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I am subject to intrusive monitoring by the government because I posted on an incel honeypot forum
  • Anything you post on the internet you should treat as public and permanent. Before you post, ask yourself “could this come back to bite me?” If the answer is yes, It’s probably not wise to post it to a public forum. I do believe that organizations, businesses, and various aspects of the government monitor online activity. You would be wise to limit what ”wrong-think” you decide to post.

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    Orion browser for macOS and iOS/iPadOS
  • I installed it and tried to use Ad Nauseam. There was a similar bug where I couldn’t get the extension’s settings to function either.

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    what would you do if you have a time machine
  • Go back in time and tell myself that I need to go to an in-state college instead of taking out so many private loans for out of state tuition.
