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Fun venn diagram
  • Why, have my guns ever harmed you?

    Also, why are you rejecting all the common ground you two share? You're going to turn off people from conversing with you if you attach to the ONE thing you disagree with. Do you want to live life in a hive mind, and have no one oppose your views whatsoever?

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    Infinite money glitch
  • Cashiers checks aren't risky. If the bank they deposit the check at doesn't think it's real, they could still deposit it with a check hold.

    After that you wait until either the check clears or it gets rejected, and that usually comes with a fee. So banks probably don't mind the extra fee income

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    Infinite money glitch
  • I rarely see anyone under 40 using checks anymore. It's really an older generation thing and they're stuck in their ways.

    They still get stressed out about manually balancing their checkbooks too. Even though it's an obsolete skill now and the banks keep track of all of the transactions automatically for them

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    Hobbycraft refused to sell paint to black man as ‘he may use it for graffiti’
  • You sure you aren't just looking for any tiny problems in the world to blame on your skin color? I swear people are always looking for ways to be a victim.

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    Steam adds "Dwarf" as a tag
  • More than you would think...

    The biggest two that pop into my head are Deep Rock Galactic, and Dwarf Fortress.

    Both amazing games btw

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    Palworld is now the second ever game to hit 2 million concurrent players on Steam
  • I've been enjoying it. I'm midway through the game right now and I will admit the mechanics are getting rather repetitive and I feel like I've seen most of what it has to offer, other than new technologies to unlock at higher levels.

    If the devs add some more content for the leveling and endgame stages of the game, I would say it absolutely lives up to the hype. It's still early access so anything is possible, but I know better than to get my hopes up

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    Banks need it /s
  • Credit unions would actually be impacted far more from this legislation than banks.

    They don't have access to the same cash making options that large banks do, and credit unions are also non profit.

    If their fee income was reduced, they would have to make up for it in other areas, such as higher lending rates, which affects more people than overdraft fees.

    Personally, I'd rather deal with overdraft fees than have a higher rate for loans. If you learn to bank responsibly overdraft fees won't be an issue anyway.

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    Capcom's Steam Deck Verified Games are being made unplayable with new DRM that only punishes paying customers
  • I don't understand why some publishers of singleplayer focused games are against modding.

    I understand that it could impact other players experiences in a multi-player setting. And I support any game developer segregating modded clients from vanilla. What I can't wrap my head around is why some try to ban modding all together. If a player ruins or enhances their experience with mods, it's on them, not the developers.

  • Hello,

    I recently bought a used 3070 TI online, and thought I should come here to ask for some advice. The GPU I have currently I bought new from a retail store, so I didn't have much need to verify it.

    I am aware there are resellers out there with more shady interests, and sometimes "hack" a gpu chip to show up as, for example, a 3070 TI when it is really a [ insert any other inferior gpu here].

    My question is, how do I test this 3070 TI to ensure it is, in fact, a 3070 TI and not something pretending to be one. My best guess is to run a benchmark and compare my scores to others with similar hardware, but there's got to be a better way?
