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  • Currently the Biden administration is locking up protesters, not convicting FASCIST murderers, killing minorities, and suppressing the ability to vote, all right now. If you want to continue with the liberal policy of pretending everything's okay go ahead, but don't give us shit for trying to do something about it, sit down and shut up King.

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    Top Secret: In a 2018 letter, Netanyahu asks Qatar to fund Hamas
  • If you killed my entire family and leveled my house and then shot at me when I tried to get food from humanitarian aid then yeah, I'd be a hate filled fucking fanatic too

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    Biden Moves to Lift Restrictions on ALL U.S. Weapons to Israel
  • If that's all just farting in the wind figure out how to do more, throw a brick or something I don't give a shit, but stop telling people to vote to use my labor to fund genocide and pad genociders paychecks cuz that's not a solution now and it's never going to be. The only answer I have is that everyone should be as mad as I am, everyone should be throwing a tantrum, in the middle of the fucking streets if possible. Come outside and yell with me, bring your friends, that's my answer.

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    Biden Moves to Lift Restrictions on ALL U.S. Weapons to Israel
  • And there's the follow up gotcha, you're an absolute child. I do what I do and that's my business, I don't need to give you my CV. I'll say this, I'm not sitting in my own shit like an infant and moralizing to people who actually give a fuck.

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    Biden Moves to Lift Restrictions on ALL U.S. Weapons to Israel
  • First grow a conscience, then listen to it, then just fucking Google shit I don't care. How can I help Palestinians in need? What pressure can I be placing on my local government to speak with my voice in the Federal government? What pressure can I be putting on the glorious DNC to not run Biden as their pick? What political groups in my area need active members and funding? The fucking history of what led to the concentration camp that is Gaza in general. Literally any amount of effort.

    Adding before you say anything, my tone is hostile because people say "what can I be doing?" Not with the intention of actually listening to any of it or doing fucking any of it but to try to catch me in some kind of gotcha where all my statements are irrelevant because I can't do your job for you. I'm just a little bit mad about paying to turn innocent people into dead bodies.

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    Biden Moves to Lift Restrictions on ALL U.S. Weapons to Israel
  • Again everyone in here is comparing these hypothetical situations that have been built up by fear mongering and media to actual human deaths that are happening right now that can be stopped at any point, more than half of them women and children. Fighting for it does not mean voting for trump, activism is not filling out a Scantron that you got in your mailbox.

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    Biden Moves to Lift Restrictions on ALL U.S. Weapons to Israel
  • More than 15,000 people dead with money generated from mine and your labor, that's enough of a differentiator for me. People call me naive for having convictions but legitimately believe "dEmoCrAcY iS In daNGeR"

    Sorry you're too passive to fight for it sweaty

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    Americans of Lemmy, what is your approach to next year's election?
  • So are you going to take responsibility for the 11,500 people dead (since October 7th) as the unintended consequences of your actions? You told everyone we needed to vote Biden to protect people in 2020, did he protect them? And I don't want to hear anything about trans people and gay people because there are trans people and gay people in Palestine, or do they not count because they weren't fortunate enough to be born here or born White? I'm naive but you sleep like a baby with your hands covered in blood.

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    Americans of Lemmy, what is your approach to next year's election?
  • OR I simply refuse to endorse any singular candidate who has funded genocide. You can call me whatever you want for having convictions while your lesser evil funds a holocaust

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    House censures only Palestinian member over call for Palestinian freedom | Mondoweiss
  • You're a coward, if you had any backbone you could argue the actions instead of hiding behind semantics. You're weak stupid and callous and your argument is as thin as your skin.

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    Cruise Didn't Tell Anyone That A Woman Was Dragged 20 Feet After Being Pushed Into Robotaxi
  • I worked in this industry as a safety driver and various other positions for over 6 years in AZ, first with a company that also made national headlines, and then with the company that has connections with a certain search engine. From the inside it's easy to see these outcomes happening more and more frequently, these companies are concerned with getting as many driverless miles as they can because that's where their data comes from, the data is where the money comes from and that's all that matters. Drivers are typically subcontracted, forced to work long and stressful hours with few breaks. Safety is emphasized, but even dealing with fatigue in the appropriate ways can lead to disciplinary action if you're fatigued too often, so it goes unreported. I left the company specifically for safety concerns and despite making double there what I make now I won't be going back.
