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People need to remember this.
  • Because if you don’t like your healthcare in the US, you certainly can leave, but you will be stuck with the bill, and if it’s considered leaving “against medical advice,” you will be denied insurance coverage if you return for the same issue.

    Insurance is just a pain in general in the U.S. For instance some people might struggle to find a new doctor in their area if they're dealing with a specialist and have specific insurance coverages which means cutting off their toxic doctor might be more difficult.

    Burning bridges to escape toxicity is fine, just don't strand yourself.

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    OpenAI Pleads That It Can’t Make Money Without Using Copyrighted Materials for Free
  • I stand by my opinion that learning systems training on copyrighted materials isn’t the problem, it’s companies super eager to replace human workers with automation (or replace skilled workers with cheaper, unskilled workers).

    I mean it's the heart of the issue.

    OpenAI isn't even the big issue regarding this. It's other companies that are developing and training specialized LLMs on their own employees. These companies have the capital to take the loss on the project because in their eyes it'll eventually turn into a gain as long as they get it right eventually.

    GPT and OpenAI is just a minor distraction in regards to what is being cooked up behind the scenes, but I still wouldn't give them a free pass for that either.

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    Harris says she won’t stop Biden’s policy of sending weapons to Israel
  • Yeah. I suspect many of us knew her stance on this issue before she said it but she really did not need to say it.

    I appreciate the honesty but I do wish that she would avoid this one topic in particular. This is an issue that younger voters feel very strongly about. Younger voter turnout may not be good anyways, but I would really do my best to avoid upsetting that crowd. We're not trying to make people go back to feeling apathetic regarding the election again.

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    Poorly socialized rule
  • It's much easier for people to mock and ridicule than to educate and correct.

    I'm not saying we shouldn't call out poor behavior but the way we do so should be constructive as to not breed further resentment. This goes for most everything too, not just for the issue in the OP.

    This is just a small part of creating a world that you want to live in. We can't shut out the world or those we disapprove of, but we can contribute to the betterment of others, making the world a place we're more more comfortable with sharing.

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    Sanders Pledges Resolution to Block $20 Billion US Arms Sale to Israel
  • It doesn't take too many traitors to the party to ruin any attempts at passing progressive legislation sadly. Even if it's not the usual suspects like Sinema or Manchin someone will always step up, and if they don't get voted back into office later then they'll just cash in those connections with a lobbying firm.

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    I'm never getting my food (Rule)
  • Probably doesn't need to be said but memes aside I appreciate you being nice to them. I always feel incredibly bad for the people working in that industry.

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    shitty little snowflake has to be special, can't just act normal like everyone else
  • I don't even think we had that many religious people. It was the biggest city in a very rural red state but I can't think of much else for why the reaction was that bad. We had an air force base nearby but I mostly chalked up the experience to bad luck and sitting next to the wrong person.

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    YouTube now vs then
  • Guessing by kids we're talking about young children and not teenagers because old YouTube was practically made for teenagers. The more popular layouts people used back then often had the same aesthetic as myspace pages. There was more gaming content on the site than anything else, followed by viral vids (=3).

    There's a lot to dislike about the modern structure of the platform but as a grown adult I appreciate that there's a much larger variety of content now which was essentially what the shift in design was supposed to achieve.

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    shitty little snowflake has to be special, can't just act normal like everyone else
  • I only refused to do it once because at the time I was in high school it wouldn't have been smart to stand out. I remember it really well because it happened in the auditorium for some reason. I was sitting down because I felt woozy but one of the guys standing next to me threatened me. Something along the lines of cutting my traitorous dick off and throwing me in a ditch to die if I didn't stand up for it.

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    Let us show Putin we have ability to hit targets deep inside Russia, Ukraine urges west
  • It genuinely feels like western countries are content to allow the war to drag out for the sake of sacrificing Ukraine to destroy Russia's population. We should be allowing them to aggressively push into Russia, taking the fight off their own territory and moving the war towards a faster conclusion.

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    When shitposting becomes constiposting
  • From the context it was obviously an offhanded joke,

    Ah so that's the thread in question. Was wondering what post it was and honestly, I suspected that one of being rage bait.

    The original image seemed like it was missing context so I figured OP was gonna come swinging in later against any comments saying it was extreme with the additional context.

    And yes, out of context I thought it was a bit extreme. I don't necessarily agree with what the first person in the image said although that's a complex topic that deserves a much lengthier discussion, but just randomly having someone tell them that they're a creep who deserves to be tased is fairly extreme without any additional context. Keep in mind, I have no idea who the individual is or what they've done.

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    Trump Suddenly Looks Very Afraid of Being Sued by Taylor Swift
  • The law suit isn't what matters. He's got a massive collection of those already and it won't matter until it all eventually catches up to him assuming he fails to get elected.

    What matters is that if he pissed Taylor off enough she might actually endorse Harris openly. We know she leans blue but she's refrained from open endorsements. Her fans are absolutely crazy and she could probably sway a bunch of Republicans easily. This is great.

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    Harris builds 13-point lead over Trump with women: Poll
  • Yeah I figured that was the case but I haven't checked up on the EC in a while. We should probably win the popular vote easily but unfortunately our elections aren't determined by that.

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    Wow, they really attacked gamers. Conservatives speedrunning how to be hated by everybody.
  • Yeah people meme about it but the addiction exists.

    Even before microtransactions were huge on mmos, I remember people letting Runescape ruin them. Knew a guy with 3 daughters who was divorced over it. Had an old friend who wouldn't last more than two weeks at any job cause he'd quit to play and the whole group we played with would get to hear his girlfriend screaming at him over it sometimes (he did get better though).

    Now days we have gachas and games with loot boxes so it's even more predatory.

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    Harris builds 13-point lead over Trump with women: Poll
  • Ignore the polling and just vote. We haven't won until we've won.

    The odds look fantastic but there's always the chance a lot of people simply shrug it off and consider the election already over due to the odds looking to be so overwhelmingly in her favor. Don't be like that. Go out and vote unless you want dementia donnie to slip back in.

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    Me but ublock origin
  • YouTube: Has ads and sells your data like every other online service

    Also YouTube: Doesn't pay creators much to the point where creators often have in-video advertisements but expects audiences on the platform to pay for an adless experience

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    Wow, they really attacked gamers. Conservatives speedrunning how to be hated by everybody.
  • I get what they were going for considering I've known certain people who have been so addicted to specific games that they've ruined their lives but I don't think Walz is in that crowd. He's still married, looks like he's a great father who's involved with his kids and is a more responsible and active politician than 90% of those in politics.

    It's such a poor jab. Besides gaming being this mainstream hobby that everyone partakes of these days, there's also the fact that even if he was irresponsible, the youngest two of the voting generations would vibe with it. I know people who overspend their money or ignore reality entirely because they feel helpless. It's a symptom of a problem.

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    Republicans when Kamala comes out smiling in a tan suit
  • It's been going around for as long as I can remember it at this point.

    I remember when I was a kid the news was trying to mock Obama over "mom jeans" of all things. I still don't get it.
