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‘Clearly chicken you weirdo’: People respond to JD Vance sharing video he claims shows migrants grilling cats

    Stochastic terrorism is political violence that has been instigated by hostile public rhetoric which is directed at a group or an individual. Unlike incitement to terrorism, stochastic terrorism is accomplished by using indirect, vague, or coded language that allows the instigator to plausibly disclaim responsibility for the resulting violence.[1] A key element is the use of social media and other distributed forms of communications where the person who carries out the violence has no direct connection to the users of violent rhetoric.[2]

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    ‘Clearly chicken you weirdo’: People respond to JD Vance sharing video he claims shows migrants grilling cats
  • We are a handful of days away from some right wing weirdo showing a video of a non-white person sneezing and captioning it with "wtf they firing guns in the street". And that will become a popular talking point, and people will demand the death penalty.

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    Haitian immigrants helped revive a struggling Ohio town. Then neo-Nazis turned up
  • The stochastic terrorism is the wild claims infrahumanising certain groups on social media. Then someone decides to act on those claims, and the people who posted them say "I had no idea that would happen".

    Rinse and repeat until you've made the world worse, then die with lots of money.

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    Haitian immigrants helped revive a struggling Ohio town. Then neo-Nazis turned up

    Stochastic terrorism is political violence that has been instigated by hostile public rhetoric which is directed at a group or an individual. Unlike incitement to terrorism, stochastic terrorism is accomplished by using indirect, vague, or coded language that allows the instigator to plausibly disclaim responsibility for the resulting violence.[1] A key element is the use of social media and other distributed forms of communications where the person who carries out the violence has no direct connection to the users of violent rhetoric.[2]

  • Haitian immigrants helped revive a struggling Ohio town. Then neo-Nazis turned up

    Springfield’s immigrant community was targeted by far-right extremists months before Trump shared racist rumors

    Subtitle: Springfield’s immigrant community was targeted by far-right extremists months before Trump shared racist rumors

    Man Self-Immolates Outside Boston Israeli Consulate in Protest of Gaza Genocide
  • I have a strong desire to go to Gaza to support people there. That would be a kind of suicide, like suicide by cop, but instead suicide by regular bombing of areas designated by the military force doing the bombing as a zone that they wouldn't bomb and I knew that when I went to that area.

    Sadly, me being killed as a non-Palestinian by a military force which is killing indiscriminately would change nothing. It is apparent that many people think it is okay for a military force to kill indiscriminately. No number of deaths of Western people would be shocking, because 'they shouldn't be there'. Where is 'there'? A place where Palestinians are trapped, in order to be killed. The infrahumanisation of Palestinians has been there from the very start, it was assumed from the conception of the opinion, and from the conception of the children.

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    Man Self-Immolates Outside Boston Israeli Consulate in Protest of Gaza Genocide
  • Thank you! Being judged negatively by a member of species which fails to feed children, and instead seems to prefer giving money to people who preach hatred against groups based on their identity (or just funding endless pieces of media which are all broadly similar) instead, I will take that as a compliment.

    Please know that, when I die - whether that is by my own hand or not - I suspect I will not think 'wow I wish I'd been here for longer'. I've been here for 42 years. It's not great. People do not live up to my lofty moral ideals of supporting each other to make a better world.

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    Man Self-Immolates Outside Boston Israeli Consulate in Protest of Gaza Genocide
  • I will hurt myself if I decide to. It's not like I enjoy being around humans. Many humans hurt themselves and each other as a matter of course, and it is not edifying to see.

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    Ohio's Wittenberg University on alert after shooting threat against Haitians - BNO News
  • It’s saddening that so many people devote their short lives on spreading hatred and violence when they could be putting efforts into furthering the human race

    I think it's that these people actually really like inequality.

    Furthering the human race involves helping other people, so a lot of effort is diluted into everyone, and 'me and people like me might not benefit more than others'. Scapegoating an outgroup means reducing the status of others, so that 'me and people like me will end up being elevated over that group'.

    This preference for harming others is then turned into a potent political weapon, because hatred is still a legitimate political position. And, as long as it is so, I expect humans to hate themselves into irrelevance.

    If you can convince the lowest white man he's better than the best colored man, he won't notice you're picking his pocket. Hell, give him somebody to look down on, and he'll empty his pockets for you. — Lyndon Johnson (

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    Young women are more liberal than they’ve been in decades, a Gallup analysis finds
  • Who could ever know why men aren’t becoming as progressive as women, guess we will never know! Every refusal to acknowledge the issue, is cause for it to grow bigger.

    Yes, I too could act like a dick and say 'I have an issue!'

    Yes, I too could respond to people saying that I'm being unreasonable by saying 'it's your fault!'

    No, at no point am I doing anything but sabotaging myself because I feel entitled to being treated more leniently than everyone else.


    Terrorism isn't cool.

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    Man Self-Immolates Outside Boston Israeli Consulate in Protest of Gaza Genocide
  • There are always better alternatives than taking your own life.

    You are not entitled to me choosing to live just because you emotionally prefer that outcome.

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    Young women are more liberal than they’ve been in decades, a Gallup analysis finds
  • When boys are performing worse than girls in school, do you just pretend this isn’t statistically and factually happening to them

    Ah, very clever. You're trying to paint the issue of "performing worse" as "happening to them", as if boys are being oppressed.

    Please do keep on revealing your biases in your language, I find it fascinating. Oh, and do make sure to tell all the boys and young men around that you don't hold them accountable for their own actions, because they apparently have no power over how well they perform. I guess all those naughty girls and women are firing their filthy female mind rays at them, taking away their ability to do homework and revise for exams.

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    Young women are more liberal than they’ve been in decades, a Gallup analysis finds
  • Hi, I'm a teacher. The young men I see 'villainized' tend to make their own life harder by feeling entitled to money and status without actually trying to achieve anything. Their entitlement then causes them to act in unpleasant ways.

    I don't see many young men being treated badly simply because of their chromosomes or external genitalia.


    yet at every step they’re villainized

    Sounds like you're saying that if a man goes to the bathroom and washes his hands he is villainized. After all, washing your hands is a step in a procedure.
    You probably don't mean that. Maybe you are employing hyperbole to make a point. Please explain.

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    'It just exploded': Springfield woman claims she never meant to spark false rumors about Haitians
  • Ah, yes, you do live mostly in a world that you simulate inside your head. You probably do this in order to ignore the fact that you are participating in a human world which is purposefully organised by humans in order to hurt most humans. Carry on, I'll leave you to it.

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    Trump ally Laura Loomer called herself ‘white advocate’, audio reveals

    A reason why some German Jews supported Hitler was that they thought that his anti-Semitism was only for "stirring up the masses".[1] Also, they adhered to a kind of respectability politics that led many non-Jews in the German Reich to congratulate the VnJ with the phrase, "If only all Jews were like you."[2]

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    'It just exploded': Springfield woman claims she never meant to spark false rumors about Haitians
  • And so you’ll improve it by throwing around random accusations?

    Looking back on my two previous posts in this thread, I have not accused any individual of anything. Nor do I think I can improve a human world specifically designed to hurt humans all by myself. All I can do is refrain from hurting others - this is not an action which, by itself, changes the moral behaviour of the majority.

    You, in fact, are the one throwing an accusation. You might be doing this, ironically, out of a desire to improve the world. Feel free to ask me towards the end of the lifespan whether I have noticed a difference due to your efforts.

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    'It just exploded': Springfield woman claims she never meant to spark false rumors about Haitians
  • But in the absence of evidence in either direction, I think it’s most reasonable to not assume the worst of people.

    The human world is based on purposefully creating and maintaining inequality to enable exploitation. This is empirically verifiable. It is therefore reasonable to assume that most humans do not act based on morality, but instead out of convenience and/or apathy.

    Get back to me when there are no hungry children, then I will be ready to reassess the evidence.

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    Caitlin Clark’s Instagram Account Flooded With Negative Comments After She Liked Taylor Swift’s Endorsement of Kamala Harris
  • a lot of us here would be equally upset

    I'm autistic. I navigate the world with more effort, making sense of things with evidence. The evidence heavily suggests that many humans are purposefully trying to make a world which harms humans. This doesn't upset me.

    So, no, I wouldn't be upset. It would just be another data point, and I would be one realisation of the moral failure of the human world closer to death.

  • American woman shot dead at anti-settler protest in West Bank

    Witnesses say Aysenur Ezgi Eygi, 26, was fired at by Israel Defense Forces soldiers positioned in a nearby field

    13 ‘I just wanted peace’: my 35-year fight to bring my abusive father to justice

    Carol Higgins was 15 when she first reported her father’s abuse to the police. They told her he wouldn’t be charged. But she refused to let it rest until he finally stood trial

    > Carol Higgins was 15 when she first reported her father’s abuse to the police. They told her he wouldn’t be charged. But she refused to let it rest until he finally stood trial

    > Higgins gave a 17-page statement, signed it and was given a painful internal examination. At the end of it, she was informed that Appleyard would not be charged. Apparently, the case wasn’t strong enough. There was no forensic evidence. The police told her that because her brother, who was 14, was a minor, his account was inadmissible. They said that, should the case reach court, her name and sexual history would be dragged through the mud. Could she handle it? Higgins said she couldn’t.

    > [...]

    > In January 2019, after more pushing by Higgins, who refused to let it rest, Appleyard finally stood trial. It took the jury less than two hours of deliberation to find him guilty of 15 sexual offences against her, including rape and sexual assault. He was sentenced to 20 years. Earlier this year, Higgins also received £15,000 compensation and a public apology from West Yorkshire police, acknowledging that her “extremely serious and truthful allegations took too long to come to justice”.

    5 ‘We should have better answers by now’: climate scientists baffled by unexpected pace of heating

    The leap in temperatures over the past 13 months has exceeded the global heating forecasts – is this just a blip or a systemic shift?

    > Temperatures above 50C used to be a rarity confined to two or three global hotspots, but the World Meteorological Organization noted that at least 10 countries have reported this level of searing heat in the past year: the US, Mexico, Morocco, Algeria, Saudi Arabia, Kuwait, Iran, Pakistan, India and China.

    > In Iran, the heat index – a measure that also includes humidity – has come perilously close to 60C, far above the level considered safe for humans.

    > Heatwaves are now commonplace elsewhere, killing the most vulnerable, worsening inequality and threatening the wellbeing of future generations. Unicef calculates a quarter of the world’s children are already exposed to frequent heatwaves, and this will rise to almost 100% by mid-century.

    303 Gaza death toll hits 40,000, with thousands more yet to be counted

    The figure given by the strip’s health officials does not tell the full story of Palestinian losses, excluding those missing or buried in rubble

    7 ‘You feel like you’re suffocating’: Florida outdoor workers are collapsing in the heat without water and shade

    Florida has passed legislation banning local safety rules for outdoor workers, despite heat stress set to cost global economy $2.4tn by 2030

    13 ‘It’s torture’: brutal heat broils Texas prisons, killing dozens of inmates

    Legal action aims to force criminal justice department to air condition prisons, where 85,000 are at risk of heat illnesses

    57 Animal homosexual behaviour under-reported by scientists, survey shows

    Study finds same-sex sexual behaviour in primates and other mammals widely observed but seldom published


    The frog that is in this picture is the subject of the picture, which is why it is a picture of a frog.

    8 Teachers and GPs ‘staggering’ under extra demands caused by poverty in Great Britain

    Schools and health services forced to offer crisis help in the form of food, clothing, money and advice

    3 ‘No pride in occupation’: queer Palestinians on ‘pink-washing’ in Gaza conflict

    Israel presents itself as an LGBT haven in the region, but for Palestinians it offers neither refuge nor solidarity

    "Israel presents itself as an LGBT haven in the region, but for Palestinians it offers neither refuge nor solidarity"


    Interpret 'hardest' however suits you. Look forward to your answers!
