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One big happy family.
  • Nobara! switched 2 days ago, deleted my Windows partition 3 hours ago because it's smooth sailing and quite the different experience compared to bashing my head against debian jessie ages ago.

    Edit: the final nail in the coffin were the fking backported ads in the start menu. seriously, wtf.

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    Anon scentmaxxes
  • it was 5am here after not being able to sleep since 2am. fml

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    Watch Stephen Miller have a full meltdown when asked to back up crime claim with facts
  • "Arbeit macht frei" is one of the eternal slogans of those who want to run concentration camps.

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    It took 50,000 gallons of water to put out Tesla Semi fire in California, US agency says
  • You are right, but in the case of a Lithium battery fire the strategy is to use the large thermal capacity of water to cool the battery until the reaction is done.

    I just remembered i can even name myself as a source when i fucked up and punctured my phone battery while disassembling it (those dumbasses used large amounts of adhesives to mount the battery and i wasn't careful enough). I simply dropped it into a bucket of water and waited it out.

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    Former model and Miss Switzerland finalist Kristina Joksimovic 'pureed' in blender by husband - reports
  • I did not expect to read "Blender" and "Model" in this context ever.

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    Poop Knife
  • Minecraft inventory crafting style

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    Trump repeats false pet-eating claims leaving Harris dumbfounded as Republican nominee goes off rails
  • Illegal cannibal Blahajs powered by cancer windmill batteries are the new trans agenda /s

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    Redirect to prevent back button
  • thats the reason why i always open links with middle click to open a new tab. helps with the above fuckery too.

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    Burning Up
  • Cooking is basically water based chemistry, so it makes a lot of sense to use Celsius.

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    We are not the same
  • I pirate because i have a digital hoarding issue

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    "Modding is pretty big" says Baldur's Gate 3 director as over 1m mods are installed in less than 24 hours
  • i would say Oxygen not included has the largest amount of mods with the most impact of the Klei games - Don't Starve has some nice mods too though

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  • Horses do not need carbon sources which have been out of circulation for millions of years.

    Except mine. It drinks kerosene and is fed coal in the morning and peat in the evening.

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    Unsealed FBI doc exposes terrifying depth of Russian disinfo scheme
  • And he tries to never test his reflex saves and poison saves by keeping at least 10 meters of desk between him and any NPCs!

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    Regain Control in my ass
  • Hasa Diga Eebowai in my ass

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    Everyone became animal rights enthusiasts real fast...
  • It's a shame; i'm sure there are vegans feeding their cats this way, and when those animals lose muscle mass quickly, the first thing that gets really damaged by that are their kidneys - and this does normally only get noticed shortly before the cat is going to die.

    And it's an ugly death.

    I've had a young cat which had nearly dead kidneys when we got her, and it's pure torture for them - we tried everything we could, but there's not much to be done after they show symptoms.

    Those "studies" you are throwing around with the owner-reported feedback regarding the health of their cats which can only be objectively be seen by bloodwork and a kidney ultrasound have actual negative worth.

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    Say the line
  • Other countries have random gun inspections for licenced gun holders, to make sure they are stored safely. like you said, a cultural shift is needed; that would be part of it.

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    Anon wants to go to Nuuk
  • Well, i had a good laugh, thanks for that

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    I was there to witness the apocalypse...
  • In that same vein - i just lost the game :-(

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    Maybe this is better for everyone
  • In the UK the NHS is advocating for vaping as a way to stop smoking, and it works. Also, i don't know where you get your information about VG and PG (especially regarding their toxicity), but i am more than sure that your information is outdated/obsolete by now.

    A large part of your cells walls are made out of vegetable glycerin. The LD50 for rats is about 12g/kg body weight (mice 8g/kg) when ingested (so about 1kg for a 100kg human), and the seen adverse effects when inhaling were minimal and only visible in hourlong exposures at the highest tested concentration.

    Propylene Glycol has an even higher LD50 in rodents (20 GRAMS/kg b.w.) and is in use in every theatre in the world for fog and smoke effects (in HUGE volumes in contrast to vaping - i vape a lot and am somwhere between 5-10ml VG/PG 1:1 per day) for ages now, and there would have been found a correlation between stage workers and lung cancer by now. It's widely used in the agricultural sector as a feed additive in pretty large quantities too.

    you get acrolein when the e-cigarette overheats. modern devices should not even really do this anymore. The heavy metals are a hypothesis i heard in the beginning and for which i haven't seen any source in the last 5 years. At least if you aren't overheating your NI80 coils on purpose to a dull red glow. all my homies use SS316 for smooth automatic temperature control :-)

    I'm with you regarding the aroma additives (which i assume you meant as source for aldehydes); not many of those have been tested regarding inhalation (except for aromatherapy probably), and they might prove to be detrimental. i also believe that if i had kept my pack or two a day hobby for much longer, it would have had a real chance of killing me. i am also advocating that this stuff should be 18+ - by that age the whole "peer pressure" thing that led to me starting smoking with 14 should be mostly over.

    in the end, the most important part is: i choose to use e-cigarettes since it's harm reduction in comparison to smoking (and nothing else worked for me), and i know that it would be healthier not to do it. cats don't have much choice regarding their food, especially when combined with an religiously motivated owner.

  • Hi, i didn't find anything using the search, so i just wanted to know if any issues are known causing those error messages, which need a few reloads to resolve; additionally, voting on an post often takes 2, sometimes 5 or more tries.

    i already tried:

    • logged in/out
    • with my VPN(Mullvad, on by default) and without
    • Firefox / Vivaldi / Edge
    • wired / wireless

    and before i get into the weeds with the abyssmal support of my ISP i wanted to know if any of you have encountered the same issues.
