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That's not the adjective I'd use

Maybe "lame" or "half-assed".

Seriously, what the f*** is keeping Donald Trump in this presidential race?
  • You’re both-sides-ing it. Yeah, helping Israel commit genocide is terrible and evil. Both candidates will continue that, but only one will go way beyond that and be a grifting, racist, misogynist, lying, evil piece of shit. Hell, he’ll most likely support a genocide over there AND over here. The fact that you can’t understand that is why you’re being downvoted.

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    NHTSA targets truck bloat!
  • I say we make them even bigger. If they’re high enough, they’ll just go right over the pedestrian without touching them. Checkmate, libruls!

  • NHTSA targets truck bloat! The US finally takes aim at truck bloat

    The government is taking aim at big SUVs and trucks.

    The $700 PS5 Pro doesn’t come with a disc drive
  • Xbox series X. I couldn’t sign in to my profile, so the game wouldn’t load because I bought it electronically and it’s tied to my user. I sent them a little love letter for that.

  • Giant truck fronts killing people

    https:// /2024/09/09/nx-s1-5106517/nhtsa-vehicle-design-pedestrian-protection

    Humongous trucks kill pedestrians… who could have known?!


    "They make parking spots too small!"

    Fred Lambert (Electrek): I sold all my Tesla shares (TSLA), here's why
  • Fair question. I meant the most recent one, which is supposedly a purpose-built machine. Other times it was just “you’ll be able to make your Tesla earn money for you by driving around by itself”. This time I expect them to trot out some cyber-looking box with no motor, break a couple windows, and claim it’ll be on the street in a month.

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    Fred Lambert (Electrek): I sold all my Tesla shares (TSLA), here's why
  • Having been a disciple, I mostly agree. In this case, the cult got a lot of shit done and the result (advancing electrification of cars) has been a major net positive for society. I got my Model 3 over 6 years ago, having been in the line to plunk $1000 down to reserve the car sight-unseen.

    When I saw how long the line was, I immediately ran home and bought as many shares as I could. I have always treated Tesla as two entities: the company who produces the car and is the personality cult, and the stock which takes advantage of that. I grew disillusioned with Elon a few years ago, but I kept the stock because I saw the trend.

    That trend is over now. It’s a shame, because Elon of 2010 is so different from the one now. He was far from perfect, but he and I desired the same future. Now, not so much.

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    Fred Lambert (Electrek): I sold all my Tesla shares (TSLA), here's why
  • I sold the rest of my shares when the robotaxi was announced. Any FSD owner knows that’s laughable. The stock was in a slump and this boost was my cue to exit, stage left. The company has completely lost its way and is now a piggy bank for a fascist. I couldn’t in good conscience keep this company in my portfolio.

    It’s gonna sting come tax time, but that means Tesla has made me a lot of money. Thanks Tesla, we had a great thing going but you will collapse under your hubris.

    I took part of my proceeds and Yolo’d it at Rivian. Like Tesla years ago, it’s a diluted stock for a company with a good bit of cash, in a battle against time to produce a mass-market desirable car. They seem to have that with the R2 (I have a reservation) and I hope they can pull off the insanely difficult task of scaling successfully. The stock will either go to the moon or zero. The bet has much more upside than downside in my opinion. Also, their CEO hasn’t turned fully evil (yet).

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    Is a detection-proof ad blocker theoretically possible?
  • Well, yes and no. The shadow browser could randomize its signature and purge temp files in each load, or something like that. Or maybe even reverse-engineer the expected payload structure from major advertisers and send garbage back to them.

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    What an asshole
  • The guy hopped out, and walked into the pizza joint across the way. If he’s physically handicapped, he’s hiding it well.

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    Future Electric Vehicles: The EVs You'll Soon Be Able to Buy
  • The estimated release dates listed in this are a total joke. Some even claim “summer 2024” and aren’t close to existing. They’re still talking about Faraday Future, for fuck’s sake. Garbage article full of exaggerations and awful speculation.

  • What an asshole

    24 Goldman Sachs: AI Is Overhyped, Wildly Expensive, and Unreliable

    One of the world's largest investment banks wonders if generative AI will be worth the huge investment and hype: "will this large spend ever pay off?"


    Then vs. Now


    Guess she should be a truck if she doesn't want to get hit


    "I'm willing to kill people for redneck vanity" Truck bloat is killing us, new crash data reveals

    We love our big, deadly trucks, don’t we, folks?


    Huh huh huh, you said "compensate"




    I’m new to the bidet scene, and this one has me slightly confounded. Should I install a new towel rack next to the toilet? Should my wife and I share the towel? Do you wipe first? There are so many unanswered questions in the ways of bidet-ing!


    I live in an affluent part of South Carolina. It’s become completely overrun with Trump assholes and degenerates. I don’t know how much longer I can take it. Where can we go?

    I don’t want the bitter cold of the northeast or Chicago. I don’t want coastal California, it’s insufferable. What are my options? Why can’t we just be fucking normal?!

    91 Image of Egyptian High Priest’s Daughter Likened to Marge Simpson

    After is discovery in 2023, Reddit readers have just picked up on the depiction of a character resembling Marge Simpson on the inner lid of a 3,500-year-old Egyptian sarcophagus.
