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Creators of Slay the Spire will migrate their next game to a new engine if Unity doesn't completely revert their changes
  • Buddy you're at -6 for a low effort comment, don't get buttmad at me. Why are you going back and checking your reduces so obsessively?

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    6 reasons the gender critical right and the woke left are both WRONG about pronouns
  • I've been doing that since middle school and oh boy did it ever peeve my teachers.

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    *Permanently Deleted*
  • Fancy domains are always fun to see

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    Lawsuit Alleges Reddit Fired Employee for Taking Medical Leave, ‘Toxic’ Culture
  • And here I thought it was intentional

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    Intel's Major Overhaul for CPU & GPU Benchmarking | "GPU Busy" & Pipeline Technical Discussion
  • They're the main poster by far on this sub recently

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    Tesla's competitor
  • You can register home-built cars, it'll need a windshield and wipers though.

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    Tesla's competitor
  • I'd drive the shit out of that around town

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    "What do we do now?" - LMG's response to the recent controversies
  • GN's follow up video is actually their normally scheduled news vid that happens to address Linus' poor reaction.

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    Woman sentenced to nearly 22 years in prison for trying to mail Trump ricin
  • IIRC from when someone tried to mail ricin to Obama back when he was president its from crushed up castor bean powder

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    LMG has made a response video to Gamers Nexus' concerns
  • Ah, I haven't seen anything from /drama on my feed yet so I completely misunderstood you.

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    The Problem with Linus Tech Tips: Accuracy, Ethics, & Responsibility
  • It's full of video quotes, you're not actually allergic to him.

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    The Problem with LMG
  • He did say in the video it was being auctioned off for Extra-Life.

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    The Problem with Linus Tech Tips: Accuracy, Ethics, & Responsibility
  • I do hope that her absence from recent videos is of her own volition and that she'll present more when she wants to.

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    The Problem with LMG
  • It doesn't help that the titles get changed a handful of times throughout the release day so even if you remember the name it may not be the same if you want to re-watch it.

  • Can you geolocate a song?
