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Oh my god
  • Tbf, a pun-based show with gratuitous fourth wall breaking is the kind of desperate I would actually love 😁

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    Playing thru the pain
  • Bad muzak I can handle. It's when they interrupt it every ten seconds to remind you that there's still the same number of people ahead of you that really gets my goat. And I need that goat!

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    Statement from National Security Advisor Jake Sullivan on the Terrorist Designation of the Houthis
  • Yeah because slogans always tell the whole story and middle eastern politics never mixes with religion 🙄

    Also, even if it IS a group of religious nuts, does that make ALL of them terrorists?

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    Jordan Henderson reaches agreement with Al Ettifaq to terminate contract and quit Saudi Pro League
  • Read the Athletic one and goddamn he's either thick as a brick or completely dishonest! Probably the latter or both.

    As a Liverpool fan and LGBTQ+ ally, that was such a massive betrayal. He can walk alone.

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    He'll be the death of us all.
  • Your anger is futile.

    Aww it's cute that you think your bullshit is crafty enough to rile me up lol. My use of emphatic language is out of bafflement, not anger.

    go look it up.

    Nope. Not going to spend the time and effort looking up YOUR claim. YOU provide a source or stfu.

    Btw, even IF it bizarrely turns out that the notoriously pro-business and anti-consumer conservatives were the ones who came up with it, that doesn't change the context and meaning which I'm using it.

    That's not what astroturfing is... you should brush up on the term.

    I literally defined the term for you. Unlike you, I'm fully aware of what it means. You're acting like Vizzini from The Princess Bride with his constant misuse of "inconceivable!"

    It seems like you're going through some stuff

    If by that you mean "wasting time and effort trying to talk sense into a Dunning Kruger poster boy", then yeah. I have bad impulse control that sometimes makes me keep answering when bad faith arguing idiots adress me directly even though I know it's a bad idea.

    In conclusion: you started out with nonsense and if anything just got worse from there. Please leave me alone.

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    Statement from National Security Advisor Jake Sullivan on the Terrorist Designation of the Houthis
  • So much fucking stereotyping!

    Houthis are a mostly political movement and the de facto government of the most populous parts of Yemen.

    Saying "our action targets the Houthis and not the people of Yemen" is straight nonsense deliberately designed to paint the chosen government of most of the Yemeni people as identical to small groups of terrorists within the large movement.

    It's straight out of the Dubya/Cheney/Rumsfeld playbook of manufacturing consent for war crimes.

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    He'll be the death of us all.
  • Quotes conservative media

    The fuck I did! Conservatives didn't coin that nickname, progressives did! Progressives pointing out that he was suspiciously helpful to a major campaign donor to the detriment of regular people.

    Since when has Joe Biden been marketed as a grassroots candidate?

    Since every time they've portrayed him as just a regular middle class man of the people friend of union workers, none of which he actually is.

    I'm genuinely worried about your critical thinking skills

    Right back at you, shitlib. Have the day you deserve.

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    In Gaza, Israel has turned water into a weapon of mass destruction
  • Says a lot about the political climate that not only were you able to ever forget about something so bizarre, but it's actually completely understandable!

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    He'll be the death of us all.
  • I still think you're a conservative, just the kind that wears a Mao t-shirt instead of a Reagan one.

    That would make me a tankie. Tankies are super authoritarian and I'm the opposite. That's one of the things I dislike about Biden, remember?

    I tend to occupy a very wide field between European style Social Democrat to Left Libertarian bordering on anarchism, depending on the specific subject.

    Always on the "no such thing as inherent authority" end of the axis where Biden's at the "cops are great" end, though.

    Also go look up what astroturfing means

    I'm well aware of campaigns disguising themselves as grassroots when in actuality some very rich people are behind it.

    Ironically, every campaign of The Senator From MBNA has been more or less astroturfing.

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    He'll be the death of us all.
  • hilariously out of your element

    Says the one who calls me a


    Dude, can't you read? I clearly said that Biden's the lesser evil by far and that the Trump presidency was a catastrophe.

    I'm not calling Biden an evil because I think he's too far left. I'm calling him an evil because he's way too far right and way too authoritarian. Dude loves cops and the fascist apartheid state Israel, just like Trump does.

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    He'll be the death of us all.
  • No. I was about to refute their misconceptions point by point but decided it wasn't worth the effort since we're ostensibly on the same side and nothing I or anyone else can say would convince them.

    Same with you, it seems, so unless you actually have something to add, I suggest you take your conclusion jumping elsewhere.

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    I'm a California restaurant operator preparing for the $20-an-hour fast-food wage by trimming hours, eliminating employee vacation, and raising menu prices
  • Everyone except dumbasses with no critical thinking skills understands that in order to pay people a living wage, prices have to adjust accordingly

    Except not really. Businesses have much wider profit margins than they pretend to.

    For example, in Denmark the McDonald's entry-level wage is the equivalent of $22 and a Big Mac costs LESS than in most of the US.

    If McDonald's couldn't make a profit doing that, they'd simply stop doing business in Denmark. They don't.

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    I'm a California restaurant operator preparing for the $20-an-hour fast-food wage by trimming hours, eliminating employee vacation, and raising menu prices
  • Restaurants run on thin margins.

    Not anywhere near as thin as you think. The official numbers are AFTER artificially deflating their profits for tax avoidance reasons.

    he gives up every penny of that to make payroll.

    Ridiculously unrealistic.

    An employee pocketing $20 probably costs his employer $40

    What have you been smoking?? In the real world, workers produce a hell of a lot more value than they're given in return. That's how companies profit.

    he's trying to tighten up, keep those people on the payroll.

    No, he's trying to recoup the profits lost from paying his workers a living wage by making it less livable for them. He's protecting his profits, not workers.

    And gets demonized for it.

    And rightly so. He's acting like the put upon victim when in reality he's complaining about having to pull other exploitation levers now that one is fixed at a lower setting.

  • Subheader:

    >The survival genre is a crowded one, but if I know anything about gamers it's that they love building bases and fighting hordes of zombies. So who could resist a game that does both?

    I don't know about you, but that's NOT my definition of what makes any Fallout game great and I can EASILY resist another tower defense zombie game 🙄


    Charlotte and Emily hanging out near each other for once 🥰

    1 Texas AG Threatens Seattle Hospital With Jail Unless It Provides Trans Patient Data

    Attorney General Ken Paxton has sent a civil investigative demand to Seattle Children's Hospital, demanding data on all Texas patients traveling for care, despite having no jurisdiction there.

    "We're gonna need a bigger jail" 🤦


    A trainer I used to love back in the day used to be free/shareware but has since changed to an extremely stingy freemium model.

    Any idea where I might look for the old version? I'd be more specific, but I'm not sure whether it would be against the requests rule..


    Scenes From A Multiverse: Evidence Schmevidence

    Source with alt-text


    When I hide one or multiple posts and for example refresh the feed or go back to it after going to a notification, they all return as if I never hid them, which kinda defeats the point of hiding them in the first place..


    he looked official what can I say


    Even if you trust a fish as far as you can throw it, it'll just swim farther still, provided you're throwing it into a sufficiently large body of water.

    Full comic link
