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How do you search for communities?
  • That's really strange, even for popular ones?

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    How do you search for communities?
  • Oh that is strange

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    How do you search for communities?
  • Yeah it loads fine, why?

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    How do you search for communities?
  • Yeah, I just hope this gets fixed.

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    How do you search for communities?
  • Well using a different app or site to just search for communities is a pain.

    So if you search for memes, there's only 7 results in the results section. If you do that on the site you mentioned or in boost or something you'll bet like a lot more communities.

    For example, look at how many results there are in results, the ones above are subscribed ones.

  • I had posted this a few months and it's still the same issue.

    If I search for a community using sync it only shows around 6-7. And that is also in the explore bar, it doesn't do the search in the dedicated search page.

    Am I doing something wrong or is this still the case?

    Framework vs Dell laptop display comparison
  • It works but as soon as I close it to the tray, it'll crash

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  • Don't touch my weekends

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    Useless messenger
  • None of which support voice/video calls. Also the native app on windows is fast af

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    youtube getting more agressive blocking users after 3 videos
  • Yeah same. Idk why I've got ublock setup, tried resetting the filter cache, reinstalled unlock (idk if that helps but had to try) and I still get these.

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  • He might come off as edgy but honestly he's one of the few people I trust online. Dude did amaizing stuff with right to repair stuff too.

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    Spotify re-invented the radio
  • It doesn't, but that's where most of the Spotify mods come from. The app will let you download the modded versions of Spotify.

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    How do you search communities in sync?
  • Don't think that's the issue, like if I search for memes, I get pages of communities in boost or in the web version. In sync I only get like 7.

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    How do you search communities in sync?
  • omg I'm blind, thanks. It's there is all feeds, not just everything.

    This is nice, but it only gives me the results I get in the regular search. Would be nice if it could list all communities that match the search.

  • Title.

    Like with boost, I can get a list of all communities when searching. But with sync I can only see some of them. If I hit search it will search posts and comments.

    Is this something that is yet to be added or is there a way to search already?

    But it's all about convenience
  • Just a little.. Turns into a few hours or a whole day sometimes, not that I hate it though.

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    Which country treats privacy at worst ?
  • I was gonna say India but then I read the rest of the post lol

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  • Idk I have pretty normal usernames. Never had those dodgy cool ones, Ig I was boring all along

  • Like why have the toggle in the first place if apps can detect it? Doesn't letting apps know about it defeat the whole purpose?
