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Fruit Flies
  • Can somebody explain the fruit thing? I've seen fruit flies demolish fresh fruit. The amount of yeast biomass on them must be negligible at that point. Do the eggs/larvae spread the yeast before they start eating?

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  • Ganz ehrlich ich will auch weniger Dönerläden. Jede Stadt hat 30 Läden und 3 davon sind gut.

    Die richtige Maßnahme ist also keine Obergrenze für die Anzahl der Läden, sondern strenge Qualitätskontrollen und eine Dönerpreisbremse

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    Elon Musk accused of copying designs by I, Robot director
  • gulag for everybody who thinks this is news. The guy is literally a fascist and we are supposed to be angry about how his humanoid robots look kinda human? who tf cares

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    Peinlicher Rechenfehler: Gaga-Studie soll Atomkraft schönrechnen
  • Stell mir jetzt vor wie du abends alleine auf dem Sofa sitzt und fernsiehst, und dann im richtigen Moment deinen Ärmel hochziehst und die Studie zitierst und dann guckt Friedrich dumm in die Kamera, so als ob er dich gehört hätte, und nimmt alles zurück.

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    "Gewaltbereit"? Polizei Dortmund ändert Mitteilung zu Greta Thunberg
  • Nein. Genauso wie ich auch kein Hamas-sympathisant bin.

    Deutschland im 2en Weltkrieg ist imo nicht mit Gaza heute zu vergleichen

    Man kann ja auch egen Nazis sein und trotzdem schlecht finden, dass abertausende Zivilisten totgebombt wurden...

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    Deutsche Bahn: Rechnungshof sieht Volker Wissing bei Steuerung gescheitert
  • Dezember 2021. Volker Wissing betritt nervös zum ersten mal das Büro des Ministers für Verkehr und Digitales.

    Kein Schreibtisch, kein Faxgerät, gar nichts, nur ein riesiger Schuhkarton mit einem Brief.

    "Lieber Volker, das ist alles was du brauchen wirst.

    • Dein Andi <3"

    Volker zieht die fast einen Meter langen Schuhe aus dem Karton. Vorne breit und bunt angemalt. Es schleicht sich ein Lächeln auf sein Gesicht.

    Zögernd schlüpft er hinein, und muss sofort schmunzeln.

    "Wie angegossen"

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    Why I ditched Twitter for Bluesky - and hope you will, too!
  • The ad revenue part is true but what do you mean by not harvesting data? Mastodon definitely stores your boosts and likes, it just doesn't use that data to recommend more content. And the big difference is of course that it is stored on your instance's server, not a centralized location.

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    Why I ditched Twitter for Bluesky - and hope you will, too!
  • That's fair! Although I fear big money will always come up with some way to make a "better" UX, either simply because they can afford more/better devs, and often by compromising privacy, accessibility, etc.

    embrace extend extinguish has worked in the past and it can work again

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    Why I ditched Twitter for Bluesky - and hope you will, too!
  • It's centralized. They allow federation using their own protocol.

    But all you need to know is that it's a capitalist, for-profit undertaking.

  • Hey friends!

    Basically, here is my problem. I open the launcher menu (or KRunner) and start typing. Let's say I type "firefox", and hit Enter.

    The launcher menu is very slow. It often opens "Files" instead, because that pops up after I type the first two letters.

    Basically this means I need to wait a second for the launcher to finish searching, show me firefox, and then press enter.

    This is frankly infuriating. Every other launcher on any other desktop or WM does not have this issue.

    I have experienced this on two different machines running both Plasma 5 and 6, on different distros, both are beefy machines.

    I'm sure there is a way to avoid it, does anybody know?


    Opinion - Human Fighter is the most creative character option

    This isn't strictly a Pathfinder thing but I like this community.

    Basically, there is this meme that Human Figher is a "boring" default choice or sign of an uncreative character. I disagree. Picking out a weird ancestry is not creative. Choosing a human fighter basically means that you get zero flavor from your ancestry and class - so you are forced to get creative yourself. You are forced to give your character a personality, and you are forced to solve problems creatively.

    For me, the stereotype is the opposite - if a player chooses an esoteric ancestry and class combo, I worry that their characters whole personality is just their ancestry.

    Of course both humans and other ancestries make for great characters if done right.



    Escape - is the unarmed attack modifier Finesse?

    I stumbled upon this and couldn't find any definite answers.

    The Escape action states that you can use Athletics, Acrobatics, or your unarmed attack modifier. However, it specifically says that you use your modifier and not an actual attack. While fists have the Finesse trait, the regular attack does not - so am I correct in assuming that if you have a higher Dex than Str, that you can only use Dex with acrobatics, not with the unarmed attack modifier?


    Battlecry Class Playtest is here! Pathfinder Playtest | Paizo

    Pathfinder playtests give you the opportunity to participate in finalizing rules and new materials, including new classes, spells, ancestries, feats, and more!


    How my group made a tough encounter trivial (minor AV spoilers)

    My group is playing Abomination Vaults, and on the second level there is a room with an undead Minotaur Skeleton Warrior. The book specifically states that it never leaves the room it's in.

    My group quickly figures this out and would simply have everybody ready an attack, one PC would open the door, triggering everybody else's reaction, and would then close it again.

    After doing this about 10 times they finally took down the skeleton despite it having resistance to most of their attacks, with none of them taking any damage.

    This is a somewhat inexperienced group that doesn't usually do strategy things, so I was happy to see them plan and execute.

    Anyway what's the weirdest way your group beat a supposedly challenging enemy?


    This just fits perfectly


    Hey, I've been hearing a LOT about the xz backdoor. Crazy story, but rather than reading 10 different articles about it from 3 days ago when the story was quite new, does anybody know a high quality write-up that has all the juicy details and facts? I really like in-depth guides that cover every aspect of the story.

    Thanks in advance guys!


    alt text

    panel 1: homer simpson posing proudly, looking skinny and healthy, marge looks impressed. caption reads "Dinner is ready and dishes are clean when my partner gets home"

    panel 2: showing homers back where heaps of excess skin are held back by ropes and clamps. caption reads "did like 10 minutes of work in my fulltime job"


    After years of suspecting ADHD (and two decades of struggling), I decided that maybe I have ADHD. While I wait for an answer from the psychologists, I decided to take an online ADHD self-diagnosis questionnaire out of curiosity.

    I found myself mousing over and highlighting the text in one of the questions over and over, thinking about something my girlfriend told me the other day, struggling to actually read the question. When I finally read the question, it was:

    How often are you easily distracted by external stimuli, like something in your environment or unrelated thoughts?

    Safe to say I started laughing out loud. Starting to feel pretty certain that I'm one of you :P

    (I am still mid questionnaire)
