Skip Navigation Israel accused of killing its own civilians under the 'Hannibal Directive' to avoid them being taken hostage

The controversial "Hannibal Directive", which Israel says isn't named for the famous Carthaginian general who took poison rather than be captured by the Romans, was reportedly enacted after the October 7 Hamas attack, with revelations detailing attacks by IDF tanks and helicopters on homes and vehic...

America Is Losing the Battle of the Red Sea
  • A bolt-from-the-blue attack by Hamas produced the deadliest day for Jews since the Holocaust.

    I hate Bloomberg and whoever writes for it. Who gives a fuck about some criminal settlers who got killed? Palestine is for Palestinians and they have every right to resist foreign invaders even if they were Jewish invaders. Also no mention of Israel’s genocidal response. Racist swines.

    Still an entertaining read given where it is from.

    They are nominally attacking out of sympathy for the Palestinian people

    They said they will stop if the genocide stops. Stop the US-Israeli genocide in Gaza and find out. It should be very easy to call their bluff.

    Iran has provided weapons and the know-how needed to manufacture them.

    No. Yemen’s missile program started decades ago with the help of the USSR.

    Since October 2023, they have allowed most of China’s shipping to pass without harm.

    Not just the Chinese. The embargo is on US, UK, Israeli ships and any ship heading to Israeli ports in Occupied Palestine

    Beijing and Moscow reap geopolitical rewards when America is burdened by Middle Eastern conflicts, so both are willing to let this crisis fester, or even make it worse.

    Are you sure it isn’t Washington DC by allowing the genocide to continue?

    Russia’s war in Ukraine is simultaneously stressing another bedrock principle, the norm against forcible conquest.

    Completely ignoring Israel doing the same to Palestinians since at least 1967.

  • Satellite images show how Israel is paving key Gaza road

    BBC Verify looks at roadwork that analysts say shows Israel is unlikely to fully withdraw from Gaza any time soon.

    1 America Is Losing the Battle of the Red Sea

    The success of the Iran-backed Houthis is just another example of US foes chipping away at the global order.


    2 Is 'Israel' using small nuclear weapons in Gaza and South Lebanon?

    Dr. Christopher Busby is part a mixed crew of investigative reporters and commentators from Lebanon and some film-makers investigating "Israel's" use of enriched uranium in strikes on Gaza on Lebanon, and aim to follow up on the strange illnesses that are appearing on the battlefield.

    0 Popular Israeli podcasters call to ‘erase every living being’ in Gaza and West Bank

    Naor Meningher and Eytan Weinstein say the Israeli government should 'instil sovereignty over and annex the West Bank, Gaza… make it all Israel'

    3 Children in Gaza's south receive polio shots as Israeli offensive continues

    Palestinian health officials say Israel refused to allow medical teams to areas east of the Salahuddin road to vaccinate children living in the eastern communities of the southern cities.

    0 Netanyahu derailed a potential Gaza hostage deal in July, Israeli newspaper reports | CNN

    Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu in July effectively spiked a draft hostage and ceasefire deal by introducing a raft of new, 11th-hour demands, according to a report by the Israeli newspaper Yedioth Ahronoth citing a document it obtained.

    0 ‘This is also America’s war’: Why the U.S. isn’t stopping the Gaza onslaught

    Israelis and Palestinians are making a terrible mistake by looking exclusively to Washington to solve their problems, says Daniel Levy.

    Anon isn't a fan of Judas
  • Judas just kissed somebody else that looked like Jesus

    This is what Muslims actually believe. Jesus wasn't crucified but a lookalike was.

    He ended up dying in Japan.

    Not this bit though.

  • Sorry Mr. Sullivan, But You Just Got China So Wrong

    Sullivan arrived without a red carpet, just clear red lines on the ground. But he came anyway.

    0 Sanaa, Riyadh refute US claims of Yemeni attack on Saudi tanker

    Yemen accused Washington of ‘spreading false information,’ while the firm that owns the Saudi tanker ‘unequivocally’ affirmed that the ship was not struck

    0 Animals, Cockroaches, Sand Nig-: Western & Israeli Hate for Arabs - Waqar Ahmed

    Dehumanisation of the ‘uncivilised’, ‘savage’, and ‘barbaric’ is a growing Western trope. In 2012, New York City was fancily decorated with city-wide banners that read ‘In Any War Between the Civilised Man and the Savage, Support the Civilised Man. Support Israel, Defeat Jihad.’ This was Israel’s ve...

    Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine (PFLP), Gaza.
  • The PFLP is one of many Palestinian resistance groups. This is not Hamas. The PFLP is secular and it was established by George Habash a Christian Palestinian.

  • 0 The Case for Palestine: Why Japan and South Korea Should Recognize Palestinian Statehood

    Israel’s devastating assault on Gaza, which continues with impunity, highlights the impotence of multiple United Nations (UN) resolutions and current cases at the International Criminal Court (ICC) and International Court of Justice (ICJ).

    Grok do a good
  • I don’t understand why Elon chose to go mask off. He could have continued pretending to be a sane if eccentric person. I am glad he did but I don’t understand the motives.

    Remember when the Simpsons had Lisa sing his praises?

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