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Random Crashes
  • It's a Valve Refurbished :D so still under warranty. I ticked off the fan setting mentioned before, just need to stress test it some more to see if that was the fix

  • Is it kinda just common for games to crash to "desktop" on Deck? Had mine about 2 weeks, no matter if it's big, small, or dolphin emulated, games will randomly crash on me, and the Deck restarts itself.

    If there's any known general settings that can stop the crashing, that'd be great.

    To people who choose not to swear (for non-religious reasons), what is your motivation to be that way ?
  • I was told people who swear sounded less intelligent. It made me not want to do it. I swear rarely, usually if I'm quoting someone. I swear a little more liberally in text, but not very often.

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    if this post gets 9 upvotes i will post again with 3 times as many triangles
  • You are correct. The next image wouldn't be able to keep the 3x proportions it implies. Following the same pattern, we went from 5 triangles (the top segment) to 17.

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    TIL: Millennials have 300% more student debt than their parents
  • I learned code and I clean toilets and empty garbage cans.

    ~$120,000 for a BS in Game Programming

    To be fair, many of my colleagues got jobs. I just suck I guess.

  • [LFP] [Ongoing] Day Zero: A Zombie TTRPG


    • Bi-weekly Wednesdays 6 PM PST
    • Ongoing game
    • Zombies homebrew
    • Discord for VC
    • Roll20 for Tabetop
    • 50/50 RP and Combat

    As of this post:

    • 2 other players + 1 GMPC
    • Looking for 1-2 more players
    • This invitation is open indefinitely

    Hello! I wrote Day Zero, a zombies TTRPG, which is in its first full campaign! Its aim is to be fun and simple while allowing skill and strategy. The campaign starts the day before a zombie apocalypse, and continues indefinitely (or until the GM determines an ending).

    The Gameplay is based on zombie media like Walking Dead, Left 4 Dead, etc. The zombies are Romero's zombies. The characters know what zombies are (they watch movies) and are allowed to know how to kill them.

    You will be joining after the apocalypse has started, but as of this post, we are just getting to the second day of the outbreak.

    For your first session, I'll ask you to describe a typical day for your character, before the outbreak, to create a visual of their everyday life. Then you will be introduced into the world post-apocalypse, having endured similar challenges and struggles as the remaining survivors. Somehow, you survived this long.

    The rules are here:

    If you are interested after having read the rules, send me a private message on Discord at "aerotactics" with the topic "Interested in Day Zero" or something similar.

    Any recommendations for printers that don't require proprietary inks, subscriptions or special apps?
  • I bought an Epson and it had the following issues the emtire time i had it:

    • proprietary ink
    • always "out of paper" when there is paper in it
    • paper jammed most of the time

    I did the Ron Swanson and chucked it in the garbage. I bought a Brother based on Reddit recommendations, and it was not only cheaper, but worked better in every way.

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    Anon comes out to his religious parents
  • That is like the exact opposite of demisexuality. I had to look it up, but it is under the Ace umbrella, and I think it might be Fraysexuality.

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    Anon comes out to his religious parents
  • You might just not like oral. Asexuals don't find people sexually attractive. They can find them aesthetically or romantically attractive, though.

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    Anon comes out to his religious parents
  • This. Varies by person, but I'd say they're thinking about the sensation, or possibly a kink (Asexuals can have kinks).
