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Johnson pulled strings to get Trump into Arlington — and now the scandal is spreading
  • Here's the thing, a weak Democrat candidate meant the GOP could ride the curtail of a natural red wave born from voter dissatisfaction into another Trump presidency. They didn't have to try faced with Biden so they didn't have as many opportunities to show their incompetence.

    Now democrats have rallied and the writing is on the wall that Trump isn't good enough just by the virtue of being the republican choice. He actually has to try, which he hasn't done since 2016, and he's pretty bad at trying.

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    J.D. Vance Awkwardly Retreats After Bizarre Attempt to Storm Harris’ Empty Plane
  • It's the natural conclusion of the strategy republicans set into motion to manipulate their base.

    It started just after Watergate. Nixon was facing massive calls for justice from both sides. Republican think tanks realized that their base of conservatives consumed news from all sources that informed their mostly unbiased decision to hold their guy accountable. So those republican think tanks devised a plan to create a conservative news outlet that explicitly demonized other news so that the conservative base would never turn on one of their own again. That strategy was realized in the 90's with the creation of Fox News.

    Since then, conservative media has been slowly transforming politics from the perspective of the average conservative into a team sport, where the main motivation isn't "who runs the country better" but rather "my team is better than yours".

    It wasn't so pervasive 20 years ago, but conservative media has found themselves with a base that now only responds to the outrage they've been conditioning them with, and that has created the raging confrontational assholes you see today.

    Being a conservative doesn't mean what it used to. And that's because the Republican leadership robbed conservatives of that in order to maintain control of their base.

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    Bill Barr: Biden’s reforms would purge Supreme Court’s conservative justices
  • In theory that's how it works already. In practice, there is currently no disadvantage to appointing partisan judges and no system in which to objectively measure partisanship of a candidate. What that means is that there will always be partisan parties appointing partisan judges and there will always be candidates who claimed to be neutral who will be either accused of or proven to be partisan anyway.

    In the current system true neutrality on the bench does not exist

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    What is the most useless thing you still have memorized?
  • My wife gets an honorable mention for being able to recite the "what did you say to me you little bitch" copypasta in its entirety on a dime and as fast as she can say it

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    Ron DeSantis goes on bizarre rant after federal judge blocks his "Stop WOKE Act"
  • These kinds of people, the ones who warp and twist society for their own gain, will always be around in some form or another. So will the people they fool into ushering in their brand of fascism.

    I'll grant you that the "anti-woke" crowd is particularly brain dead though

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    If Trump loses in 2024, do you think he'll run again in 2028?
  • You'd think it would be a win, but honestly Trump is a clown. More "centrists" who detest Trump might rally around someone like DeSantis, that's what I'm afraid of.

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    Pete Buttigieg says voters are ready for a gay vice president
  • Lest we forget this exists

    I know posting ben garrison is cheating, but this was years ago. They'd definitely latch on to the name as a tool to degrade him.

    Hell, they've been trying to make the word "kamala" derogatory. Sorry Pete, even though you'd be as good a candidate as any, you've got butt in your name

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    Conservative Bots and Bad Actors Are Swarming R/Millenials Right Now
  • Got called an llm arguing with a Trumper on one of those posts. On my 13 year old account. By his 3-month old account.

    I just think it's incredible how many conservatives are completely willing to handwave pedophilia as long as it's their guy, bots or no.

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    A TL;DR of the Goldman-Sachs AI Criticism
  • If AI is a trillion dollar investment, what trillion dollar problem is it solving?

    Why, the trillion dollars not yet in the pockets of the companies that think they can take advantage of AI of course.

    The naked truth is that #4 answers #1. The biggest utility AI might provide would be replacing paid workers. That's a trillion dollar problem if your ultimate goal is to hoard wealth and sit atop the highest pile of gold like a dragon.

    So again, we have a solution to a problem only the wealthy elite have, being marketed as an advancement for the greater good of society, to justify stealing the massive resources it consumes, in order to not have to pay that directly to their workers.


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    Organize, Vote, Resist
  • Sure, that's what it is.

    Anyway, here's some reading material for you in the form of relevant discussion backing up most of what I said. You might learn something.

    Although something makes me think you won't come to understand the overall picture mostly by choice, since you seem to be stuck on your hate boner for Biden.

    In my experience, it's the people who accuse other people of having a tenuous grip on reality who tend to be extremely rigid in their own biases and are afraid to challenge them.

    So have fun with that. Later.

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    Organize, Vote, Resist
  • 🙄 Way to miss the point.

    Do you understand that it's possible to hold the belief that what the US is doing with Israel is wrong and also realize that the US can't independently stop it from happening?

    Did you read what I typed or not? The reason the US is still in this is their influence in the middle east. I'm not arguing that corpse-emperor is almighty and correct, I'm saying that geopolitics is a thing.

    If we can't have an actual discussion about this without you putting words in my mouth to paint it like I support that, then I guess this conversation ends here.

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    Organize, Vote, Resist
  • I'm not saying they aren't. I'm saying that taking the moral high ground by relinquishing your vote to choose between a number of leaders because you don't want to vote for someone "evil" means that you are disqualifying yourself from every major election almost everywhere by default.

    That's an enormously stupid take.

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    'What about Project 25?' John Fetterman turns the table on Fox News over Biden questions
  • It's not crazy, it's intentional. Poor education combined with the lack of social structure creates a voting population ripe with anger over the shitty system and looking to blame someone instead of learn why it's like that.

    Conservative media is specially made to take uneducated and rage blind voters and churn out Republican candidates who pretty much only hold office because of manufactured spite towards democrats.

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    Organize, Vote, Resist
  • "Blue MAGA" is straight up propaganda. If you think these two parties are alike enough to address democrats like that, you either have an agenda or are woefully uninformed.

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    Organize, Vote, Resist
  • By your logic, every leader of a 1st world country for the last several decades is evil.

    I have this conversation every single time I open up lemmy these days..

    Biden isn't enabling a genocide. If the US completely stopped sending anything to Israel, Israel would still be conducting this genocide. Netanyahu said so himself. Israel generates its own war supplies and exports its excess.

    The only thing that would change is the US would lose the influence it has left in the middle east and some other (likely hostile) nation would scoop up that spot. That's the real reason the US is still party to this.

    Everyone who believes Biden is evil because they think he has a magic genocide-off button on his desk isn't paying attention.

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    The developer of new Steam roguelike Dice and Fold is “amazed by the reception” after launch, and launches its extreme mode update early.
  • All games are time wasting. Rogue-like games don't have no progress, it's just not the same kind of progress other genres tend to have.

    I think it's really funny to hate a certain genre of entertainment because it wastes time though. The ultimate point of all entertainment is to waste time and produce dopamine.

    I mean like, it's cool to not like rogue-likes because you don't like starting over. That's a valid opinion. But saying it's because you don't want to waste time is kind of hilarious
