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Personal assistant convicted of dismembering his boss is sentenced to 40 years to life
  • Prosecutors said Haspil had been hired as an assistant for Saleh, whose ventures included a ride-hailing motorcycle startup in Nigeria. Haspil quickly began to siphon money from Saleh’s businesses.

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    Snapchat is going to put ads next to messages from your friends
  • Mt family/friend group use it as a way to send pics/videos since MMS isn't great for that... at least that's what they say, I don't have it.

  • I'm trying to generate an image and I've tried a few generators. Out of the 10 or so I've tried, only Leap will actually place items where I want them.

    Eg: vaporwave wireframe mountains with a purple sun in the upper right corner of the image

    Most of the time every generator will put the sun in the middle of the image.

    Is it a matter of being bad at asking for what I want? Is it just that most of them won't follow simple commands about where things should go?

    Any advice would be greatly appreciated!

    A night city wallpaper
  • This picture looked great at first but then I kept looking and got disappointed lol

    I like the theme for sure

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    Week 1 Check-In: 30 Day Dumb Phone Challenge
  • When you said you just needed a number I thought about 411 and that stopped existing maybe last year. Then I considered a different info number. I don't know if any exist. If I was trying this I would try calling a friend first to get a number.

  • Apparently, if a post has more than 999 upvotes, it will wrap the number to the next line.


    Lemmy seems to have the feature to hide read posts which is a wonderful feature. The issue I seem to have is that I'm order to mark a post as read, I need to interact with that post in some fashion. Sometimes, I don't want to and just don't need to.
