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GenXers, would you go back to your youth for a do-over?
  • This is a common thought experiment for lots of people and the break point is usually kids or maybe a partner. If I could still get the same kids (implies same partner) then absolutely. I could be a lot richer, more successful in my career and happier.

  • PwC to start tracking working locations of all UK employees

    Accounting firm tells its 26,000 workers move is to ensure workers spend ‘minimum of three days a week’ in office

    Help a noob with jellyfin on Ubuntu server
  • We're going to need to know as a minimum:

    • Linux distribution and version
    • Jellyfin install method and version
    • what you have already tried- not sure where all those flags are coming from

    I would also support the comments here recommending that you use docker. There's only a small number of Linux distributions and versions where a distribution package installation of jellyfin is fully supported, but even then what you need to do varies across each one. All Linux distributions and versions support docker and the process is essentially the same for all of them.

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    The Insecurity of Debian
  • Ok, aside from Android, I've yet to see any serious usage of SELinux in the real world and I've been working on cloud tech for years. Acknowledged issues such as complexity aside, it's really just that much less relevant in a modern, single purpose environment such as Docker/kubernetes/cloud functions/etc

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    Bluesky continues to soar
  • I feel this and some of the other comments in this thread are missing the point. It's not about me and my followers. It's about the news sources and topics that I search for or follow. They simply haven't moved to Mastodon and where notable individuals that I follow have tried, it simply hasn't worked out due to lack of interest. I'm not interested in the fediverse as a topic in itself, I'm interested in the topics and events I want to follow. Something happens and I can find and read and watch clips about it on Twitter. Not so Mastodon.

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    Bluesky continues to soar
  • I've been on Mastodon for over a year and the content simply isn't there. Several of the people that I follow on Twitter have tried moving or duplicating to Mastodon. They've had a fraction of the visibility and engagement from commenters that they would get on Twitter. Invariably after a few months they have essentially given up on it as a primary medium. For me the discoverability is essentially non-existent, which I don't think is helped by the idea of it being based around instance-local communities, which have no meaning when you're looking at something like Twitter.

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    Help burning CDs?
  • You really should try k3b. Brasero was always kind of a joke by comparison in my experience. For example, k3b easily let's you run diagnostics on your dependencies, so you can check that they are present and correct.

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    Peacock pulls the plug on Sam Esmail's Battlestar Galactica reboot
  • Lord of the rings has aged noticeably and not in a good way. I really loved BSG2003 but I haven't rewatched more than a few episodes. A lot of commenters here are suggesting that it's aged poorly in places and the ending was always disappointing.

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    What are your best job hunting platforms
  • You could consider

    • Cord: had some contact from companies leading to interviews but also some contact me and then ghost on response
    • Otta: more manageable search than LinkedIn
    • Hackajob: been a waste of time for me

    Linkedin is still the big gun. Really don't like how they game everything around job hunting, or the endless sea of Indian recruiters from Hyderabad pretending to be in UK/USA who can barely speak English and 'have a requirement...' but clearly have no concept of geography.

  • Trump Suggests Planes Can’t Fly When It’s Not Sunny

    Battery and aviation experts were flummoxed by his recent assertions about electric aircraft, which are not yet in widespread use.


    I am considering replacing my old 50" 1080p TV which I use with (external) Chromecast and Roku. I would like a 4K display 60" or greater but I really, really don't want any smart features. I am aware that I could purchase a commercial display to achieve this and that's my fallback option. Can anyone here make any useful recommendations? I am in the UK so e.g. 'Sceptre' is not available here.

    In advance, with respect, I am technically capable (check my post history) but could I ask to please avoid threads along the lines of:

    • 'non-smart TVs aren't a thing' - fallback is a commercial display
    • 'Nobody wants/buys non-smart TVs' - I do
    • 'Any TV not connected to internet is dumb'/ 'Just don't connect it' - This is no longer true since many TVs require a setup before use involving internet access and/or will seek access via open wifi/bluetooth/HDMI.



    Some commenters seem to be struggling with the 'why do you care if it connects?'. Some examples why:


    I'd like to ask about home entertainment hardware - I would have thought there would be an existing community or few but I am struggling to find any - can anyone point the way?

    5 Father pays tribute to ‘daddy’s girl’ found dead at school before detention

    Caitlyn Scott-Lee, 16, is thought to have taken her own life the day before she was due to have her first ever detention

    Trigger warning: self harm

    > Caitlyn Scott-Lee, 16, is thought to have taken her own life the day before she was due to have her first ever detention > > The father of an autistic schoolgirl who is believed to have taken her own life the day before she was due to have her first ever detention has paid tribute to his “daddy’s girl” at the inquest into her death.

    7 Brazilian woman arrested after taking corpse to sign bank loan: ‘She knew he was dead’

    Shock in Brazil after woman is arrested and charged with violating a corpse and attempted theft through fraud

    She should have said - well we tried calling first but were on the phone for quite a while- you said our call was important to you and you were 'experiencing an unusually high volume of calls'...


    Two instances I have accounts with have switched to Lemmy 0.19. This is a breaking change for many apps, including Connect. Is there any news re supporting this in the near future or is it time to look for another app?


    This is now working for me (at least for 2 separate instances) with Connect version 1.0.153 (details in comments below). Thanks so much for rapid response!
