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  • It could also be that the tomato you tasted was selectively bred for taste, while the grocery store tomatoes are selectively bred for looks and robustness.

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    [Lefty Cartoons] Let’s Outlaw Being Homeless! That’ll Work!
  • Drug addictions spiral out of control because their lifes suck and they want an escape. If you make their lifes harder you dont help anyone. Drug addiction should be treated in the same way as mental illness.

    But the most effective way to help them is to give them a perspective and a way to get out of their situation before they have to stop using the drugs, i.e. give them housing and have a doctor supply them their drugs, then slowly taper them off.

    Or just dont let people get homeless in the first place.

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    TIL over 500'000 German prisoners of war died in forced labour camps, after the German surrender, while detained in the Soviet Union. With the latest survivors only being released a decade later.
  • Well, during the war ukraine has no choice but to kill the russian soldiers if they want to win.

    But I think that ukraine treats POW fairly well and if the war ends they probably wouldnt force them to work in Gulag conditions.

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    TIL over 500'000 German prisoners of war died in forced labour camps, after the German surrender, while detained in the Soviet Union. With the latest survivors only being released a decade later.
  • Just because they were soldiers doesnt mean they were nazis. A lot of them were drafted and at the end of the war even teenagers were sent to the frontline because all the other young men were already fighting or dead.

    If a soldier was part of the SS or SA, he was a nazi.

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    Android will no longer call slow chargers 'fast,' but only on Pixel 9 so far
  • I can see the power that the battery is being charged with in Dev Check,

    However, I think its the power of the battery being charged and not the power that is going through the cables.

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    There has to be another way
  • To the people who dont feel better after excercise, maybe you just haven't found a sport or excercise that you like?

    For me it is biking but yours could be different.

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    Love this
  • Maybe they just decided to put troops there and see if russia will send troops to their region, and if they send none, ukraine would attack?

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    Your thoughts on compacts cars like this?
  • I have a Nissan NV200, which has a similar design.

    I use it whenever my bike isnt practical, like visiting my family which live kinda rural or transporting something big. I also built a platform for my matress, so I can also camp with it.

    It doesnt take up more space than the average car, but it has a lot of storage space.

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    L.A. Mayor Karen Bass touts a car-free 2028 Olympics, but plans still call for some cars
  • Whenever I see stuff like this, all I can think about is how nice it must be to have to deeply inhale those fumes when trying to give all you have got.

    I also dont get why they still have ICE vehicles at the tour de france for the same reason.

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    Road salt may hurt vital link in freshwater food chain, study says
  • Here in Germany studded tires are outlawed almost everywhere and its a good thing.

    Where I live we usually only have one or two weeks each year where we have any snow or ice on the road and it usually gets cleared very quickly.

    The amount of noise and road damage created by studded tires would far outweigh their usefulness for those 1 or 2 days where the snow hasnt been cleared everywhere yet.

    I might get some studded bike tires this winter (those are legal) as roads are sadly cleared much quicker than the sidewalks and sliding a little bit with a car is not as bad as falling over on a bike.

    It also isnt as loud as studded car tires and doesnt damage the road as much as studded car tires.

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    I swear they're monitoring NCD for ideas
  • Why not? It might not need to actually hit anyone, just the chance of being hit is probably enough to scare anyone away.

    I wouldnt wanna be in a trench or field and suddenly hear gunshots coming from above.

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    Why is the gas bill so high?
  • I have not seen one gas station in Germany and surroundings that didnt have it. I have seen truck gas stations that only have diesel though.

    We do have some gas stations that just have diesel on a few pumps.
