contract on any place and then come in anytime? I feel like that wouldnt fly

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    Ex-Incels, how did you dig yourself out?
  • Honestly, I touched grass and made some good good friends. I matured and realized incel shit wasent very cash money. I wasent full incel but I was definitely on the path. I worked on myself a lot and really grew into just enjoying my hobbies. I learned that I wasent mature enough for a relationship and didn’t respect myself enough. I still have a lot to learn and will continue to learn and grow. Currently im in a nice relationship and around good friends

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    Star Citizen is free this week, if you'd like to try it
  • Im spent a good bit of money in the game for better or for worse I think this is the way it should be tried Dont spend the money on the ships. Buy a basic package and purchase ships with in game money.

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    iPhone users, what's stopping you from switching to Android?
  • Used to have android phones but iphone just works better for me and I do like the ecosystem. Yes its a walled garden but it works pretty damn well and reliably.

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    Youtube stopped working for me today when using uBlock Origin in Firefox or Vivaldi with anti-ad enabled.
  • I can probably help with some of the explanation on this. Not necessarily the data stealing side of things but definitely how they killed off competition. Youtube operated at a loss for a looong time while providing a stable and well functioning platform where creators could make a decent amount of money this resulted in year over year userbase growth. This not only made it harder for other platforms to break into the market as no creator would want to spend time making content on a platform with less users but also the other platforms did not have the capital behind them to operate at such a loss so they die out or they get purchased by google/youtube for a bargain and get shut down. Now youtubes userbase is so captive that they are pretty much free to essentially abuse their users almost as much as they want because as a viewer theres not really any other platform out there that has the creators you watch and as a creator theres no platform thatll get you enough views to be sustainable. Its a cycle that has to be kicked off by something big like youtube going down because thats the only way users are going to migrate.

    You kind of see something similar with big box stores, companies moving into areas or even just gas stations. Big gas station companies arent in the gas business, they are in the real estate and convenience store business. They often sell gas at a loss even though they have their own fuel logistics supply chain. Other stations who rely on income from fuel sales and less so convenience sales struggle because they cant secure the selection in the store and dont have their own fuel logistics. Many go belly up unless they have something unique that keeps people coming in like restaurants or a unique drink selection. Once most if not all the local stores go out of business then the big store prices rise and the consumer is abused.

    Google has stated that theyve operated youtube at a loss for a very long time but (and this is my speculation) its been done intentionally to edge out the competition and retain sympathy from its userbase to justify the abuse. Youtube is making massive revenue but they are spending it. If google/alphabet didnt see it as a profit stream it would have been killed a long time ago. My theory is they are sorta playing the game from both sides and overspending on overhead and padding the execs wallets more and more just to tell investors and shareholders that while revenue has increased, so has overhead/labor/etc just to take home their own fat paycheck while also milking their userbase for as much as they can. At some point its gunna break but execs have already made out on their goods. Yes video hosting and platform development is expensive but I do believe youtube is not spending most of its money there and that it doesent need all the overhead spending think of how crappy their content review system is. Nothing gets seen by a human except in very specific circumstances

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    Youtube stopped working for me today when using uBlock Origin in Firefox or Vivaldi with anti-ad enabled.
  • You’re minimizing the abuse. Used to be fine with ads when it was 1-2 max but then it got abusive and greedy. Someone who yells at you once or twice may just be angry, upset, or so on. Someone who yells at you constantly is abusive

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    McDonald’s will stop testing AI to take drive-thru orders, for now
  • Its because those touch screens have clunky UI and are slow if they made it simple and straightforward instead of a question for every page it would be as fast if not faster than a person ordering at a register. Most PoS systems are touch screen nowadays so literally all your doing instead of putting in the options in yourself is telling someone else what to put in. They also do it hundreds of times an hour so they are way faster that someone whos only used a kiosk a few times

  • Hello! I havent printed too much, but have done enough to start looking at upgrades for my Ender 3 V2 with the stock V2.2 board. Mainly I've figured out that I want to go with a direct drive extruder and a more convenient hot end but as 3D printing has progressed a bit since I originally got my 3D printer to now I am having mild trouble on figuring out what is outdated information vs current. For example, im looking at something like a Micro Swiss DD with NG Revo hot end for simpler nozzle swaps but im not sure if there is a better solution.

    Currently I primarily print with PLA but I have some TPU I want to print with and I may want to dabble in more abrasive filaments and potentially in the future I may want to look into some sort of multi filament system similar to an AMS but that is much down the road.


    Im curious as I usually use the site very occasionally to get certain electronic parts or order from PCBway like I just picked up some cheap but infinitely better than stock gps antennas for my LoRa T beams and im about to get a set of also still cheap but much better than stock 915mhz antennas but i kinda wanna throw some other projects or weird thing in the cart with it. It doesent have to be hobby electronics with soldering and all that but bonus points if it is.


    pardon the aftermath

    EDIT: ExtremeRate is the company that made the shell. Pretty impressed


    Thanks I hate fiscally irresponsible pizza


    Thanks I hate Bepto Pismol


    Thanks I hate unaligned Excel


    Thanks I hate the murano cross cabriolet


    Ive been wanting to try out a fresh start with Satisfactory multiplayer. Sadly my schedule is a bit limited and not many of my friends are into that sorta game. If I get a small vps running the server would anyone be interested? im looking for a small group, maybe 3-4 players max
