And none of it is needed right now any more. It's just for sports.
He'll release it with his tax statements. Surely.
Disgraceful it was there in first place.
The chicken that won't
K Partei als Steigbügelhalter. Soweit, so altbekannt
Still nothing WHAT they allegedly lied about, only what the effects of said pictures were.
Luxon is pretty far from great. It's a libertarian speed run down here.
Thanks for write-ups, there are certainly some things I have to read up on
Kick her out already. Although being a standout in this party full of ignorant Imbeciles is quite the feat
We should be better than this sexual shaming. Prostitutes are comrades! Not this gremlin, though..
Nuclear in Germany was phased out by the Conservativs under Merkel. Whining about the Greens here is disingenuous.
That's being blocked, too
Wow, das ist ja mal ein Paradebeispiel für falsche Äquivalenz wie es kaum besser geht: Wikipedia (en)
Looks like there's a Republican
Not really. It's more about all having to play by the same rules. Some people are getting sued for sharing a few MP3s and here's a company downloading half the internet to make profit. And it's not for the benefit of mankind either, it's for their bottom-line only. I'm not happy with copyright laws, but until they are changed for all I want to see them applied to all alike.
What a gorgeous lady!
1h 35m | 16
I found it quite enjoyable and has a Samara Weaving obviously having fun.