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Big Crypto Is Spending More on US Elections Than Any Other Industry
  • By your definition stocks are also a pyramid scheme and everyone knows it. The more people that buy it, the price goes up! Sell? The price crashes! What a revelation!

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    FALL [War and Peas]
  • What matters more than the genitals in your pants is the amount of money you have. If you have money you can buy politicians, judges, housing, food, weapons, armies, and the list goes on. If you have a dick and no money, you're nothing but a homeless person with no power at all.

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    Remember when 15% was the expected, not the minimum?
  • If costs go up because people need more money to earn a living wage, then we should 100% do it. Everyone deserves a living wage.

    America is the richest country in the world. We can afford to pay everyone a livable wage. The problem is that there are some extremely greedy oligarchs that have an addiction to greed, which in turn makes the lives of everyone else more difficult.

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    Remember when 15% was the expected, not the minimum?
  • If everyone stopped tipping servers would realize it's their boss who is not paying them a livable wage in the first place. Stop subsidizing employers.

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    happy non-engineers will slowly transition into sad underpaid engineers
  • The only thing the Luddites want is an echo-chamber to feed their confirmations bias'. They'll downvote you or completely ignore you if you bring up any positives regarding machine learning.

    LLMs and machine learning are still in their infancy, yet they're doing amazing things. It's a tool in its early stages, not a boogeyman. Look to the billionaires if you want someone to blame. This tool set is advancing so fast that people in this thread are relying on goal posts that were moved long ago. Look at the guy claiming AI can't generate images of proper fingers yet this is no longer true and Midjourney continues to make an insane amount of progress in such a short amount of time.

    Just look at how many people (50+) upvoted the image claiming AI can't be used to wash dishes, when a simple Google search would prove them wrong.

    Not to mention... AI is helping physicists speed up experiments into supernovae to better understand the universe.

    AI is helping doctors to expedite cancer screening rates.

    AI is also helping to catch illegal fishing, tackle human trafficking, and track diseases.

    Edit The laymen that responded couldn't even provide a single source for their unsubstantiated beliefs. It's fortunate that they're so inept.

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    Meta Reportedly Unhappy With How Much Money Its VR Division Burns
  • [Publicly traded company] unhappy with how much money [division] burns. Suggests putting the money into stock buybacks.

    Wow, this is some hard- hitting journalism that couldn't possibly write itself!

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    Anon makes up a word
  • -- Teachers are paid a shitty salary

    -- Most teachers end up being shitty

    Truly a mystery. If only we had some decent teachers so someone could figure this out.

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    It isn't worth it
  • If you're complaining about climate impact, looking at the big picture isn't whataboutism. It's the biggest part of the dataset which is important for anyone who actually cares about the issue.

    You're complaining about a single cow fart, then when someone points out there are thousands of cars with greater emissions - you cry whataboutism. It's clear you just want to have a knee-jerk reaction without rationally looking at the problem.

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    It isn't worth it
  • This is a strawman argument. AI is a tool. Like any tool, it's used for negative things and positive things. Focusing on just the negative is disingenuous at best. And focusing on AI's climate impact while completely ignoring the big picture is asinine (the oil industry knew they were the primary cause of climate change more than 60 years ago).

    AI has many positive use-cases yet they are completely ignored by people who lack logic and rationality.

    AI is helping physicists speed up experiments into supernovae to better understand the universe.

    AI is helping doctors to expedite cancer screening rates.

    AI is powering robots that can do the dishes.

    AI is also helping to catch illegal fishing, tackle human trafficking, and track diseases.

  • The aftermath of a zombie onslaught being unleashed on the British city of Birmingham. Sisters Kat and Jo, together with unlikely travel companions Sunny and Amar, flee for their lives by canal boat.

    Here's the link to watch for free on YouTube:
