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AMD GPU Linux Driver Becoming "Really Really Big" That It's Starting To Cause Problems
  • How you gonna know what GPU someone is booting to apply the correctly flag, I think that running simpleDRM at early boot and loading AMDGPU in the background is the best solution, that can also help debug the kernel, where you know the issue is in the kernel not in the AMDGPU drivers

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    Jet Fuel
  • The theory I'd believe more is that the U S of A govt or one of its agencies engineered and released it in China.

    They did a stupid ass job them, killing the older only gonna help China, and it didn't even killed enough people to make a difference and it backfired in the US, the conspiracy that China was engineering with it and shit escaped make more sense

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    Jet Fuel
  • I always held that 9/11 was dubious. Not an "inside job" per se, but definitely a case of "we're gonna turn our backs for just a second, and you terrorists better not do something silly while we're not looking!"

    But why? What they won letting that happen?

  • What I remember that was a policial or investigator that was in a crime scene and found that one suspect was in the public, and he couldn't arrest him because it was against the philosophy of anarchist or some shit, and when running behind the suspect he could walk in the street because it was funded by public money, I think I read it here on Lemmy, but I can't find it lol


    this community showed up for me and i'm so confused even after reading the posts and comments, thanks!

    i didn't saw any rule against off topic posts, but if my post is breakin some rule, sorry


    Hello you all, so basically i installed Nix in my machine, and i wanted a way to install packages, with nix-env --install, and those packages share with the root account, i was reading about nix multi-user and i'm gonna be honest, i didn't understood shit, i need to enable daemon for both root and my user?, or this only works between users, not root?, etc. thanks for any answer!

    4 Team Fortress 2 has a 64bit and Vulkan update for Linux in testing

    Valve are still updating Team Fortress 2 (TF2), and a bigger technical update is currently in the works that will bring 64bit and Vulkan support to the Linux version.


    for context steam linux runtime sniper is made for newer native linux games, like cs2


    Fedora automaticly run deduplication using BTRFS(or OStree for the immutable spins?

    Hello!, i was thinking about running deduplication on my system to save some space, and wanted to know if Fedora already runs it in background, or if the function is enabled on OStree spin? Thanks!

    0 Support Plasma 6

    Spark Innovation with Your Donation Exciting news on the horizon! In February 2024, Plasma 6 is set to make its grand debut.


    [Noob question] Why journald isn't auto completing my user .service?

    Hello!, so i have 2 services in my .config/systemd/user one of them is named flatpak-update.service, and the other find-and-delete.service. When i write journalctl --user-unit flatpak it autocomplete like any other command in bash, but if i try the same with journalctl --user-unit find it don't autocomplete, as the service didn't exist, but if i type journalctl --user-unit find-and-delete.service i list the service logs as normal, why it isn't autocompleting the name?, thank for any answer or suggestion


    Hello, how do i debug the portal?, in my system it has a problem, every time i try to select a directory using it(like selecting the directory on ktorrent, or selecting the rom directory on Rosalie's Mupen Gui, both flatpak) i start eating ram infinitely and don't show up, i need to kill it from the task manager, but i didn't find anyone complaining about it, so i think is a problem with my setup

    • Operating System: Fedora Linux 38
    • KDE Plasma Version: 5.27.7
    • KDE Frameworks Version: 5.109.0
    • Qt Version: 5.15.10
    • Kernel Version: 6.4.14-200.fc38.x86_64 (64-bit)
    • Graphics Platform: Wayland
    • Processors: 8 × AMD Ryzen 7 5700U with Radeon Graphics
    • Memory: 6,6 GiB of RAM
    • Graphics Processor: AMD Radeon Graphics
    • Manufacturer: LENOVO
    • Product Name: 82MF
    • System Version: IdeaPad 3 15ALC6

    EDIT: removing ´export QT_QPA_PLATFORMTHEME=xdgdesktopportal´ from my .bashrc and rebooting fixed the problem


    notice the 5 minutes ago, that dosen't exist, and the post is from 2 years ago, from a deleted account. and it isn't from my web search because every other result don't have that


    hello, noob here, so, i was writing a program in go to edit a image, and for now i use os.Open(file) to select the file, how i wanted to open the file chooser maybe using org.freedesktop.portal.FileChooser for the user to select the file, but i trying searching it and i couldn't find an answer, maybe i was using the wrong keywords, but anyway, i hope some can help me, thank you!

    btw, i'm also not familiar with portals, i was hoping that i could learn a bit more how they work


    i wanted to create an issue in the Archwiki for some outdated information, but the capsha is too complex for me and my fedora


    hello folks, so, i use fedora, and i have steam installed as flatpak, i tried this suggestion i relaxed the flatpak, and log out, but the .desktop files are still in the /home/${USER}/.var/app/com.valvesoftware.Steam/.local/share/applications/ how i "force" the steam to re-create the .desktop files?

    thank you!

    (btw i just want the start-menu icons, i don't put shortcuts in the desktop :)


    like, how can this app be so fluid??, and beautiful, it don't have many features, but it has a sense of minimalism so good, it's just...clean, i love it
