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Study Finds Consumers Are Actively Turned Off by Products That Use AI
  • You are framing the issue to read the way you want it to be read. The customization and software options I am currently using, I have been able to make 90% of it work with a rooted phone and a combination of many open source tools and more. Now I get 100 % without theming breaking randomly, bluetooth being stable, not having to reset the phone every time I update to a new version, and more random issues I had with banking apps and others. I have control over my device stop dooming lmaooo. People use devices that fit their needs.

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    Study Finds Consumers Are Actively Turned Off by Products That Use AI
  • To give you a second opinion from the other guy, I've had quite a few Samsungs in a row at this point. From Galaxy S2 to S23Ultra skipping years between every purchase.

    They are effectively the premium vendor of Android, at least for western audiences. The midrange has some good ones, but other companies do well there too. At the high end, Samsung might lose out a bit to google on images of people, but the phones Samsung sell are well built, have a long support life, have lots of features that usually end up being imported to AOSP and/or Google's own version of Android. The last few generations are the Apple of Android. The AI features they've added can be run on device if you want, and idk what the other guy is talking about, but the AI features aren't that obnoxiously pushed on my device, the S23 Ultra. I have some things on, most things off. Then again, I've used HTC for a few years and iPhone for two weeks, so except for helping my dad with his Pixel 6a while that device lasted, I've not really tried other brands. The added customization on Samsung is kind of a problem for me, because I don't feel like changing brands after being able to customize so much out of the box.

    And I've never had issues connecting to a simple Windows computer, given that the phone has always been able to use the normal Plug-and-play driver that is there already. If you have a macbook like I do, it's a bit cringe, but that's a macbook issue moreso.

  • Jump tankie censorship problem
  • So when faced with facts you just turn away. I mean, I'll even concede that some of the member states didn't hold elections and therefore, we have no statistics on them. Not every facet of your enemy can be unreasonably demonized. Not every element of Soviet life was as bad as you think, and it's totally fair to say that the lower socioeconomic class was harmed by the dissolution.

    In the aftermath of the dissolution oligarchs did dismantle a lot of the social security nets that existed and concentrated a lot of wealth.

    I can just as easily shit on how Norwegian social security has been harmed by for-profit initiatives on the back of 8 years of Høyre and Frp rule.

  • Jump tankie censorship problem
  • I mean... the Soviet Union was illegally dissolved and as far as I remember, the people didn't want the dissolution to happen. A lot of tomfooleries happened after that and many former soviet countries did lose protections for their least economically safe population.

    This is not a defense of the Soviet Union, but dealing with the first statement you wrote.

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    ✨️ Finish him. ✨️
  • I don't particularly agree. Publishing is a tricky thing in the private sector, and we've seen a lot of scientific suppression by companies. Peer review literally requires the field to assess your work, and doesn't end with the publication, but is a process that continues forever. Reproduction is a major issue, especially in fields proximal to mine (neuroscience , Medicine and psychology) and the whole process of open science with this type of review process makes it much easier to create papers that are reproducible.

    The external influence is basically a given to produce science that holds up.

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    ‘The Wire’ Creator David Simon Rips Into Baltimore Bridge Conspiracists, Calls Marjorie Taylor Greene A “Complete Submoronic Pratfall Of A Human Being’
  • Bro we got a lot of career politicians that have had their families intrinsically tied to our political sphere for ages. Also we have an insane revolving door of people being in politics and doing "lobbying" depending on the way the wind blows. There was also a bigger article with the actual stats on how often this has happened but I can't find it. Anyway ..

    From last year:

    Edit here it is:

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    [Discussion thread][Spoilers] Dune: Part Two - Denis Villeneuve - 2024
  • Fantastic adaptation. Finished God Emperor earlier this month and had a blast with this. I think most of the changes were good to remove the campy nature of Alia going full on demon baby.

    So many beautiful shots, and it felt amazing to see the first sandworm scene for Paul look exactly like I expected it to.


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    Trump is disqualified from Illinois ballot, judge rules
  • If they are voting in the primary, I doubt they will skip the general election. It's more than likely a reminder to the administration that their voter base is not happy with the current decision making. If they are protesting stuff like this, they are most likely D voters anyway (over 90 % of D voters are pro-ceasefire vs 53? % for the R voterbase.

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    Felon musk
  • Yeah, like the sad case with the teachers a few years back. Confirmed my personal view that Rødt and maybe SV are the only parties I'd like to vote. AP really betrayed LO and the teacher's unions in general.

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    We Are Retroactively Dropping the iPhone’s Repairability Score | iFixit
  • Good job ifixit! This should be a cause for outrage. Pretending to support the right to repair while also softwarelocking repairs is not just two faced, but actively harming the consumers.
