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  • The mario movie was also good in my opinion. I enjoyed it and it did not feel like a cringefest at all (which I wish I could say about Minecraft's trailer)

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    Black Myth: Wukong is one of the best-selling games of all time
  • Yeah. The game's incipit is (spoilers ??? Literally the first five minutes of the game) >!Wukong just wants to chill on his mountains, but the other gods fear him and kick his ass. Decades, centuries or maybe millennia has passed, and now you, a monke from his village (arguably his reincarnation), are tasked with finding a way to reawaken him!<

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    Black Myth: Wukong is one of the best-selling games of all time
  • It's a good action with some souls mechanics (not a soulslike though), crazy good graphics, bosses and enemy variety. Should also be decently optimized for pc

    Plot wise is basically a fan sequel of Journey to the west. If you aren't familiar with that don't expect to understand shit about what's going on.

    The only real tangible issue is mediocre map design (very simplistic and linear) and (some say) some balancing issues.

    In short, if you enjoy 3d actions and/or souls you'll probably have you money's worth.

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    Today, I left windows behind for good
  • As far as user friendlyness for new users I usually recommend Mint (Cinnamon desktop) / ZorinOS Core (customized Gnome desktop)/ TuxedoOS (KDE Desktop).

    Choose accordingly to your preferred desktop environment and enjoy.

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    End of an era: Nova Launcher's parent company lays off practically everyone
  • I've been using Kvaesito lately and I absolutely love it.

    It's search based, meaning you can have an extremely minimal appearence while having lots of customization options and extremely quick access to apps (and app features, most importantly).

    I strongly recommend using it if you like efficiency

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    Climate protesters try to break into Tesla's Germany factory, multiple people arrested
  • Electric cars do not address any of the main issues cars bring to our society, which are:

    • Pollution -- Cars are responsible for a significant amount of global and local pollution (microplastic waste, brake dust, embodiment emissions, tailpipe emissions, and noise pollution). Electric cars eliminate tailpipe emissions, but the other pollution-related problems largely remain.

    • Infrastructure (Costs. An Unsustainable Pattern of Development) -- Cars create an unwanted economic burden on their communities. The infrastructure for cars is expensive to maintain and the maintenance burden for local communities is expected to increase with the adoption of more electric and (someday) fully self-driving cars. This is partly due to the increased weight of the vehicles and also the increased traffic of autonomous vehicles.

    • Infrastructure (Land Usage & Induced Demand) -- Cities allocate a vast amount of space to cars. This is space that could be used more effectively for other things such as parks, schools, businesses, homes, and so on. We miss out on these things and are forced to pile on additional sprawl when we build vast parking lots and widen roads and highways. This creates part of what is called induced demand. This effect means that the more capacity for cars we add, the more cars we'll get, and then the more capacity we'll need to add.

    • Independence and Community Access -- Cars are not accessible to everyone. Simply put, many people either can't drive or don't want to drive. Car-centric city planning is an obstacle for these groups, to name a few: children and teenagers, parents who must chauffeur children to and from all forms of childhood activities, people who can't afford a car, and many other people who are unable to drive. Imagine the challenge of giving up your car in the late stages of your life. In car-centric areas, you face a great loss of independence.

    • Safety -- Cars are dangerous to both occupants and non-occupants, but especially the non-occupants. As time goes on cars admittedly become better at protecting the people inside them, but they remain hazardous to the people not inside them. For people walking, riding, or otherwise trying to exercise some form of car-free liberty cars are a constant threat. In car-centric areas, streets and roads are optimized to move cars fast and efficiently rather than protect other road users and pedestrians.

    • Social Isolation -- A combination of the issues above produces the additional effect of social isolation. There are fewer opportunities for serendipitous interactions with other members of the public. Although there may be many people sharing the road with you (a public space), there are some obvious limitations to the quality of interaction one can have through metal, glass, and plastic boxes.

    (Batantly copypasted from the pinned thread on r/fuckcars)

  • Fairbuds | Fairphone

    Auricolari di qualità superiore, in assoluto i più facili da riparare. Batterie sostituibili all’interno degli auricolari e della custodia per la ricarica.

    4 Valentin / Tranquille · GitLab

    Tranquille: Fork of YetAnotherCallBlocker. Block unwanted calls effortlessly. Supports regex. wildcard and open-source bans-lists.

    Commento del dev in una issue di yacb: > Ciao a tutti! Volevo solo farvi sapere che sto lavorando a un fork di questa applicazione che uso spesso. Ho intenzione di aggiungere alcune delle funzionalità più richieste, tra cui la condivisione/importazione con un solo clic del database locale dell'applicazione, l'integrazione con i più popolari siti web di valutazione dei telefoni e una migliore interfaccia utente (probabilmente)... Ecco il mio fork: Se volete partecipare, fatemelo sapere o create un problema! 😄 Prevedo di poter pubblicare un aggiornamento nel corso della prossima settimana.

    EDIT: quanto ho riportato sopra è il commento del dev originale che ho tradotto in italiano, non sono io che sto sviluppando la fork


    Due to a certain situation I'm living at work (for about two months now) I've basically given up tending to all the other stuff in my life and it's really starting to impact my relationships, my mental health and my job itself.

    I feel so overwhelmed about all the stuff I still need to do I'm starting to have meltdowns everytime something new pops up (even something as small as a friend's birthday).

    Just yesterday I managed to tackle one of the things I've been procrastinating and felt no satisfaction whatsoever due to the huge amount of things that still need to be done and situations that need to be addressed.

    I feel I'm only able to handle one "crisis" at a time, and the moment there are two going on, everything else becomes one.

    I also can't stop thinking about this whole situation, it's like my brain is constantly active but in the end I can't manage to get me to do anything. It's exhausting.

    Does it happen to you too? How do you deal with that?

    Edit: thanks to everyone who took time to reply and give honest advice. I'll read all the messages at the end of my shift

    22 La nuova piattaforma anti pirateria ha bloccato siti che non doveva bloccare - Il Post

    Dovrebbe oscurare solo quelli che trasmettono illegalmente partite di calcio e film, ma nelle prime segnalazioni sono stati coinvolti anche indirizzi di servizi legali


    Non lo uso personalmente ma sto cercando di capire se posso consigliarlo e a chi

    1 GitHub - polymorphicshade/Tubular

    Contribute to polymorphicshade/Tubular development by creating an account on GitHub.

    Il mantainer di Newpipe Sponsorblock, polymorphicshade, ha abbandonato il progetto per dedicarsi ad una fork che diverge più drasticamente da newpipe, la quale promette nuove funzioni:

    • Inviare e votare segmenti sponsorblock
    • persistere i segmenti personalizzati di SponsorBlock nel database
    • aggiungere la funzione "Accesso esclusivo" / "Video sponsorizzato" di SponsorBlock
    • aggiungere la funzione "capitoli" di SponsorBlock
    • aggiungere un eliminatore di clickbait
    • aggiungere un filtro per parole chiave/regex
    • aggiungere l'importazione degli abbonamenti con un cookie di accesso a YouTube
    • aggiungere risultati algoritmici con un cookie di accesso a YouTube
    • aggiungere la riproduzione offline di YouTube

    Intanto Newpipe si è aggiornato alla versione 0.26. Se non siete ancora pronti a passare a tubular, ma volete comunque le (tanto agognate) playlist e sezioni dei canali introdotte nell'ultima versione, javulticat ha ripreso dove polymorphicshade ha interrotto:


    \#Google vuole bloccare #ReVanced e simili (come #NewPipe): per le app come Youtube solo client ufficiali

    \> Una nuova api chiamata Android WebView Media Integrity API permetterà ai servizi di streaming gratuiti di verificare l’integrità del client. Sarà pronta per il 2024, quando entrerà in servizio il DMA. Non è un caso: tutti i client di terze parti spariranno.

    Morirà anche @newpipe ?


    I mean gameplay-wise, I don't really care for the story.

    Stuff like artifacts, new characters, new region etc.


    Hi all, I need to replace a power supply in an old pc. I think it's 650-700w, but could it be too much for a GTX960+AMD FX8320?

    Is there a tool to help me evaluate the proper power range needed?


    On windows, everybody uses afterburner to overclock/undervolt.

    What options do we have on linux (I have an nvidia gpu)?


    Why YSK: On Zalando you can find lots of products from popular brands for crazy cheap compared to physical stores. There are new sales everyday and it's a great way to either buy something cheap or high quality products for a fraction of their cost.

    Zalando Privè is another website from Zalando which has even more sales. Check them both out! You just need one Zalando account to log in both.

    Zalando: Zalando Privè:

    Double disclaimer: I am not affiliate in any way with zalando and I don't know what countries are covered. Just open them and try.

    13 Tabletop World War 2 Wargaming -

    A community for all kinds of WW2 miniature wargaming. All sorts of WW2 wargames are welcome here, especially smaller or miniature agnostic ones, since larger games like Bolt Action or Flames of War are often having their own communities (Of course those are also allowed and welcomed here) Examples a...

    Guys this is amazing


    Why YSK: Tor provides a secure, anonymous access to the web to people who can't do it carelessly like we do (journalists and citizens of authoritarian countries for example).

    Snowflake is a legal, zero effort way to help those people access the internet. If you're interested in how it works, here's the explaination I'm not including for the sake of brevity.

    To actually use snowflake you just have to install the official browser extension

    That's it, just make sure the extension is up and running and never worry about it again, it will do its thing and never bother you or even make you notice it's there. It's inexpensive in terms of resources too.

    https:// /post/3026

    Un utente ha ripreso lo sviluppo di lemmur, e dovrebbe pubblicare una release proprio domani! La proverete?
