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White House cancels $5 billion in student debt for 74k borrowers
  • That's exactly it. Everyone cheers it when it's their guy, without realizing that a relatively weak executive branch is one of the best safeguards we have against tyranny. Expanding that power sounds great for now, but if Trump takes office again, do we want him having the power to spend on whatever he wants without congressional approval?

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    White House cancels $5 billion in student debt for 74k borrowers
  • Weird way to spell constitution. Get congress to do their job, and Biden wouldn't have to violate the separation of powers to unilaterally try and do things he's not permitted to do.

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    Elon Musk demands another huge payday from Tesla
  • Every time I leave my house, I see dozens of Teslas driving around. If they're not profitable, then they're horrifically bad at making money. They're ubiquitous. Pretty impressive market penetration for a business run by people who don't know what they're doing.

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    House Democrats urge Clarence Thomas to recuse himself from Trump Colorado ballot case
  • I think what the other user is asking is, have any of his rooms gone differently than you'd expect from someone with his constitutional philosophy. Saying, "He ruled in favor of a friend," is significantly different than, "He ruled in favor of a friend with a ruling that's very out of the norm for how he typically rules."

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    ‘What kind of life is this?’ Dire conditions in increasingly cramped southern Gaza
  • That's called a blockade. It's been happening forever. And every poll shows a huge majority support among Palestinians for Hamas (including their actions on Oct. 7). Do you honestly think this group of Palestinians wouldn't reelect them if a vote was held today? They hate Jews. Always have. Always will.

    For some reason you people ignore every other actual atrocity going on in the world to hate the Jews even harder. 2 million Uyghurs dead at China's hand? No outrage. Jews get attacked and raped and respond? Total outrage and claims of genocide.

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    ‘What kind of life is this?’ Dire conditions in increasingly cramped southern Gaza
  • You're calling it collective punishment, but that's already using a very ignorant term for what's happening. Yes. In war, it's super common for civilian populations to lose their homes, lose access to food and water supplies, etc. Have you literally ever read a book about any modern war, or watched a documentary on any modern war?

    If Hamas had spent any of the aid they've received over the decades on building infrastructure and a better life for the Palestinians rather than on stockpiling weapons under hospitals, mosques, and schools, we wouldn't even be in this situation.

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    ‘What kind of life is this?’ Dire conditions in increasingly cramped southern Gaza
  • I mean, the vast majority of Palestinians are supporting Hamas, so not exactly nobody. And Israel is using the start of a war on October 7th to win the war. Again, this is how war works.

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    ‘What kind of life is this?’ Dire conditions in increasingly cramped southern Gaza
  • Yeah, that's how war works. The leadership (in this case one chosen by the people) chooses on behalf of their people. That's how pretty much every war ever has been. How ignorant must you be to not understand that? War sucks. But this isn't some unique case. Other than the greater-than-normal effort the IDF is making to reduce civilian casualties. That's not usually something that has historically been cared about much in war.

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    ‘What kind of life is this?’ Dire conditions in increasingly cramped southern Gaza
  • This isn't what genocide looks like. This is what war looks like. Specifically, what it looks like when you start a war with a country more powerful than you. The amount of leftists supporting this unbelievably conservative Hamas regime that would love nothing more than for all leftists everywhere to be dead is insane to me.

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    big think
  • If two things lead to the same result (in this example, neither asking the questions nor not asking the questions get us closer to the answer), then isn't the lesser effort option optimal?

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    Tesla's reputation slumps as GM, Ford climb - Tesla ranked 62nd by reputation among the 100 most visible brands, tumbling from 12th last year and 8th in 2021.
  • This is true but misleading. When Musk invested in Tesla and became chairman of the board, they hadn't even begun development on a vehicle. They just had an idea and had talked with Lotus. There's plenty to dislike about Musk. You don't need to mislead.

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    Modern apartheid.
  • This is naive. Palestinians don't support Hamas because of how Israelis treat them. They support Hamas because Hamas hates Jews with as much fervor as they do. And that hatred dates back millennia, so you can't really pin it on the last 70 years. Unfortunately, hating Jews has become rather trendy this year.

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    Monica Lewinsky calls for constitutional ban on presidential self-pardons
  • You realize you're making the exact argument for the EC, right? Without it we'd have single party rule and tyranny of the majority. Regardless of whether anyone likes the other side, having opposing parties keep each other in check is beneficial to our country.

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    Car dealers say they can’t sell EVs, tell Biden to slow their rollout
  • Yeah, someone from the UK lecturing Americans on how EV infrastructure is just fine is rich. There are EVs capable of getting them pretty much anywhere in their country on a single charge. Meanwhile, I wouldn't be able to visit my parents two states away without needing to charge halfway through. And the options if you have a family are even fewer and more expensive. There are six of us in our household. Which EV should we drop 6 figures on to get us and our luggage 600 miles away for the holidays?

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    Democrats keep getting new warning signs about Black voter support
  • You thinking they're stupid doesn't make them so. Your attitude has been the general attitude of the Democratic party. That being, "The other party doesn't like you so vote for us you idiots." That's a pretty awful way to keep people wanting to vote for your party.

    There's also the fact that the Democratic party assumes the only think black people care about is their blackness. Because of this, they ignore the fact that a huge part of the black population has values that more closely align with the Republican party. The Democratic Party has taken this voting bloc for granted for years thinking that calling the Republican party racist will be enough and they can then ignore all the other things they care about.
