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Republicans Say Access to Birth Control Is Protected. They’re Lying.
  • They said the same thing about abortion. The supreme court would never do that. They are liars. They want to end abortion, contraception, and no fault divorce. They want to turn women into brood mares for their disgusting rapist Christians. Not a joke.

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    Eventually you outgrow him
  • Yeah, but it still doesn't explain why he's never dated (since he was 25) a woman his own age.

    Or I guess he's just an instant bore to anyone who has life experience? That seems possible.

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    "we" the "people"
  • Because with ranked choice people can vote for Jane the Socialist but also pencil in a secondary, begrudging vote for Joe Biden. They want lefties to split their vote. They want a vote for the Greens to be a loss for the Democrats. Ranked choice kind of negates that.

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    Graduate's father arrested for blocking Black superintendent from shaking daughter's hand
  • Local station News 3 claimed that social media comments say that the father was angry at the way the district handled bullying issues related to his daughter.

    "Social media comments" = some redditors making shit up because they can't admit that racism exists.

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    An Albany expression
  • Nah, I refuse to believe that people who live in this county are like, "Hey buddy, want to stop by Wedny's for a steamed ham?" Get real, they watch the same commercials as the rest of us.

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    Doctor who claimed COVID vaccines made people magnets is sued by DOJ over taxes
  • Not everyone who goes to medical school is a rational (or sane) person. And some of them do succumb to the grifter lifestyle because it's easy money.

    She's still a total idiot though. You don't just get to decide "I'm not paying taxes this year". Who does she think she is, Wesley Snipes?

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    The police need this for...?
  • This is one of the funniest things I've ever read. Also one of the dumbest things I've ever read coincidentally. But funny!

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    Child steals the show on House floor making faces as Rep rails against Trump case
  • What a load of absolute horseshit that speech was.

    "We'd be well served to remember the long and cherished tradition we have in this country of settling our political differences at the ballot box. For nearly two and a half centuries our nations elected officials have properly resisted the temptation to oppose their political rivals through the weaponization of our justice system".

    First of all plenty of Congresspeople, Senators, Governors and lower politicians have been tried, and sometimes convicted, for crimes before. So he's full of shit on that point. Second Republicans did endless investigations of Hillary Clinton and found no law breaking, but they definitely tried their hardest. Third although every President since at least since Eisenhower has been guilty of war crimes Trump is the first to do garden variety white collar crimes. Of course he's the first to be charged with them! Fuck this guy.

    The kid was a bit funny though.

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    ‘No way out without bloodshed’: the right believe the US is under threat and are mobilizing
  • And their profit base. They want right wingers in control because they tax them less, but they don't want a religious dark era either. They want to sell lots of shit to lots of people preferably on credit.

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    MTG spreads bonkers conspiracy theory that "Deep State" convicted Donald Trump to help drag queens
  • The deep state are all looking at each other and saying, "WTF, it had nothing to do with drag queens. We just didn't want this idiot destroying our investments".
