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OpenAI now tries to hide that ChatGPT was trained on copyrighted books, including J.K. Rowling's Harry Potter series
  • Do we know enough about how our brain functions and how neural networks functions to make this statement?

    Yes, we do. Take a university level course on ML if you want the long answer.

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    OpenAI now tries to hide that ChatGPT was trained on copyrighted books, including J.K. Rowling's Harry Potter series
  • When we learn we aren't building a form a capital; when models learn they are only building a form of capital.

    What do you think education is? I went to university to acquire knowledge and train my skills so that I could later be paid for those skills. That was literally building my own human capital.

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    S.T.A.L.K.E.R. 2: Heart of Chornobyl delayed to Q1 2024
  • Unless you’re a game by Bethesda, most people (and most reviewers) are going to assess you at release. If the release is shit, they’re going to stop playing and forget about the game. A patch 12 weeks later won’t help, because everyone has moved on.

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    Numerous Tesla owners say they've been trapped inside their EVs after they lost power.
  • The first time I ever rode in a Model 3, I accidentally used the mechanical door handle instead of the electronic one. It’s exactly where a normal door handle is. The driver said it happens all the time.

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    Numerous Tesla owners say they've been trapped inside their EVs after they lost power.
  • The brakes in a Tesla are move powerful than the motors. If the guy in China had actually been hitting the brakes, the car could have never reached 150kmh. The chance of a simultaneous failure of the mechanical brakes, the electrical interlocks and the drive software is FAR less likely than the chance the driver was pushing the wrong peddle.

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    No promises from federal government on funding for football
  • It’s a 3 year term. $1m per house.

    Even if you turn them into townhouses at half that price, 30 houses Vs 400,000 new people doesn’t really shift the needle.

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    Masculine Policy: The GOP’s Plan To Outlaw ‘Porn’ And Suspend The First Amendment
  • This post is a perfect example of alienating people who are almost entirely progressive, because they don’t perfectly toe the left line.

    Is the rush you feel from being righteous online really worth the millions of votes it costs the progressive cause?

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    Masculine Policy: The GOP’s Plan To Outlaw ‘Porn’ And Suspend The First Amendment
  • Everything you’ve said is true. But it was all true in 70s as well. Todays young people aren’t going to remain as progressive - every generation becomes more conservative over time. Hell, baby boomers were hippies. That Karen who votes for Trump and calls the HOA when you forget to take your bins in on time - there’s a good chance she was burning her bra for equal pay when she was in college.

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    Masculine Policy: The GOP’s Plan To Outlaw ‘Porn’ And Suspend The First Amendment
  • The far-left purity test alienates many mostly-left people.

    You can be pro-choice, pro-women, all for supporting the poor, gay rights and trans rights - but if you dare suggest that maybe trans women shouldn’t be competing against born women in top-level sports, then the vocal left brand you as a transphobic TERF whose opinion isn’t even worth listening to. They would rather fight you over the 2% of things you disagree on, than embrace you for the 98% of values you have in common.

    The vocal left want diversity in color, gender and sexuality - but they will not tolerate any diversity in thought or opinion.

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    YouTube and Reddit are sued for allegedly enabling the racist mass shooting in Buffalo that left 10 dead
  • Where are all these mass bombings and vehicular murders in other Countries then? You average multiple mass shootings per week in the US, while the events in other countries typically happen less than once a year.
